A Different Kind Of Journey - 20 Arc 2: Sand

20 Arc 2: Sand

I don't own Naruto. Kis.h.i.+moto Does.

Author's note: Hey there Readers!, I'm back with a new chapter! I Hope you guys enjoy! I would also like to thank you guys for the Reviews. Favorites, and follows :) Thank you for also sharing your tips and thoughts for the story.

I'm still recovering from sickness but I was able to find time to write the chapter.

Take note: I will be busy for the coming days to come because of Exams. If I find free time then I will write the next chapter.

Thank you for understanding :)

Expect Grammar and Spelling mistakes

P.S: I am just newbie so go easy on me

Arc 2:

Chapter 7: Sand Part 1

It was an overall quiet journey for the rest of the time travelling trio. They never quite expected that no one would be setting up any conversation right away. The whole Team 7 was on serious mode especially for Naruto Uzumaki, who wouldn't even talk to anyone right now. He was not in the mood right now. He was really p.i.s.sed and was concentrated on his job.

Himawari gave a worried looked at her big brother. She was wondering why their young dad was acting like that. On the other hand, The blonde just gave an a.s.sured smile at her. He explained to her that their young dad must've been affected by the capture of his friend which was the Kazekage.

As for Sarada, She remained quiet but the raven haired teen observed her young mom. She was obviously young but she had the toughness in her. She then observed the young seventh, He looked very different, very far from the matured leader that he would become in the future. She also sensed deep worry and sorrow inside of him.

"Naruto will you slow down?"Kakas.h.i.+ said. His student was going fast and He sensed that he blonde was getting impatient.

Sakura could only gave the latter a sad looked. She understood what her teammate was going through right now. She really wanted to help him. But right now there was nothing she can do. She will have to talk to him in private. He was really crossing the line this time.

Along the way, The group unexpectedly had b.u.mped into Temari, the Kazekage's elder sister in the middle of their journey. She explained to the group that she was also on her way to the sand. She heard the news that, Kankuro her brother was severely injured during the conflict between him and Akatsuki. She was extremely worried for brother.

As the afternoon neared, the sun was now beginning to set. Kakas.h.i.+ noticed that the forest was now getting darker and He then gazed the new trio who were a bit exhausted. The main instructor of the team then stopped his tracks much to the surprised of everybody. They also reached a certain area in the forest where it was a enough for a temporary camp can be settled here.

"Why are we stopping Kakas.h.i.+-sensei!?" Naruto asked. He was not expecting this. They had no time for relaxation.

Kakas.h.i.+ could only sighed." Naruto, It's getting dark in the forest, We should set up a temporary camp here for awhile." He explained.

Naruto gave an annoyed face." No we can't stop right now! We need to get to the sand village and rescue Gaara!" The blonde teen protested. He was going against this.

Kakas.h.i.+ sighed once again." Naruto is this how you show yourself to our new members?" He said. He was referring to the new rookies who were with them.

The blonde then automatically gave the rookies a frustrated looked. Why do they have to come into this mission? They're not even helpful to the situation right now.

Boruto and Himawari just kept quiet. They were children who were getting scolded by their father. They didn't want this for their young dad. Granny Tsunade was the one that a.s.signed them here.

"Why do you guys have to come with us?" Naruto asked. He was beginning to think that because of them, the mission progressed has slowed down.

The Uzumaki siblings just kept silent and tried to understand him. They were giving him a sad looked which the latter had noticed. Himawari was taken aback by the sudden negativity of her young dad. She was excited to get to know him more but she realized that things were gonna be do easy with him.

On the other hand, Sarada was shocked that the person she looked up to as a role model was now blaming them for the struggles on this mission.

"Do you know because of you guys, you're going to ruin this mission!?" Naruto exclaimed. He was at his boiling point.

"Naruto! Stop it!" Kakas.h.i.+ finally had enough. He was giving the new rookies a bad example of how to be a s.h.i.+n.o.bi. This was getting out of hand.

There was silence around the area. Naruto stopped his rambling and gave the trio a frustrated looked at them before turning around to search for a spot to rest on.


"Dad started blaming us along the way. Nii-chan and I were pretty much having second thoughts at the point. Was it a right decision to come along on this mission?


-For a young gun, the old man really knows how to rant. Although, we really have to understand him and what was he going through.

Kakas.h.i.+ sighed. He ordered the rest to set up their sleeping bags for the night. After that, He then went to the trio to apologized.

The silver haired jounin gave them an apologetic looked." I apologized for what happened just now." Kakas.h.i.+ said.

"Don't mind Naruto. He is like that." Kakas.h.i.+ explained the simplest way for the others to understand the blonde. He has a somewhat a simple but hard to get personality.

"It's alright Kakas.h.i.+-sensei, We understand." Boruto replied. He can only give a sad smile because he understood his young dad and what he was going through right now.

"Is that because his friend was the Kazekage who was a Jinchurikki just like him?" All of them turned to face the raven haired teen who somehow figured the main problem out.

Kakas.h.i.+ could only smile." We could say so." He replied. He was a bit impressed with this rookie. She seemed to have the common sense and knowledge.

The silver haired man himself wondered about these trio. He felt that they were going to be playing a big role in the near future. He hadn't just figured it out yet.


"Is there really something wrong with your teammate?" Temari asked. She just was wondering about the blonde. Why would he put the blame on the three rookies? They had not done anything wrong in this mission.

Sakura could only sighed. There was only one way for her teammate calm down and that is to talk to him and bring him back to earth. She was also concerned about the three new rookies. Who would have thought these rookies from the hospital were gonna be a.s.signed to this team. Lady Hokage told her that they were aspiring to be s.h.i.+n.o.bi in the future and she instructed her and the blonde to guide the three throughout this mission.

"So Sakura, Are you gonna go talk to him?" Temari's voice interrupted the pink haired girl's thoughts.

Sakura sighed as she stood up from her spot." Yeah, I'm gonna go talk to him for awhile." She said as she headed towards her blonde teammate.

With that said, Temari was left behind. She also observed the three new rookies and wondered about them. They somehow looked very familiar to her. She just could not put a finger on it. Although, the only way for her questions to be answered is by getting to know them personally.


Sarada rested her head on a tree. It was really a non-stop journey which is really tiring. She was not expecting that the mission would be this so serious and quiet. She thought this would take her away from the everyday normal but stressful life.

Sensing her thoughts were leading her to nowhere. She then grabbed her bag and drew something thing from it which was revealed to be some kind of book or novel about mysteries.

"Maybe this would relax me down." Sarada commented inside her thoughts.

At the same time, a certain blonde noticed the raven haired teen surprisingly reading a book."I didn't know brought a book, Saradchan?" Boruto asked. He just finished setting up the wood for the bonfire later.

Sarada sighed but gave her blonde teammate a smile." Well, this keeps my mind relaxed to some extent." She simply explained. She then noticed that the lavender haired girl was conversing with their Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ and getting along with him.

Sarada smiled." Looks like Hima made a new friend." She commented. She pointed to a direction where the silver haired man and the girl were located.

Boruto smiled." Well, it's a good thing that Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ is a friendly and cool headed person." He said. Not ever in a million years he saw the man get angry. Is almost as the man didn't knew how to be angry.

"And I never knew that dad could be such a person." Boruto muttered which caught the attention of the raven haired girl. Both of them were silent. They wondered if they were ever going to get along with the other blonde.

"I know, was he always like this?" Sarada asked. She really didn't knew that the seventh was like this when he was young.

"Well, actually he is." A female voice said. Both of the two then turned to the face s.h.i.+kadai's young mother.

"Aunt Temari?" Both of the two whispered.

"Mind if I join the conversation?" Temari said. She wanted to get to know them more personally.


"What the heck is wrong with you!?"

Sakura frowned at her blonde teammate. She was disappointed in him for acting like an immature kid in front of the three rookies. He should be really reminded that they were supposed to be the ones to guide them througout this mission.

"Come on Sakurchan, If Granny Tsunade didn't add more people to the roster then we might as well be at the sand village already!" Naruto explained. This was an emergency mission and not just some field trip.

Sakura sighed." Did I ever tell you that Kakas.h.i.+-sensei was the one who decided to settle for the night not because of them but to recharged ourselves for tomorrow." The pink haired girl explained. She had a point. The team had been travelling non stop this whole day without a rest and managed to reached the half of the journey.

Naruto's eyes widened in surprised. He then realized what she was talking about and just looked down with a guilty face. "You've got to be kidding me." He muttered under his breath.

Sakura just sighed." You know Naruto, you should go apologized to the three." She said. She was also concerned that the three rookies might have a bad impression on the blonde already.

"Who were these three rookies again? I hardly even know them." Naruto said. This was actually the first time he met them except for the blonde person, who worked at the ramen shop back in the village.

"Well then get to know them, Try setting up a conversation with them after you apologized." Sakura explained.

Naruto sighed." Alright, but canjust tell me a little more background information about them?" He asked for a small favor while his pink haired teammate just sighed yet again.

Sakura then would go on to explain on what she knew about the three. She told the blonde that they were orphans who came from a small village, which was destroyed by raiders and their families perished during the destruction of the small village. They were rescued by a pa.s.sing wagon and were taken to the nearest village which was Konoha and they've been living there since.

Naruto suddenly felt saddened by the news. They were just like him and Sasuke. They lost their families and were now orphans. He wondered on how they cope after the tragedy of the past.

"When you finally cooled down, Go to talk them." Sakura said as she encouraged her blonde teammate. As for Naruto, he then took a deep breath and gave the pink haired teen a smile.

"Alright, I'll go talk to them."


"I was really being such a jerk throughout and I didn't bother to realize that, I'm also ruining the team's chemistry overall.



It was really a wonderful time for Temari. She was really impressed on how the three new rookies managed to lightened up her mood today. They were really fun to talk to. It was like she was talking to a happy family that she never had.

She learned about their past and how they ended up in the village. She was saddened the fact that they lost the entirety of their families to the destruction of their village.

"You know I'm really amazed on how you guys managed to cope with this." Temari said. She wanted to learn more about their resilience and perseverance.

Boruto smiled." Well, Lets say that it takes just a strong heart to survived all of this." The blonde explained as he ate his potato chips that he brought for the journey.

"Plus you gotta learn how to moved on and focus on the present and future." Sarada added as she drank her box of orange juice which she brought for the mission.

Temari was just staring wide eye at the two. It was really obvious on how they were matured for their age compared to the other knucklehead.

Temari sighed." Well, If I only had the power to travel back to the past, I can then fixed all my mistakes in one single sweep." She expressed her disappointment on what is happening.

Boruto and Sarada could only gave the latter an a.s.sured smile. They will do their best to help her rescue her brother no matter what happens. They heard that the members of the Akatsuki were very powerful and they could only hope that there will be no more other sector or group that will wreck havoc besides them.

As the afternoon finally came to an end. The full moon then took charged for the rest of the night. A bonfire was set up in the middle of the camp as the team had began eating dinner prepared by none other than the lavender haired girl herself.

"Wow, This is really good." Temari commented. This was the first time she was eating The lavender haired teen's dish and it tasted phenomenally.

"You're right Temari, This is good food." Sakura complimented the dish. It was like she was eating her mom's cooking back home. The food really had "Love" as its main flavor.

Himawari sighed but smiled. She felt that she was serving food for actual customers. She observed everyone one of them and they were really enjoying the food so far. Uncle Kakas.h.i.+ was doing his usual business of eating and then reading his orange book, both of her Aunts were conversing with her big brother and the raven haired teammate.

However, She noticed that someone was missing and it was her young dad. She then tried to look for him and finally saw him in a quiet area along the woods. The lavender haired girl then wondered. What was he doing there all alone?

Himawari sighed. There was only one way to find out.


Naruto sighed and took a deep breath. He wanted to be alone for awhile. He had to admit that he was really nervous and did not have the courage of confronting the three rookies and apologized to them.

"Come on Naruto, You can do better than that." He muttered to himself. He tried motivating himself but it was still not enough.

"h.e.l.lo?" A female voice then interrupted the blonde's thoughts.

Naruto was immediately startled by the unexpected female voice from behind and he then turned around to see a lavender haired girl smiling at him. He stumbled backwards and almost fell to the ground.

Himawari slightly chuckled." Sorry for startling you." She apologized.

"No worries, It was alright and..." Naruto trailed off as he immediately smelled the delicious food that the latter cooked just now.

Himawari smiled." I thought you haven't eaten yet so I brought you dinner." She explained as she offered the paper plate which contained the food. Her young dad haven't ate any food yet.

Naruto grinned from ear to ear." Thank you very much! I'm really hungry Dattebayo!" He explained as he took the lavender haired teen's daughter.

As time pa.s.sed by, Himawari found herself having a conversation with young dad for the first time. She had now the chance to get to know him more this time.

"Well, I grew up as an orphan. I was told that my parents pa.s.sed away when I was born." Naruto explained. He was starting to tell the latter more information about his background. He usually never told anyone of his past, but this time he felt comfortable on telling the lavender haired girl.

Himawari could only gave him a sad smile. She was actually trying to prepare herself for another crying fest as the conversation continues. However, the emotion was shuffled. It will immediately changed from sad to happy then happy to sad. This was really giving her a hard time.

The lavender haired girl would go on to learn more about her young dad's past. He was all alone for the most of his life. When he was born into this world, The faint memories of a lonely small crib in the hospital with no one except for a nurse looking after him. The third Hokage was the only one who took care of him when he grew up. He was provided with an apartment to live in to and the third will gave him the money to pay for the rent. He also never had a proper childhood, Whenever he walk along the streets of the village, He was met with mocks and insults from the villagers themselves.

As the lavender haired girl listened to her young dad's story, she was beginning to understand on why after all these years, the village itself would become a stepping stone for the latter to become the beloved seventh Hokage in the future.

"So I heard that you guys were orphans, Am I correct?" Naruto asked.

Himawari snapped out from her thoughts and turned to her young dad who was giving her a look. The lavender haired girl then gave him a sad smile.

"Oh, I'm sorry to hear that." Naruto said. So it was all true. They were really orphans.

Himawari sighed but smiled." It's alright, We finally moved on from it. She explained.

Naruto blinked a couple of times. He was wondering on how they were coping right now that their whole family was gone. The only answer that he got from her was that life is a choice, if you want to remain on putting a mask all the time just let other people now that your happy then you will be stucked on doing it for a long time. But if you chose to changed and moved on, then you will be finally set free from the burden of carrying it.

Naruto was surprised of her answer. He didn't expect that kind of answer from the lavender haired teen. "Oh, well uhmm, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry for being so hard you guys just now." The blonde explained.

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"Sometimes, I wonder if I'm going to have a family of my own. Would my kids looked at me as an immature father?" Naruto said aloud. He was not really good at getting girls. He even sucked at winning his pink haired teammate's heart. It was impossible for him to have a family of his own.

"Would I be enough for them? Then if not please tell them that I'm sorry for not being a good father." Naruto unknowingly said.

There was quietness in the area. Himawari was expected to say something but instead she went closer to her young dad and suddenly hugged him. Naruto widened his eyes in surprised. He was not expecting to get hugged anytime soon.

As for Himawari, She can't handle this anymore. Deep inside she really missed her dad. All the happy memories that she had spent time with him bacl home. She let out all the tears from her eyes. Even though this was not her dad but it was still him.

Naruto, on the other hand was bewildered but he felt the emotion coming from the girl and so he returned the hug back to her. As for the lavendee haired girl, she was just sobbing and it felt so good to let it all out.

"Hey, it's gonna be alright, Don't cry." Naruto could only try to comfort the girl. But deep down inside, He felt a sensed of family whenever he is with this girl. It was strange.

Unbeknowst to the both of them, A certain Boruto Uzumaki watched the whole scene unfold. The blonde teen could only gave a smile as he witnessed his little sister being reunited with their young father.


"It was good to see them bonding and establis.h.i.+ng a connection. My little sister looks up to the old man and it's been too long since the last time she hugged him.



As the night continued on. The mood around the camp improved. Everyone was on a relaxed mood. The hustle and serious vibe in the morning was wiped out. Boruto found himself watching his little sister bond with his young dad. His Uchiha teammate conversing more with Temari and her young mom.

"So looks like the mood change." The voice of Kakas.h.i.+ interrupted his thoughts. He turned around to face the man himself.

Boruto gave a smile." Looks like it Kakas.h.i.+-sensei." He said. He had feeling that this night will be good for everyone as long as the vibe doesn't change.

Kakas.h.i.+ sighed." Well, I hope everyone gets along for a long time." He hoped. They should continue this momentum from now on. The blonde could only smile as he knew this mood would continue.

"Yeah, I know it will.""

Midnight had finally arrived. Silence had taken charged. The cold wind blew strong echoing the sound of the trees. Everyone was finally asleep except for a certain blonde who sat down watching the bonfire.

Boruto sat on the ground as he observed the fire in its glory. There were still doubts inside of him on whether they were really safe here. Kawaki was his problem, He wasn't sure whether the guy was here in this timeline. He also tried to come up with different theories of who or what else destroyed the village besides him. There was the Kara organization and The Otsutsuki, they're all possible candidates.

Although, When Boruto fought the man, He mentioned something about a someone that will eventually rule everything in this world. These only added more questions and fueled the mystery even more. The blonde suspected that there is an even more bigger picture or conspiracy and this events happening right now were just a small piece of a bigger puzzle.

The blonde sighed. If he was really here. Things would then get messy from now on. He just hope that he won't show up sooner or later. He also wondered and recalled the time when he fought the latter during the destruction of the village. He rememered that the guy wasn't the only one who attacked the village, there was more to it than meets the eye.

His Dad had already paid the price to protect the village and his family. It was now up to blonde himself to proctect ones that he loved. This mission was not joke. He will soon be meeting dangerous foes in the future. The Akatsuki was strong enough to be a dangerous foe. What else could be awaiting in the next few days.

Only time will tell when that challenge will finally arrive in front of him.


"Well, It's a big world out there, who knows if it's not just the Akatsuki, maybe something else is there waiting for us."



AN: Thank you for reading the chapter!