Adorable treasured fox: Divine doctor mother overturning the heavens! - Chapter 1954 - Mo Li Shang Acts (4)”

Chapter 1954 - Mo Li Shang Acts (4)”

Chapter 1954 Mo Li Shang Acts (4)

Mo Xin Yan, what are you doing? Just as the cruel lady withdrew her head, an indifferent voice came from behind startled her greatly. Stiff and rigid, she promptly came up with a scheme and reached out to help the other dirty girl up. Sister Heart, are you all right? You need to be more careful, otherwise you will fall down again when picking those flowers.

Heart did not understand this abrupt change in attitude so her face was left in a daze. Even so, she still accepted the gesture with her dirty hands.

Naturally Mo Xin Yan felt disgusted at being dirtied by the grime, but she forced the displeasure down and continued to smile as she turned to face the monarch.

Shifu, how did you get here? Just now Sister Heart accidentally fell from the tree here so I ran over to help.

She spat out her tongue like an innocent good lady, an absolute contrast to the sinister self mere moments ago.

Heart? The woman in whites gaze fell onto Hearts dirty figure, Are you Heart?

Heart timidly took a couple of steps back under that stare. Then speaking in a cautious voice to answer: Mhmm.

That brought a momentary trance to the monarchs mind.

So Heart have already grown so big. When I brought her out from that time diluted space, she was still a baby, and now shes already a teenager.

No one knows this, but in reality, this Heart was in fact the monarchs biological daughter. The woman in white had been hurt when her confession failed. Out of depression, she got drunk and spent a night in the back mountain with that person, hence the creation of Heart.

Since she never loved this child to begin with, the monarch did a cruel thing despite the child being her own she tossed the baby into a time-frozen space of the domain. If she hadnt inadvertently passed through that area ten years ago, Heart would still be in there frozen in time.

To top things off on the list of being a cruel mother, Hearts mental level seems to have been damaged by spending so long in stasis. Her mind never grows, remaining at the level of a child. For that defect, the kind of love a lady of this house deserves never got rewarded and was forgotten until today.

How did you become like this? The monarch sees the state of her daughter and asks with a faint softening of the heart. Her voice wasnt sharp either since this was her own child after all.

Mo Xin Yan tensed up right there and then after hearing her shifus concerned words. Out of panic, she promptly spoke up to hide the mean things shes done over the years to Heart. For example: ordering the servants to ignore Heart and leave her to her own demise.

Shifu, I feel Sister Hearts condition is getting more and more serious. Whenever the maids tried to help her dress, she would always struggle and turn herself into this state. Why dont we call for a healer to exam her health?