Just FYI, Adonis has incredibly long volumes and chapters. This first volume alone almost twice as long as other volumes I've translated in the past. I will be splitting up the chapters more often than not. I'll try to keep each part around 15-20 pages long, but they can technically range from anywhere between 10 and 30. For the record, I foresee one of the later chapters in this volume being at least 6 parts long…
Also, because I have had the opportunity to get a jump start on my translation (meaning, I have more chapters on file that I haven't edited or uploaded yet), I am more open to the idea of having a steady release schedule than I usually am. (But only until I run out of extra chapters…) I will post a poll regarding this with more info in a future update once I get a better sense of how many people read this translation.
In the meanwhile, enjoy!
Please read this before reading my translation of Adonis.
The Korean novel culture is a lot less forgiving when it comes to fantranslating. I will take down this entire translation without warning and stop translating it the very moment I get any sort of legal notice, or have good cause to believe that I will receive legal notice, from the author or copyright holder of this series. This is true of all of my projects, but it is much more likely to happen to a popular Korean novel.
Please do not share or upload this translation in any way, shape, or form. This includes any ebook versions of the translation I have not personally permitted (and I will not be permitting any). And, to the extent possible, please do not publicly discuss this translation or mention Rainy's involvement in this translation outside of the Rainy Translations website and/or NovelUpdates.
I would like to attract as little attention to this project as possible.
Note that taking down this project does not hinder my personal ability to enjoy this series in any way. I also do not monetize my website and therefore don't care about how many views I get. It's only you, the readers, who will be negatively affected if I am asked to take down my translation. If you'd like to keep reading a translation of this project, please keep word about it to a mum.
Thank you.