A Different Kind Of Journey - 32 Arc 2: Finale

32 Arc 2: Finale

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, Looks like we've reached the Arc 2 Finale ! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

Thank you for Understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc Finale

Chapter 19: Mission Accomplished

It was very quiet start for a morning as the day had finally come for the departure of a certain group of Leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi back towards their respective village. Just several days ago, they were sent by the Hokage in a mission involving the rescue of the Kazekage, who was captured by the S rank Organization, The Akatsuki and they managed to successfully bring the latter back in one piece but it cost the life an important ally in the form of Master elder puppeteer, Lady Chiyo.

Pure green eyes stood in front of a lone tomb at the nearby outskirts of the village. Sakura, who along with the brother of Lady Chiyo, Ebizo and her grandson, Sasori observed the the lone tomb itself. The scene around them was pretty much quiet as the two were still mourning for the latter's loss.

The pink haired girl was silent. She was still recalling the important advice that was given to her by the latter. Her mind kept repeating the same good memories that she had created with the elder puppeteer during the mission. Even though, it was short-lived, it created hope for the pink haired teen.

A small tear fell from the pink haired girl's eye. Sakura then took a couple deep breaths to calmed herself down which she successfully did. She then darted her eyes to the elder, who had finished his prayers for his sister.

"You know young kunoichi, I haven't seen a person so strong and determined like Elder Sister." Ebizo said as he gave the young teen a smile.

Sakura nodded and smiled. She really agreed with the latter. She also had never seen such person at this age who had a fiery and young heart.

"She never gave up on anything and overcame obstacle that put her to the test." Ebizo explained. He quite fondly remembered his big sister during their younger days. He would never forget the latter's strong spirit and determination that took her to higher levels.

Sakura gave a small smile. She began to listened to the elder's telling of the true stories about the puppeteer. She would then learned that the latter herself had taken care of the young Sasori, when his parents perished during the war. She was also responsible for starting the puppet s.h.i.+n.o.bi brigade here in the sand village. There were really all lot of things that she can learn from her by just listening to her stories.

"There was one thing that my elder sister told me before she pa.s.sed, and that is her dream of bringing back her grandson to the village again." Ebizo said. It was really one of the latter's wished. For her grandson to find his way again and redeemed himself.

"By the way though, How are you Sasori?" He asked. He had not seen his nephew in a very long time.

Sasori just simply smiled." I'm alright Jiji." He replied as he went to the latter and placed his hand on the elder's shoulder as a sign of comforting him.

Sakura then gave a smile. "He's been doing good Jiji." She also said. There was indeed news from the red head himself. Since He came back to the village, It was not an easy task as he was still subjected to further investigation and interrogation. Right now, He was on monitored status, as the some of the Officials were still suspicious about him even though, he himself already moved on and gave up the Akatsuki life for good.

He is currently residing in his old home, which he had spent the most of his childhood and is also being placed under house arrest.

"Looks like the village is really getting overprotective nowadays but I'm glad to hear the news, I might be able to visit you from time to time." The elder smiled. He would really like to spend time with the nephew that he had never quite known.

"I just wished that my elder sister would be here right now to see her grandson once more." Ebizo added as he placed his hand on the latter's shoulder.

Sakura gave a small smile. She was glad to see the red head reconnecting with his remaining family. She also wished that Lady Chiyo was here right now. She was really the most wisest and friendliest person that she'd ever met Sakura knew that she was going to carry the adviced that the latter had given to her prior for the most of her life from now on.

She then darted her eyes towards the red head. She had this question that she wanted to asked." So what do you plan on doing now?" She asked.

Sasori, who turned his head towards the pink haired teen, simply gave a smile." I really would like to become a teacher in the future." He said. He would then go on to explained that He was going to fulfill his grandmother's promise on teaching the next generation of puppeteer s.h.i.+n.o.bi and he will be not wasting his time on doing other things.

"So I guess you'll be keeping her legacy alive." Sakura then said. She finally figured it out.

Sasori simply nodded. Even though, she was gone, He was still gonna keep her memory alive inside. He knew that he had a long way to go but the future was bright for him from now on very far away from the clutches of the dark path that he could've gone straight to.

Sakura could only smile. She was starting to believe that there was still hope for people like Sasori to changed for the better. Maybe it could also happen to a certain Sasuke Uchiha in the future.

As for Sasori himself, He was starting a new chapter in his life. It was really time for him to be redeemed. He knew that it was going to be a difficult task to do but He will do his best to move on from his past lived his life as a normal citizen in the sand village from now on. He might even start a school to educate and teach the next generation of the art of puppeteering and use them to protect the innocent and poor. He finally had a goal in life and its not about creating puppets for selfish means but putting the your heart and soul to it. That's what fuels the red head's hope and faith.

He was gonna enjoy this new life.


"Well, I got myself talked into sense, and I have no regrets since I know I'm on the right path.



Neji didn't understand the whole process that he was undergoing right now. Apparently, just before the team's departure back towards the village, his little cousin had persuaded him to do a quick souvenir shopping along the village.

Just awhile ago, He found himself carrying loads of paper bags which contained a lot of the stuff that Hanabi had bought. Considering, that she herself had been really earning and saving money, she might as well relaxed herself and do a little biy of shopping from here to there and everywhere.

As for Hanabi, this was one of those rare times that she would be really enjoying herself to the fullest. Since she can't move even freely back home because of the training regimen, at least she can do what she want here in another level.

It didn't took long enough for the shopping montage to finish. The Hyuugas currently found themselves having tea at a local tea shop somewhere in the commercial district of the sand village.

Neji felt a little bit exhausted as he sat down his seat. He can feel his hands shaking because of the heavy shopping bags that he was carrying just awhile ago. Although, He was already used to it now. He even recalled a time when Hanabi would asked him to do a little help with her shopping and that was his only job which was to carry the goods that the latter purchased.

A little while later. Hanabi finally arrived along with two hot cups of tea, that she ordered. She sat down at her seat as she placed the tray on their table.

"Here you go Big cousin, I am really sorry for dragging you again on another shopping spree." Hanabi explained. She also apologized for exhausting the brown haired young man yet again.

Neji on the other hand just simply smiled." It's alright Hanabi, I am already used to it." He said as he finally took a sip of his hot cup of tea.

"Plus, I should also be the one to thank you for this." He said which completely surprised the teenage Hyuga.

"For what?" Hanabi raised an eyebrow in confusion.

Neji sighed but smiled." For joining in this mission and making me realized that I should also enjoy it." He simply explained. It was the truth, He considered himself as a very serious guy on every mission he partook and not even trying to see the light side of it. But thanks to a likely person in the form of his little cousin, His views changed for the better.

Hanabi on the other hand felt pleased by the news. She was glad that she was seeing her big cousin transforming into a better person as time pa.s.ses by. She also wondered if Himawari had something to do with this outcome. She noticed that things around her were slowly changing. Since the lavender haired teen came into the picture, everything seemed went back to the right path. She was also this walking human that radiated with good vibes all over her which seemed to transform people and giving them hope.

"Speaking of Himawari, Where is she by the way?" Neji coincidentally asked.

"Oh, She is helping the rest of her team packed their things for the journey." Hanabi explained. She was a bit sad that the latter couldn't come but she understood the fact that it was the latter's duty to help her team.

"You know because of her, She changed the way on how I view things, It gave me a purpose." Neji said. He was beginning to know that it was his responsiblity to protect his loved ones no matter what. He felt like he was born again once more.

Hanabi smiled. He was like already a big brother to her. She can see his loved and determination to be a better person overall. He was beginning to learned more about life and how to lived it correctly.

Although, there was one thing that He still didn't know yet, which was his tragic end in the future, which the lavender haired girl informed her awhile back. Hanabi felt that it wasn't the right time yet to tell him. He was still learning and it will take time for him to be ready to know the truth. If she ever tell him about the news then she feared that this might caused consequences because of her actions.

"Do you think we should tell Hinata about Himawari and Boruto?" Neji asked yet again which interrupted the latter's thoughts.

Hanabi blinked a couple of times before realizing his question." Well, I'm still thinking about that." She replied. She would go on to explained that her big sister might freaked out when she learns about the two being her children from the future. So she might have to wait for the right time to tell her. The Hyuuga Heiress also was a bit acting weirdly recently which was really making her world a bit crazy.

The only thing that she can do is to prepare herself for the unexpected. There were a lot possibilities that could happen in the future. Who knows what will fate bring them into this time. The world is such full of surprises.

As the two cousins continued and enjoyed their their tea, they both were deep into their thoughts, they both had feeling that someday in the future, they might be playing important roles for the time travelling trio.

Only time will tell.


"We were very much excited to help them in anyway what we can. It's our job now as an Aunt and Uncle to protect them and make sure that they'll live their in a better and normal way.


"I think the best way is to keep the secret for awhile. Since things are still on the adjusting phase. We'll let the flow take over for awhile.


It was rescue mission that the time travelling trio won't forget. It was their first mission as an official leaf s.h.i.+n.o.bi and they already learned much more than they expected. It was thing that they will remember as they looked forward to the future.

Boruto found himself starint at the beautiful sunrise. There was something special about the morning. He felt like it was an opportunity to start a new chapter in this current journey.

He knew that there were a lot of things that he was still gonna discover as the time pa.s.ses by. As for him, this rescue mission gave him the enough experience to opened up his mind. He knew that there will be a lot of surprises along the way, and He will indeed prepare for it.

He then turned his eyes towards his little sister and Uchiha teammate who were helping the others organized their things before the team leaves for their trip back to the village.

A thought then came to the blonde, He wondered on what mission is Granny Hokage going to give them sometime in the future. He had feeling that they will be meeting a certain person that they knew when this mission comes.

Boruto also thought about those mysterious white cloaked figures that he saw during the mission. He still was not sure about their purpose here but He was sure that they might have something to do with this whole event.

He also had the old book from the library, copied through a photocopier machine, which he had paid for quite sum of money.

The old book which simply known as "Revelation" had caught the blonde's attention. By the time he first read the book, He was directed to a certain page and topic which discussed about this Mysterious beings called the "Guardians" and their description perfectly fits the same white cloaked figures that the blonde saw during the mission. So that was the reason why he wanted to copy the book and study its contents.

Boruto knew that there was something more to this and When he gets back to the village, He was sure going to research more about those beings.

As He gazed at the sun once more, He began to realized that there indeed something going on big here. It felt like as if the responsibility was getting heavier. There was a sense of their life being in danger in the future. He then glanced back at the people especially, his little sister and Sarada. He promised to himself that he was gonna protect the two no matter what.

He wasn't sure on where this journey will take them to but He was sure going to be ready and expect the unexpected

He will never stop believing and indeed He will never lose hope.


"If anyone would say that we had come this far, No, we are just in the beginning."



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter :)