A Different Kind Of Journey - 14 Arc 2: Homecoming

14 Arc 2: Homecoming

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy!

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Take note: Since I am going to be a little busy because School works. I will have to adjust the schedule on updating the story. Maybe a twice or once a week.

One more thing, I will be putting any idea of OCs in the story aside. Instead I will be focusing on the main characters and main storyline.

Thank you for Understanding:)

(Beta Edited by: Abyssdarkness)

Arc 2

Chapter 1: Homecoming

January 16, Few weeks after the arrival.

Dawn had finally arrived. The sun was beginning to rise to make way for a new day. People were already starting to wake up and preparing for their daily day task. It was a quite scene when one is watching the sun rise in its glory. As for one certain short-lavender haired girl. She stood up from small balcony of an apartment building somewhere around the village.

Himawari smiled as she took a relaxing deep breath. Inhaling the fresh morning air. She felt like as if she was in a peaceful province. She then gazed at the view of sunrise which was soon to come at any minute.

"Nothing like good morning to start!" Himawari exclaimed as she yawned and stretched. She just woke up a little while ago. She considered herself as a morning person from now on. Who wouldn't want to wake up very late? It will just ruin your morning.

After a couple of small exercise via stretching her body up, the lavender haired girl then proceeded to drink her hot chocolate milk. So, it was true that enjoying a cup of hot drink in the morning will really boost your mood. That's how the Uzumaki girl saw her father often drinking coffee in the morning. Oh, how she missed him dearly.

After a while of spending time by herself, she finally went back inside the apartment to do her normal daily task. The usual tasks of preparing breakfast for her big brother and now adoptive sister in one Uchiha girl. The lavender haired girl checked the time, it was still early but it was the right time to do the small tasks. She really needed to go the wet market today.

When she got back inside, she was suddenly greeted by a still sleepy Sarada Uchiha who was now sitting on the breakfast table. Her hair was bit messy, her gla.s.ses were not worn properly, and she was drowsy all the way even to the point that she took a a couple minutes of nap time.

The Uzumaki girl just sighed but smiled. Sarada was working day and night s.h.i.+fts recently at the bakery shop and that really made her exhausted for most of the part and for the past several weeks.

"Good morning! Saradneechan!" Himawari greeted the older girl.

"Good morning Hima". Sarada yawned heavily and greeted the Uzumaki girl with a sleepy and less enthusiastic personality. She can't bring herself to full energy right now. She can still feel that exhaustion of closing time.

Himawari just sighed." Time to cook" The lavender haired girl muttered. She had already expected their bellies would be soon demanding for food. She then proceeded her ap.r.o.n and began cooking breakfast. With the smells of the scrambled eggs, bacon and meat loaf, Himawari was so sure and confident that this would wake up her big blonde brother up. The smell of the food would just trigger his stomach and automatically wake him up. At least that was she was expecting from her big brother nowadays.


"All of us were pretty much beaten up by our daily lives recently, except for Himawari, who seemed to be keeping that spirit alive inside.


As for Sarada, the Uchiha girl stood up from her seat." Don't worry Hima, I'll go wake him up." She simply said as she headed to the blonde's room and bed.

"Okay?" Himawari said. She did not expect for the raven haired teen to wake up the sleeping blonde. Frequently, they would often wake up by themselves and proceed with their everyday preparations. Right now, she was seeing something different, maybe because of the repet.i.tive morning routine.


Silence was in charge inside the room. Sarada slowly opened the door and tried to peek inside the room. It was the one of the two rooms in the apartment unit which housed their bedrooms. It was very quiet when the Uchiha girl peeked inside but soon she discovered the blonde's bed was empty except for a some clothes placed on top of the bed.

Sarada widened her eyes as she burst in to the room. She was definitely surprised the fact this was the first time she saw the blonde's bed empty but in a clean and orderly way. She had went to his room numerous times and saw nothing but a disorganized area.

"This is strange, He never does this." Sarada wondered to herself. Her blonde teammate was known for waking up at a later time and was never the morning person to begin with. If anyone would also want to wake him up, it would maybe more than ten minutes to do so.

The raven-haired girl then continued to observed her surrounding. The room was much more cleaner and organized. She darted her eyes towards the bed and noticed a set of white polo s.h.i.+rt, black pants, and a white medium top hat.

"A Chef Uniform?" Sarada whispered aloud and wondered"I thought he was just a bus boy?". How could the guy be cooking now? Unless He was promoted already in a few weeks time.

Was that even possible?

Although, there was really nothing impossible for her teammate. He was Boruto Uzumaki to begin with.

Unbeknownst to the raven-haired teen, A certain teenage blonde stood from behind and was just watching her with an awkward face. The Uchiha girl then immediately felt the presence behind her to face a topless Boruta who just gotten back from the shower. There was silence yet again as the two stared at each other for a moment.

Boruto was shocked. He was just drying himself up with his towel when suddenly his Uchiha teammate showed up in the room bothering to wake him up. It was just a surprise for him.

As for Sarada, her face began to show redness until her head became a literal tomato. She just can't resist seeing her blonde friend in that topless state, the athletic body that he possessed was just too much for the raven-haired girl.

In just a few moments, Imaginary Steamed began coming out from the Uchiha girl and not more than a second, she was already a ticking time bomb.

Boruto was shaking nervously, He was expecting to get punch in the face by the latter again. He was just so scared when the raven-haired girl would have started to freak out. It was just insane for him as he braced himself.

Although, the unexpected suddenly happened, instead of getting usually punched in the face. The raven-haired girl just turned her back. This really surprised the blonde himself. He was not expecting this. He was now scratching his head in bewilderment.

As for Sarada, she was not freaking out this time. The raven haired Uchiha just wanted to wake up the blonde from his sleep and for his job but this is what she gets. She never wanted any of this, but she was blus.h.i.+ng in secret.

Breakfast was now ongoing. There was complete silence on the table area. Himawari stared strangely at the two teens. They were eerily quiet right now. The lavender haired girl observed their respective meals. Her big brother was eating as usual but in an awkward manner while the other was just silent and pretending that nothing had happened.

Sarada slowly ate her breakfast while trying not to have a direct eye contact with the blonde. But her eyes were just uncontrollable, it kept forcing to stare at the latter who was finally all dressed up for his job.

Both were in deep thoughts at the moment. Sarada just can't erase the memory of the topless blonde while Boruto was worried about the latter seeing him like that.


"I just really can't talk about it for starters, no matter how I try to forget that scene, it still won't go away. I really hate myself."


Himawari just sighed. She had to stop the weird silence right away. This was really going nowhere to be honest.

"So Nii-chan, I heard you got promoted." Himawari asked. She finally broke the silence as the youngest Uzumaki looked at her big brother.

Boruto who was in deep thoughts, snapped back to reality. He immediately noticed his little sister staring at him and waiting for his answer.

"Oh, sorry about that Himchan. He paused while scratching his head.

"Well yeah, I got promoted to a cook, but I am still gonna clean up the tables." Boruto explained. He chuckled for a bit. He still had no escape for that part.

"Oh, that great then." Himawari smiled. She was proud of her big brother.

"Yeah, I'm actually getting nervous about this-tteba.s.sa." The blonde could only laugh in a nervous manner. He expected that there were going to be a lot of customers today.

Himawari smiled." Well, Wish you the best! Boro-nii!" She cheerfully said much to the joy of the blonde.

The lavender haired girl then turned her eyes to silent Uchiha girl." Saradneechan? Are you alright?" She asked.

"Is it about Boro-nii again?" Himawari asked.

Sarada shook her head." Of course not! I think I just really need to focus on some other things besides my job." She explained.

"Well, you could stay low for a while and focus on getting back on your s.h.i.+n.o.bi Shape." Boruto suggested. It's been awhile since they trained. The everyday life was in charged for most of the part.

"Yeah, that would be really cool!" Himawari commented. She was also interested.

Sarada then looked at the blonde. "How then?" She asked.

Boruto finished chewing up his food before speaking up." Well, First, you should adjust your schedule, second, try to loosen up negative things in your mind and thirdly, just enjoy." The blonde explained. Ever since they moved into this apartment, the raven-haired girl had been busy with her job and it was just selling breads and sweets at the bakery shop.

Sarada blinked a couple of times. "Oh, Is that so?" She asked. Apparently, she had tried on becoming an intern at hospitay but Tsunade had said that it wasn't the right time yet so she had no choice but take this job.

The blonde just simply nodded.

"Okay then."

Quietness then took over the area. As the group almost finished their meal, something came up to the lavender haired girl's mind.

"By the way, is it true what I heard from Granny Tsunade the other day?" Himawari asked. She was curious about the blonde Hokage's statement to them when she visited the apartment along with s.h.i.+zune.

"Heard what?" Boruto asked. He kind of forgot.

Himawari paused for a little bit as she took a sip of her gla.s.s of water." Well, is it true that she is going to form a new team and a.s.sign us on missions?" She asked, catching the attention of both Uchiha and Uzumaki.

Boruto sighed but smiled." I'm not really sure Himchan but I think it would possible soon." He explained. Right now, they weren't a full percent sure that they were going to be a part of the brigade right away. They had just settled down and were in the adjusting phase.

On the other hand, Sarada was wondering on what team were they going to be a.s.signed to if it ever happens. There were two possible teams that came up to her. One was that a new team with a new instructor was going to be formed. Second, the only possible team that she deduced was none other than the famous Team 7.

"I guess that Team would be Mama's team." Sarada guessed. She had that feeling for a long time now.

Both of the Uzumaki siblings then gave her a surprised look. There was no way that they're going to be a.s.signed to a Team that has been on Hiatus for a very long time according to the Lady Hokage herself. Unless, a certain teenage Uzumaki is back from his training trip.

"Well, maybe you are right Saradchan but Granny Tsunade said that team would be only active when the old man finally returns from his training trip with Uncle Jiraiya." Boruto explained. He was referring to the younger version of his dad who was currently on a training trip with the legendary toad sage.

"Yeah I guess so." Sarada sighed. She was really looking forward on doing missions as a s.h.i.+n.o.bi. She really missed it.

Himawari just smiled." Well, let's just wait and see." The lavender haired girl simply said. She too was excited and wanted to go and do missions.

Both Boruto and Sarada smiled. There was renewed hope inside of them. Being a s.h.i.+n.o.bi for this village was big thing and Unfortunately their parents weren't here to see them living a normal life again.


"See ya little sis!"

"Bye Hima."

Both the Uzumaki and Uchiha had said their farewells to the lavender haired girl. The two were all dressed for work and as usual, they were going out of the apartment together along with their respective lunchboxes in hand.

Himawari smiled as she waved at the two. Silence had reigned again inside the whole apartment unit. The lavender haired girl felt the loneliness yet again taking over.

Once they were out of the sight, the lavender haired girl then sighed. She then turned to the small living room of the apartment and saw how a bit dusty it was.

She sighed again. She knew that she was gonna deal with her biggest challenge, yet which was Spring cleaning. She had been doing this for a couple of weeks now and she was gonna face it again this morning.

Already knowing what to do, The Uzumaki teen automatically grabbed the necessary things that would be needed for this challenge. Things such as a Broom, A Dust pan, A small mop and A bucket of clean water.

The other two were a set of goggles and a surgical mask.


As the day continued. Himawari found herself walking along the busy streets of the village. She was on her to the local public wet market to buy some meat, fish and vegetables. In fact, this was one of the things that surrounds her main job so far.

When the trio had just settled down along with a new apartment. The Uzumaki girl volunteered and agreed to act as the apartment care taker. She was the one in charge of the cleanliness inside the unit. The breakfast, lunch, dinner and lastly, she was pretty much in charge of the ingredients. So that is why she would often go to the local public market to buy the ingredients she needed.

Himawari smiled as she looked up the beautiful blue sky and gazed at it for a few moments. She felt like she was in a new chapter of her life. Just weeks ago, she was fighting to survive the horrors that she experienced back in the future and now she was here on her way to the market to buy ingredients for dinner later.

When she arrived at the market. She was then greeted by a crowd. It seemed that the market was jam-packed today. Although, that would never stop the Uzumaki girl from buying the ingredients.

Himawari then took a deep breath as she headed inside the main entrance of the market.

After an hour of buying the things that she needed. Himawari found herself still on the busy streets of the village. While on the market, the lavender haired Uzumaki mainly bought vegetables, raw noodles, and fresh fishes. She decided that a good old fish noodle soup with veggies was enough for dinner later.

"I'm sure they would like this!" Himawari thought to herself. She was excited later for dinner. She'd always love to cook for her big brother and sister. She got that kind of Att.i.tude mainly from her mother.

Himawari smiled. Her mother would be so much proud. If she only were here to see her living a peacefu and uninterupted life. A small tear secretly fell from her eye. She remembered the memories from time to time amd everytime she would see a mother and daughter walking along, she would always think of the times when she and her mother would go out to the market to buy the ingredients for dinner.

She also wondered about her mom in this era.

Does she even go to market by herself?


"Well, I still recall them from time to time. The nostalgia was just so overwhelming when you think about it.


Himawari then shook her head and wiped her tears. She just couldn't stop herself from letting it go. Although, Unbeknownst to her three unlikely kids where running towards her direction.

First, she heard a growl of a cat, who rushed pa.s.sed by her, then followed by some kid's voice yelling out" WATCH OUT!"

The Uzumaki girl widened her eyes in surprised as she saw three kids who were seemed to be chasing the cat and they seemed to be young genins from the academy. One was a boy with short spiky brown hair, the other was boy with brown wavy hair wearing a pair of round gla.s.ses and lastly was a girl with light brown hair with a couple of rosy cheeks on her face.

Himawari was caught up into the surprise. but she managed to avoid the three kids from colliding with her but at the cost of her balance. The lavender haired girl lost her balance and she stumble backwards. She was on her way to the ground when a certain familiar brown haired young man unexpectedly caught her.

Himawari was surprised. She thought that she was gonna fell on the ground, but someone just saved her from it.

The certain brown-haired person turned out to be none other than Neji Hyuuga himself who just happened to be in the same area as her.

"Are you alright Himawari?" Neji asked. He immediately recognized the girl as the little sister of the blonde.

Himawari was caught by surprised. Her Uncle Neji suddenly appeared out of nowhere to save her and the things that she bought. But what was he doing in a place like this?

At the same time, A certain young Hyuuga girl came into the scene. Hanabi was surprised. She was buying some Takoyakis from a food stall when her cousin told her that he was going for a little stroll around the area. Then suddenly she found herself staring at her big cousin who just saved a certain person that she knew.

"Himawari?" Hanabi muttered aloud. She was just surprised to see the Lavender haired girl who was almost on the ground but was saved by her big cousin.

On the other hand, The Uzumaki girl just smiled." h.e.l.lo Aunt Hanabi." She muttered and slightly wave her hand at the latter.

It was an eventful but peaceful day. Himawari found herself strolling with the two Hyuuga at the local park. Since they were the only ones that she knew personally so far, she felt often comfortable whenever she is with the two besides the other two. It's like she is spending time with the rest of the family all over again.

After minutes of strolling, the trio found themselves a bench to rest in and while Himawari and Neji sat on the bench. Hanabi chose to stand up and started a conversation.

"So how are you Hima? Are you guys having a difficult time to adjust?" Hanabi asked. She was visibly concerned about the trio since she and Neji haven't had the time to visit them often because of their own daily problems.

It's been weeks since the incident that led them to meet each other. Those several weeks were filled with uneventful normal life activities and occasional meet ups between the trio and the Hyuuga cousins. It was fate which was responsible for not giving them the time to spend together more.

"Yes, Aunt Hanabi, In fact we are living the normal and happy life that we always wanted to." Himawari smiled. She was trying her best to a.s.sure the worried Hyuuga.

"Well, That is great to hear." Hanabi smiled. She then gave a glanced at her older Hyuuga, who chose to remain silent but was listened to their conversation. She guessed that her cousin still can't get over the big revelation regarding trio. He was just awestruck for the past several weeks that he had a nephew and niece from the future.

"You okay Big cousin?" Hanabi asked brown haired teen, who snapped from his thoughts.

"Yeah, I'm fine is just that-" He was about to finish his sentence when his cousin interrupted him.

"You can't get over the fact that Boruto and Himawari are your future Nephew and Niece is it?" Hanabi finished it for him. To be honest, she understood him as he was taking this at a full bowl of salt. It was just really shocking for her cousin when she relay her the big secret several weeks ago.

Himawari gave her young uncle a concerned look. "Are you okay Uncle Neji?" She asked, approaching him.

Neji snapped out from his thoughts once more and looked at the lavender haired girl who was just giving him naturally cute eyes that he just can't stand.

Neji cringed." Why does she have to be so cute!? Stop it!" He screamed inside his mind. There was no stopping the adorable cuteness overload of the latter.

"Oh, stop being so Overreacting!" Hanabi scolded. Even though he was one of the calmest people that she knew. His still had his weaknesses, one of them is seeing and dealing with adorable living and non- living things, it was making him so weak and emotionally vulnerable at the same time.

Himawari could only chuckle. She wondered if the two were often like this. Their relations.h.i.+p can be compared to that of a brother and sister even though they're cousins to begin with. They were like the perfect tandem when it comes to familly arguments.

"Aunt Hanabi? Uncle Neji?" She called the two once agaiin, who turned to her with raised eyebrows.

"I just wanna say Thank You for believing in us." The lavender haired girl expressed her grat.i.tude and Thankfulness to the the cousins. If it weren't for them, they wouldn't have handle the Challenges when they first arrived here.

Hanabi sighed but gave a smile." It's no big deal Hima. We will always be there for you." She patted the Uzumaki girl on the shoulder and gave her a wink.

"We promised, after we take care our own daily problems, we'll going to have a big family outing again!" Hanabi added and a.s.sured her future niece. She and Neji wanted to make up to her this time.

As for Neji, He gave his future niece a pat on the head to show his full support and love for the gir. He knew that he was already an official Uncle, now that he was going on. and he will do whatever it takes just to make the girl happy.

For the rest of the time, the trio continued their conversation, exchanging stories, jokes and keeping the mood alive in the park.

However for Himawari, the girl could not escape a certain thought which entered her mind. It was the thought of telling them the events that were bound to happen in the future. Especially, for the older Hyuuga who still wasn't aware of his fate. She gave this sad and nervous look.


It was silent day at the Hokage office. A certain Tsunade Senju stared and observed three files on her desk. She gave out a sigh as she recalled how of a challenge was create amd fabricate all these information. The files were recently made for the trio to be officially recognized as citizens of the village. This was also to protect their secret from being discovered by the corrupt forces of the village officials.

Tsunade gave another sigh. She grabbed the files and opened every single one of them for a final checkup. So far, all these false background information were enough for the people to believe that they belong in this timeline.

She also made up her mind and decided to finally a.s.signed the trio into a team. Mostly, A team belonging to the famous and well known Konoha 12. Instead of forming a new team, which has a lot of requirements and paperwork, the trio will be a.s.signed to an already existing team as rookies and observers for the time being.

The one team that they were a.s.signed to was none other than the famous Team 7. She had no choice. Most of the other teams were currently in their missions and were expected to arrived in the village on a later date. Team 7 was only team that will be soon available by the time a certain blonde brat and his perverted sensei arrived from two year training trip.

It was at this time that the door had suddenly opened. s.h.i.+zune, along with a familiar Genin team which comprises of three young energetic genins and a sensei donning black shades.

I told you we got that cat in no time!" Konohamaru burst into the scene as he exclaimed. He was brewing with confidence and pride. Their sensei, Ebisu was not helping, since he was making the most noise as he argued with the boy.

"That's wrong way of catching that Cat! I really don't know what has gotten in your mind! Konohamaru!" Ebisu yelled and argued with the brown haired kid.

s.h.i.+zune could only watched the two as they argue about the cat and nothing but the cat. Much too the awkward stares of Moegi and Udon.

Tsunade took a deep breath to calm herself down. She could only cover her face and shook her head in embarra.s.sment.

What happened to peace and quietness just now?


AN: Thank you for Reading the Chapter :)