A Different Kind Of Journey - 34 Arc 3: Back Home

34 Arc 3: Back Home

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've finally entered Arc 3! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story..

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

Arc 3:

Chapter 1: Arrival

January 29

The scene at the gates was pretty much overwhelmed with the Youthness of Team 8's main instructor, Might Gai. In fact, He was the first one to arrived with style at the gates while carrying a very drained Kakas.h.i.+ Hatake on his back.

"Looks like we're finally home Kakas.h.i.+!" He enthusiastically said. Apparently, He was also on a tight race with his own bushy brow student.

"Gai-sensei!" Rock Lee arrived after a few moments, carrying two heavy back packs. He also did his best by catching up with his sensei towards the gates despite himself limping his way throughout the whole race. His wound was still not healed yet.

"Looks like I won Lee." Gai said. He was boasting his youthfulness once again.

The rest of the team arrived a little later on, They were greeted by the two guys who were arguing about on who's being the fastest or who needs more training between the two of them. It was just full youth right now.

As for the time travelling trio, they were not amazed of the whole Gai and Rock Lee scene but they were just amused on how the two acted so similar.

"Are they always like that?" Boruto asked.

Sarada could only shrugged." Beats me, But I heard they are somehow related to each other." Sarada commented. She was wondering if they were really father and son, because they have the same haircut, same att.i.tude and same flare to each other.

As for Himawari, She was just deducing the fact that the bushy brow could be just a big fan of the man, Hence why the latter was trying so hard to copy his sensei's every move and mannerisms.

As for the Hyuuga cousins, they just looked at each other in the midst of this moment. Both were just pretty much amused, and they were also on the logical perspective.

"I hate to break it to you but should they be really going to the hospital right now?" Hanabi asked. She was just a bit worried that the main instructor of her big cousin's team was not noticing the fact that the white haired man was already unconscious.

Neji could only sighed." Well, I don't know what to say." He simply said. He also had the same thoughts as his cousin. They really should be going to the hospital right now.

Team 7's Main instructor really looks like a Potato right now.


Tsunade tiredly sighed. She placed her pen on the table and fully rested herself on her chair. She had just finished the last round of the stack of paperwork that was given to her by her young a.s.sistant. She was a bit surprised that she managed to finished it earlier than expected.

The blonde woman then darted her eyes around the office, the room itself was messy and chaotic as doc.u.ments were scattered on the floor and along with her pet pig, Tonton, who was sleeping on the floor and snoring all the way, She can finally consider this office as her second home.

Her thoughts began drifting to the two teams which were a.s.signed on the rescue mission several days ago. She wondered on how they were doing as of now. So far the only news that receive so far was that they were pretty much sucessful on their mission and they even managed to capture an Akatsuki member, which was Sasori of the Red Sand, who was under custody of the Suna authorities.

Tsunade herself was impressed. capturing an S rank criminal was a difficult feat to achieved, but somehow they managed to do it. She also began suspect that the time travelling trio had something to do with this surpring outcome and since they're from the future, they've got the knowledge on what will happened before the event itself actually happened.

Speaking of the trio, the blonde woman was worried for a.s.signing them on a very dangerous mission as she also blamed herself for giving them a hard time but she had no choice but to do it or else someone may get suspicious about it.

At the same time, the only door in the office suddenly opened.

Tsunade then darted her eyes towards the door only to be greeted by the time travelling trio themselves and also the Hyuuga cousins. But there was something missing, where were the rest of the team?

"You're back!" Tsunade was caught by the surprised as she stood up from her seat and immediately headed towards the trio to check if they were alright as if they had been her family for a very long time.

The rest of everyone was a bit surprised when they were greeted by the worried looking blonde Hokage. For the Uzumaki siblings, they were surprised as they also began to compare the similarities of a worried Tsunade to a worried version of their mom.

Sarada was also having the same thoughts as the siblings did. She began to wonder if they really had an effect towards the people they met here. They were being somehow treated as if they were a long lost member of a family. It was really stranged.

For Hanabi and Neji, they were just witnessing a scene they had never seen before from the Hokage herself. They often would see her as this very serious person but right now, they were seeing something different. A much more motherly and worried version of her.

Boruto was the one that got surprised as He didn't expect that he would received a hug from the latter, who just squeezed him tightly.

"Man, that was so tight-tteba.s.sa!" Boruto cringed. Although, it was only a momentarily hug, it felt as if he was being squeeze like a lemon juice. He didn't knew that the Hokage herself was a monster hugger.

Meanwhile, Himawari and Sarada received a much more calmer greeting as the Lady Hokage just held their hands.

"I'm glad you guys are alright, Could you tell me what happened? and where are the rest of the team?" Tsunade straightforwarddly asked. She wanted to know all the answers but before that, she directed them to the other seats.

"Well, I don't know how to start this but Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ is in the hospital right now." Boruto said.

"Grandpa Gai tired him out pretty much." Himawari added.

Tsunade would then learned that the team arrived just today and the rest of the team were at the hospital to helped the copycat ninja checked in. Apparently, He had drained all his chakra all in that because of using his Mangekyou Sharingan during the pursuit of the Akatsuki member, Deidara.

"So that's why He ended up at the hospital?" Tsunade asked while others just simply nodded.

"So How did the mission went for you guys?" She added.

Himawari smiled." Well, I had a lot of fun!" She said. She would then further explained that she had a little run-in with an enemy clone of her Uncle Neji, which she had beaten so bad.

"It's been educational Ma'am." Sarada simply said. She had learned a lot from the rescue mission itself. Especially, that people can still changed for the greater good.

Boruto sighed but smiled." I guess I'll go with Saradchan's answer." He simply said. He really learned a lot from his young dad's past. He also described it as an emotional roller coaster ride.

Tsunade sighed." Well then, I'm glad you're all in one piece." She said.

The blonde woman then darted her eyes to the Hyuuga cousins, who were actually waiting for her to asked them the questions.

"What about you two?" Tsunade simply asked as she gave them raised eyebrows.

Hanabi would then turned out to be the spokeperson of the two of them as she then explained that they were all here to submit the whole report of the rescue mission, that they made a few days ago back at the Sand village.

Tsunade then simply nodded in understanding as the blonde woman then darted her eyes towards the time travelling trio.

"Alright, then I guess you three are dismissed for now." Tsunade said.

All of the trio's eyebrows raised in surprised. That means that they can finally go home and take their deserved long rest.

"As for you two, I will be talking to you for awhile." She added as she beckoned the Hyuuga cousins to stay here for awhile so that she could talk to them on something important.


A little while later, the time travelling trio had left but not before giving their goodbyes towards the two cousins first.

All that's left were just Tsunade herself and the two Hyuugas who were sitting on their seats and waiting for the conversation to start. Not too long, the meeting had began.

Tsunade sighed." So tell me, what do you know about the three so far?" She asked, referring to the time travelling trio.

There was brief moment of silence from the two cousins, until Hanabi finally spoke.

"Well, We were actually the first ones to know." Hanabi said. She would go on to explained that through a secret meeting at the tea house with the raven haired girl about a month ago, she told her everything about what is to know and also accompanied by showing her sharingan right in front of her, which really freaked her out.

"We also found out that Boruto and Himawari are actually related to us." Neji spoke this time. He was the second one to know the big revelation and He was kind of shocked about the fact that he was an "Uncle" in the future. A possible single Uncle.

Tsunade sighed yet again." Well then, Thank you for telling me." She said. She was also glad that these two know the truth and that at least they can protect them and their secret.

"And before I go to the hospital, I might as well a.s.signed you two on a special a.s.signment." The blonde woman said, which definitely confused the two Hyuugas.

"What kind of special a.s.signment?"

Tsunade formed a small smile around her face." Just do your part on protecting the three from any kind danger and their secret." She simply explained.

Both of the Hyuuga cousins nodded in understanding. They were ready and willing to accept the a.s.signment all because that the trio, especially the Uzumaki siblings were already part of the family and they would regard them as something precious to them.


The day continued on uneventful as the time travelling trio found themselves walking along the streets of the village, since they have the free time now, they might as well enjoy the nostalgic atmosphere of the whole village.

Boruto observed his surroundings. It was just surreal for him to see the village as a more simple and peaceful place. It was not the crowded and noisy place that he used to lived in to back in the future. Only the breezing wind would be heard instead of the loud engines of the train that traversed around the village.

Himawari quite fondly remembered the streets that they were walking through currently. It was one of those streets where her mother would take her too along the way home as a child.

Sarada on the other hand, would fondly remember on how she would used to take a stroll with her Papa along the busy crowded streets. She would usually get separated with the latter, and later on her Papa would end up using his eye ability to immediately find her. It was like a little adventure for her.

As their walked continued, they stumbled upon a familiar site.

"Isn't that the Academy?" Sarada asked. She couldn't believed her eyes.

"Yup, I think so." Boruto said. He was also surprised to see the school that He once go to.

There was also a game of soccer being held on the academy grounds. As the cheers and yells of kids were being heard from a distance away. Boruto and Himawari couldn't helped themselves but to check and watch the soccer game. They were fond of sports to be honest.

The trio then decided to head to the academy grounds to take a closer look. As they walked towards their destination, they arrived at a quiet spot where there was a specific tree which a lone swing was attached to it.

"This seems oddly familiar." Boruto commented as He checked the swing out. It seemed that this swing itself emitted sad vibes which He really cannot explain right now.

"Isn't this the swing where Dad used to sit to when He was a Kid?" Himawari guessed. She somewhow remembered her mother telling her about this swing.

"Why would Lord Seventh spend his days here? I'm pretty sure He had a lot friends back then." Sarada wondered. She mean't that the seventh was a very famous person back in her timeline, She even had read an autobiography written about him back home and She just can't believed the fact that the man would spend his childhood days here.

For Boruto, His smile turned into sadness. He then remembered that his young dad was treated as an outcast as a child and Isolation was his only friend for most of the part.

There was this silence that took over for a brief moment. The trio just observed the area that they're in. It really seemed that there was really a kid that spent here for the rest of many hours all by himself.

A few moments later, the silence was then suddenly broken as around object headed straight towards the area that they're in right now. Everyone then turned around to face a single soccer ball that rolled towards them.

"Hey mister!" The voice of a kid could be heard yelling at them.

The rest eventually looked up to face a group of kids who were waiting for him to give them back the ball. The group of kids were also behind a small chain link fence and all of them were looking at the time travelling trio.

"Is this your ball?" Boruto asked.

"Yup is our ball, You wanna play with us?" One of the kids straightforwardly asked.

Boruto blinked a couple of times. He was just offered to play a game of soccer with the kids at the academy.

"We really need one more people for both teams." One of the kids explained. Apparently, there were two kids who were supposed to be on the teams but one of the kids got a bad ankle and the other one is always late.

Meanwhile, Boruto took a glance at his little sister, who gave him an excited smile and a nod. He then turned back to the kids and gave them a thumbs up.

"Sure, Let's play!" The blonde young man said, which automatically caused the kids to be pleased as they can finally play a game of soccer with both teams with a completed roster.

As for the Uzumaki siblings, they were gonna really enjoy this.


"Dammit, I'm late again!"

It was the only thing that Konohamaru could think off as He sped his way towards his destination, which was the academy itself. Apparently, He had woke up late yet again as his alarm clock was not enough to wake him up from whatever dream he is having.

The brown haired boy was a bit disappointed at himself, first he had promised to the team that he would not be late for today's scrimmage and yet he find himself racing against time yet again.

It didn't take him for too long as he finally reached his destination, who was in his team uniform didn't bother to used the entrance door as he jumped on the small fence which led straight to the exact field where the guys where holding their scrimmage.

"Hey guys wait for me! I'm already..." Konohamaru trailed off as he stopped his tracks only to find out that the guys had already started already with a couple of new additions.

"Who the heck are those guys!?" Konohamaru thought. He was shocked to see that there were newcomers to the field and they were not even part of the team or even the academy itself and they were teenagers!


It was a game for the ages, at least for the Uzumaki siblings who were really enjoying the soccer game so far. They were apparently chosen as the go to guys in the game which means they were in charge of the scoring for most of the part, especially for the lavender haired girl.

Himawari surveyed her surroundings as She currently had the ball in her possesion and many players from the opposing team were really giving her the tough defense, which actually preferred. Some of the kids were even also trying to talk trash at her. The lavender haired girl smirked as she began to execute her moved by using her footwork to elude the opposing players. Her favorite moment was that she ankle break the trash talking kids, putting them on skates or just plain pa.s.sing them by.

As for Boruto, He chose to not take the limelight as He stayed on being the team player that he is by pperforming this ridiculous but perfect timing pa.s.ses to his teammates who were having the best chance to score. He really just loves to share and move the ball to his teammates.

Sarada watched the Uzumaki siblings as they played one game of soccer with the rest of the kids. With the both of them being in opposing teams and facing each other on the match.

The raven haired girl darted her eyes towards her blonde teammate. and observed him throughout the game. She gave a small smile as she can really see that the latter was enjoying his time with the kids.

She really had to admit that he kind of looks good when he was sweating and playing sports. It's like something that could be seen in commercials about athletes and stuff.

The last thing that she noticed about her blonde teammate was that He really had grown up into a handsome person over the years and despite the scars that He received, he still kept that Uzumaki charmed strong. There was something about him that made her intrigued.

Sarada then widened her eyes and immediately shook her head. Why was she thinking this way? This was so very inappropriate right at the moment and she found herself blus.h.i.+ng about it for a bit.

Unbeknownst to her, a certain brown haired boy had just entered the scene.


Konohamaru stood in the middle of the field with a serious looked as He attempted to interrupt and stop the whole game. He was really p.i.s.sed that the other kids won't take noticed of him or they were just being mean and disrespectful.

He then started tripping every player that pa.s.sed him by slowly disrupting the game itself. He eventually managed to get hold of the game ball itself by tripping another kid and s.n.a.t.c.hing ball from the latter.

Automatically, the others have finally taken noticed of him, especially, The Uzumaki siblings, especially Boruto who immediately recognized him. " Konohamaru-sensei?" The blonde muttered.

Meanwhile, the brown haired boy himself stood there with his still serious face. He just wasn't going to be left behind. Not to long, one of the kids finally had enough and went on to confront of him.

"Hey, what the heck is your problem Konohamaru!?" A spiky black haired kid confronted the third's grandson.

"Can't you see We are playing a game here?" The spiky black haired kid added as He stood toe to toe against his fellow teammate.

"Come on Kenta ! You guys promised you'll be waiting for me no matter what!" Konohamaru argued. He thought they were a team.

"Waiting for you!? Yeah, Like waiting for a couple of hours until you get up from your bed!" The kid named "Kenta" replied back.

"Come on guys I thought we're supposed to be a team?" Konahamaru said. He was trying his best to reasoned out.

Kenta sighed." Hey I hate it to break it to you, but how can the team stay together when one of our teammates is just being careless and being Lazy." He said which really struck the brown haired boy right in the chest.

"Say that again?" Konohamaru asked. He was definitely triggered right now.

Kenta stood by his own word and dared to repeat it again." You should changed that att.i.tude of yours, It's becoming a bad habit for the team, We don't want any kids like this even if they were the Grandson of a Hokage." He said.

Konohamaru finally had enough. He was just being insulted and the kid had crossed the line. He then suddenly grabbed the kid by the collar." Alright dude, you crossed the line!" He exclaimed.

"Come on, I'm not afraid of you!" The other replied back. He also grabbed the brown haired boy by the collar and together they went down on the ground trying to wrestle each other.

The other kids also took noticed and began to surrounded the two kids fighting. Boruto and Himawari immediately went towards the spot to break them up from this childish confrontation.

"Hey quit it-tteba.s.sa!" Boruto exclaimed as He took hold of his young sensei who was very wild right at the moment. His little sister held the black haired kid, who was the first one to calm down.

Konohamaru immediately took noticed of the teenage blonde who was holding him. He instantly calmed down as He recognized the guy that looked like his boss, Naruto except for the white patches that He had in his cheeks.

"Naruto?" Konohamaru let out his first word since the fight stopped.

Boruto could only sighed." Hey kid, for the last time, My name is Bolt!" He corrected his young sensei. It was also weird for him to call his sensei a "Kid" but since He was in the past, He had no choice but to do so. However, the beef between the kids still continued.

"Hey guys, this kind of stuff will take you to nowhere if you keep on barking at each other." Boruto explained. He tried his best to explain to the two kids that resolving this in a childish manner will lead them only to bruises in their faces.

"Hey what's going on here!?" A voice suddenly interrupted the conversation.

Everyone turned around to face a man of average height and build. He had black hair that he keeps in a ponytail, dark eyes and a scar that runs across the bridge of his nose — which he has had since his youth. He wears the standard Konoha s.h.i.+n.o.bi outfit complete with forehead protector, sandals, and flak jacket. His sleeves are also rolled up about ¼ way.

Iruka was shocked to see what was happening right now. He was just on his way from the faculty only to discover that there was a commotion happening in the field. He was in fact the instructor for this subject which was called Physical Team Sports.

Silence had took over the whole area as everyone's eyes were directly towards the man. The rest of the kids immediately stood up straight and kept quiet.

"Good morning Iruksensei!" The kids yelled in unison.

Iruka could only sighed. He really doesn't what was going on right now . He is going to have a really long conversation with the rest later on. He then surveyed his surroundings and took noticed of the newcomers from way behind.

"Who are they?" Iruka asked as He found himself looking directly towards three teenagers, who were just quietly standing.

Boruto gulped as He and the two girls were stuck in a very awkward situation. He glanced at his little sister and raven haired teammate who were just being quiet. The blonde Uzumaki then sighed, He was going to be the spokesperson this time. He then raised his hand and gave a peace sign while giving that trademark Uzumaki grin.

"h.e.l.lo there."


AN: Thank your for reading the chapter:)