Besides, when one likes a person, one doesn't think it so dreadfully rude to look at them--at him--I mean, at you--when one is in earnest about something--does one?"
"I don't know," said Clare. "But please don't do it to me. It makes me feel awfully uncomfortable somehow. You won't, will you?" she asked, with a sort of appeal. "You would make me tell you everything--and then I should hate myself."
"But I shouldn't hate you."
"Oh yes, you would! You would hate me for knowing."
"By Jove! It's too bad!" cried Brook. "But as for that," he added humbly, "nothing would make me hate you."
"Nothing? You don't know!"
"Yes, I do! You couldn't make me change my mind about you. I've grown to--to like you a great deal too much for that in this short time--a great deal more than is good for me, I believe," he added, with a sort of rough impulsiveness. "Not that I'm at all surprised, you know," he continued with an attempt at a laugh. "One can't see a person like you, most of the day, for ten days or a fortnight, without--well, you know, admiring you most tremendously--can one? I dare say you think that might be put into better English. But it's true all the same."
A silence followed. The warm blood mantled softly in the girl's fair cheeks. She was taken by surprise with an odd little breath of happiness, as it were, suddenly blowing upon her, whence she knew not.
It was so utterly new that she wondered at it, and was not conscious of the faint blush that answered it.
"One gets awfully intimate in a few days," observed Brook, as though he had discovered something quite new.
She nodded, but said nothing, and they still walked up and down. Then his words made her think of that sudden intimacy which had probably sprung up between him and Lady Fan on board the yacht, and her heart was hardened again.
"It isn't worth while to be intimate, as you call it," she said at last, with a little sudden sharpness. "People ought never to be intimate, unless they have to live together--in the same place, you know. Then they can't exactly help it, I suppose."
"Why should they? One can't exactly intrench oneself behind a wall with pistols and say 'Be my friend if you dare.' Life would be very uncomfortable, I should think."
"Oh, you know what I mean! Don't be so awfully literal."
"I was trying to understand," said Johnstone, with unusual meekness. "I won't, if you don't want me to. But I don't agree with you a bit. I think it's very jolly to be intimate--in this sort of way--or perhaps a little more so."
"Intimate enemies? Enemies can be just as intimate as friends, you know."
"I'd rather have you for my intimate enemy than not know you at all,"
said Brook.
"That's saying a great deal, Mr. Johnstone."
Again she was pleased in a new way by what he said. And a temptation came upon her unawares. It was perfectly clear that he was beginning to make love to her. She thought of her reflections after she had seen him alone with Lady Fan, and of how she had wished that she could break his heart, and pay him back with suffering for the pain he had given another woman. The possibility seemed nearer now than then. At least, she could easily let him believe that she believed him, and then laugh at him and his acting. For of course it was acting. How could such a man be earnest? All at once the thought that he should respect her so little as to pretend to make love to her incensed her.
"What an extraordinary idea!" she exclaimed rather scornfully. "You would rather be hated, than not known!"
"I wasn't talking generalities--I was speaking of you. Please don't misunderstand me on purpose. It isn't kind."
"Are you in need of kindness just now? You don't exactly strike one in that way, you know. But your people will be coming in a day or two, I suppose. I've no doubt they'll be kind to you, as you call it--whatever that may mean. One speaks of being kind to animals and servants, you know--that sort of thing."
Nothing can outdo the brutality of a perfectly unaffected young girl under certain circ.u.mstances.
"I don't cla.s.s myself with either, thank you," said Brook, justly offended. "You certainly manage to put things in a new light sometimes.
I feel rather like that mule we saw yesterday."
"Oh--I thought you didn't cla.s.s yourself with animals!" she laughed.
"Have you any particular reason for saying horridly disagreeable things?" asked Brook coldly.
There was a pause.
"I didn't mean to be disagreeable--at least not so disagreeable as all that," said Clare at last. "I don't know why it is, but you have a talent for making me seem rude."
"Force of example," suggested Johnstone.
"No, I'll say that for you--you have very good manners."
"Thanks, awfully. Considering the provocation, you know, that's an immense compliment."
"I thought I would be 'kind' for a change. By the bye, what are we quarrelling about?" She laughed. "You began by saying something very nice to me, and then I told you that you were like the mule, didn't I?
It's very odd! I believe you hypnotise me, after all."
"At all events, if we were not intimate, you couldn't possibly say the things you do," observed Brook, already pacified.
"And I suppose you would not take the things I say, so meekly, would you?"
"I told you I was a very mild person," said Johnstone. "We were talking about it yesterday, do you remember?"
"Oh yes! And then you ill.u.s.trated your idea of meekness by knocking down the first man we met."
"It was your fault," retorted Brook. "You told me to stop his beating the mule. So I did. Fortunately you stopped him from sticking a knife into me. Do you know? You have awfully good nerves. Most women would have screamed and run up a tree--or something. They would have got out of the way, at all events."
"I think most women would have done precisely what I did," said Clare.
"Why should you say that most women are cowards?"
"I didn't," answered Brook. "But I refuse to quarrel about it. I meant to say that I admired you--I mean, what you did--well, more than anything."
"That's a sweeping sort of compliment. Am I to return it?" She glanced at him and smiled.
"You couldn't, with truth."
"Of course I could. I don't remember ever seeing anything of that sort before, but I don't believe that anybody could have done it better. I admired you more than anything just then, you know." She laughed once more as she added the last words.
"Oh, I don't expect you to go on admiring me. I'm quite satisfied, and grateful, and all that."
"I'm glad you're so easily satisfied. Couldn't we talk seriously about something or other? It seems to me that we've been chaffing for half an hour, haven't we?"
"It hasn't been all chaff, Miss Bowring," said Johnstone. "At least, not on my side."
"Then I'm sorry," Clare answered. They relapsed into silence, as they walked their beat, to and fro. The sun had gone down, and it was already twilight on that side of the mountains. The rain had cooled the air, and the far land to southward was darkly distinct beyond the purple water.
It was very chilly, and Clare was without a shawl, and Johnstone was hatless, but neither of them noticed that it was cool. Johnstone was the first to speak.
"Is this sort of thing to go on for ever, Miss Bowring?" he asked gravely.
"What?" But she knew very well what he meant.