Added Upon - Part 31

Part 31

Celestial Father, Mother at the head Of parentage they stand, the perfect type Of that eternal principle of s.e.x Found in all nature, making possible For every living thing to multiply And bring increase of being of its kind.

In this celestial world, the fittest have Survived. To them alone the pow'r is given To propagate their kind. 'Twas wisely planned.

The race of G.o.ds must not deteriorate.

Thus everlasting increase is denied To those who have not reached perfection's plane.

Herein is justice, wisdom all-divine, That every child born into spirit world Has perfect parentage, thus equal chance Is given all to reach the highest goal, And win the race which runs up through the worlds.

And children fill the household of these Two-- And children bring perpetual youth, renew The tender sentiments, and firmly knit The heart of Father, Mother close in one.

Thus do they work, and thus they follow in The footsteps of their Father; and they spread Out o'er the land of their inheritance.

Masters of all, joint owners of the spheres, Eternal increase of eternal lives Is theirs; and this their work and glory is To bring to pa.s.s the immortality And life eternal to the race of men.


Time as an ever-flowing stream.

The many mansions teem with offspring fair,-- The spirit children of this heavenly world.

Varied are they, as human beings are In form, in likes, in capabilities.

Here love, combined with justice, rules; Here truth is taught, the right and wrong are shown; Yet agency is given all, and they May choose the way selected by desire.

Thus some more faithful are than others, and Advance more rapidly along the great Highway that leads among the shining stars.

Time,--and the time has fully come When spirits must be clothed upon with flesh, Must follow in the footsteps of their Sire, Must go to mortal earth and there work out Their soul's salvation in the self-same way That all perfected beings once have done.

Far out in s.p.a.ce where there is ample room And where primeval element abounds, This Father has been working, and still works, Fashioning a world on which to place His children. Without proper form, and void, In the beginning, this new world has pa.s.sed From one stage to another, until now It rolls in s.p.a.ce, an orb in beauty clad, A world on which a human race may dwell.

This Father to his children thus doth speak: "The time has come for you to leave this home-- This first estate, and take another step Along progression's path. A new-formed world Is ready to receive you, and to clothe You in another body. You will then Learn many things you cannot here receive.

A veil will then be drawn before your eyes That you will be unable to look back To us. Alone you'll have to stand; be tried To see if faithful you will still remain.

There's darkness in that world; and sin will come And pain and suffering such as now you know Not of. But these will only clearly show How good is righteousness, and how much more To be desired the light than darkness is.

Yet, you shall not be wholly left alone; My ministering angels shall keep watch, And near you all the time my power shall be, To help you in your direst hours of need.

My sons and daughters, as you now do live Within your Father's ever-watchful care, Know this that always shall his loving arm Extended be to you; the Father-heart And Mother-heart eternally do yearn And feel for you in sorrow or in pain.

Where'er you are, you're still within my reach.

If you'll but turn to me, I'll hear your cries And answer you in my good time and place.

Go forth as you are called, the lessons learn Of earthly school; fear only sin; abide By law, nor seek to be a law unto Yourselves, for by eternal law the worlds Are formed, redeemed, and brought to perfectness, Together with all flesh which on them live.

Go forth. Be worthy to come back again And be partakers of all heights and depths, Things present, things to come, yea, life or death, And it shall be my pleasure to bestow Upon you _all there is eternally_."

Joy fills this Father's children, and with one United voice of gladness do they sing: "Thanks, Father, kind and good for what you've done; Thanks for the added blessings which you bring.

O glorious, wond'rous truth that we have found: The course of G.o.ds' is one eternal round!"