"The one and only."
"How have you been? It's been so long since you contacted us, Mum and Dad were going out of their minds with worry."
"I'm so sorry Jazz but they needn't worry, everything is fine." I glanced at Richmond as he held up four fingers indicating how long I had left. "Look Jazz I haven't got long as it costs a fortune to call home, so I need to know if everything's okay and I want a brief summary of what you've been up to."
"Oh okay," she said hesitantly. "Mum and Dad are fine, they've just come back from a two week holiday in Nice so they're lovely and brown." I smiled at the thought, they took two holidays a year and never went any further than Europe.
"And you Jazz? How are you?"
"I'm good I suppose. I've got a part time job at Starbucks, I'm still in college but I miss you so much Sam. When are you coming home?"
"I don't know Jazz, there's still so much of the world I want to see and so many things I want to do that I just don't know."
Richmond held up three fingers.
"Can I come and see you? I've been saving my wages and I've built up quite a lot of money and I'm sure mum and dad will give me some so that I can come and visit you if I'm short. I won't be any trouble I promise."
I blinked and the tears streamed down my cheeks, it hurt me so much knowing that would never be possible.
"Are you still there Sam?"
"Yeah babe I'm still here,"
"Don't you want to see me?"
"I want to see you more than you know but things are a little difficult." I rubbed my forehead slowly in frustration.
"Difficult how?"
"It doesn't matter."
"Yes it does. What's the problem, is it financial? If it is you only need to ask and mum and dad can help you." She stated flippantly.
"No it's not that."
"So you just don't want me to visit then."
"That's not the case and you know it. Look I don't want to fall out with you Jazz." This conversation wasn't going how I wanted it too because Jazz thought I'd left her and didn't care.
Richmond held up two fingers.
"I haven't got long, I just want to make sure you're okay."
"And if I wasn't you'd come home?" she asked hopeful.
I sn.i.g.g.e.red, "Nice try!"
Jazz giggled and it was a lovely sound to hear, "Sorry, I don't want to give you a hard time but you broke my heart when you left."
"I know babe and I'll make it up to you one day I promise. How's Steve doing?"
"We had to take him to the vets last week because he hurt his leg but apart from that he's fine."
"Good, I'm pleased he's in your capable hands."
"He is indeed."
"And how's college?" It was important for her to keep her studies up.
"Going well, oh I forget to tell you that I've been accepted into Southampton University."
Richmond held up one finger.
"That's brilliant news babe, I bet you're really excited."
"Oh I am, it was my first choice and Adam is going to Brighton so he isn't too far away."
"I'm pleased for you, it's all working out so well."
"It would be better if you were here."
"I know and I'm going to make a big effort to come back this year I promise." I crossed my fingers, I hated to promise stuff I knew would never happen.
"Pinkie promise?"
"Pinkie promise. Right Jazz I've gotta go, I'll call you in a couple of weeks."
"Okay, just tell me that everything's okay?"
"Everything's fine Jazz, stop worrying. Love you."
"Love you too."
I hung up and handed the phone back to Richmond. The tears were still streaming down my face and I removed a tissue from the box beside me and dabbed my cheeks rather than rubbing it as it would aggravate the bruising.
"Are you close to your sister?"
I glanced in his direction, "I was, we were best friends but that was taken away from me the day that I was taken."
Richmond rolled his eyes as if he'd heard it all before, "You can go back to your room now. Dad won't be home tonight, something about a wild party so he'll see you tomorrow."
"Well that's something to look forward to!" I smiled sarcastically before I stood to walk from the room.
"Careful, that mouth's probably the reason your face looks the way it does." He said coldly.
"No, my mouth is what's going to not let it happen again." I gave him a wink and briskly walked from the room, I didn't want to get into a conversation with him. I wanted to lie on my bed and think about my family, I knew I'd missed them but talking to Jazz only highlighted the fact further.
I pushed the door open to my room and quickly closed it behind me, I was hoping that this could be my s.p.a.ce without an intruders. Spyder would probably still want me to see clients but I was hoping we could have the same arrangements and I wouldn't have to bring anyone back to this s.p.a.ce. Not that I planned on staying, the a.s.sault last night only heightened my hatred for the group and I'd decided that I was going to do everything within my power to bring them down.
Chapter 4.
"So what kind of security do they run?"
"The doors of local pubs and clubs, protection, empty warehouses and properties, allsorts really." I'd brought Jayden along so my family could meet him. I'd vouched for Jayden anyway but they just wanted to put a face to a name before he was involved in any family business.
"Why are they asking you for help?"
"I'm family, and although I don't work for them I put up a lot of money to get the business going so I'm an equal partner, we all own twenty percent."
"So they try and deal with things themselves rather than taking an outsider on?"
"It's the gypsy in us, we like to look after our own."
"So why are you asking me to help out?" Jay asked drawing his brows together confused.
"They needed another person, so I suggested you and because your ex-army and a club member's son, you have a lot going for you."
"You didn't mention how handsome I was?" he asked sn.i.g.g.e.ring.
"Funny! No I didn't mention that to my brothers, they'd think I was gay!"
"Or that I look good in a suit?"
"Are you sure you're not gay? You'll be telling me you like shopping and Eurovision in a minute!"
"Haha!" he said dryly.
We pulled up outside the smart looking office block in a reserved s.p.a.ce for 'Jones' Security'. I noticed Jayden look around at the cars and trucks parked outside the building, "They must be doing alright for themselves."
"It's not a bad money maker, it's like anything though you've gotta put in the hours and hard graft in order for it to become successful." I exited the car and walked to the main entrance to be greeted by Sh.e.l.ly. Seeing her was the highlight of my time here and I made a mental note to visit the family more often.
"Hi CJ," Sh.e.l.ly twirled a tendril as she leaned on the counter pushing her ample b.r.e.a.s.t.s up higher so they could be seen even move in her low cut top.
"h.e.l.lo gorgeous, how are things babe." I leaned on the other side of the counter where I got a perfect view.
"All the better for seeing you," I gave her a wink and she giggled uncontrollably.
"When you've stopped flirting with my staff, would you like to come in?" I turned to see Rian with a smug expression on his face.
"Hi mate, how you doing." I strolled over to Rian and gave him a hug. It had been a while since I'd seen my family as I'd been busy training but the fight was nearly upon me and I'd decided I was going to make more time for them. I broke from his hold, "This is Jayden." I stated pointing towards him.
Rian extended his arm, "Nice to meet you Jayden, I've heard a lot about you."
Jayden shook his hand, "All good things I hope?"
Rian pulled a sheepish expression before sn.i.g.g.e.ring, "Of course, that's why we've invited you here. Come on they're all waiting and we've got information about Spyder." Jayden pulled back his shoulders and stood tall, he was obviously dying to find out who this bloke was.
We followed Rian into the offices and he led us to the room we used for meetings. "Do you want a tea or coffee Jayden?"
"Yeah I'd love a coffee," Jayden said pulling out a chair to take a seat. We'd been sparring this morning so I knew his leg must be aching, I was just surprised how well he coped with it. Rian made Jay a coffee and placed it on the table in front of him before walking toward the door.
"And where's mine?" I asked affronted.
"f.u.c.k off, you know where the stuff's kept." Rian responded as he left the room "a.r.s.ehole," I muttered under my breath as I walked over to the coffee machine to make my own hot drink. I could hear Jay sn.i.g.g.e.r to himself as the rest of the group walked through the door.
"Can I have a coffee babe?" Fallon asked.
"Yeah I wouldn't mind one either." Eli stated as he sat at the table.
"This is f.u.c.king great, I'm a visitor and I'm asked to make the drinks." The group chuckled at my expense.
"Stop your b.i.t.c.hing, you should be pleased to see us." Finn sat at the table, "And you'll be pleased to know that I've already got a drink." He lifted his mug indicating that he didn't need one.
"Like a hole in the head," I mumbled to another bout of giggles from the group.
Eli pulled out a file and spread information over the table. I placed the hot drinks strategically so they couldn't be spilt and sat next to Jayden. "Is this the man you wanted information on?" he asked Jay showing him a photo of a large, heavily tattooed black man.
He nodded his head, "Yeah, that's the bloke."
"Well my friend this is Levi Taylor, forty-two years old and originally from Hackney. He has a list of crimes to his name as long as your arm for shoplifting, possession, intent to supply, ABH, GBH and driving while under the influence to name but a few. He's been in and out of prison most of his life, likes to mistreat women but he has been a good boy for the past five years."
I let out a low whistle, "That's some record."
"It certainly is. I spoke to a friend of mine who is a copper and he said Levi is a nasty piece of work." Finn rested his chin on his steepled fingers, "So if your girlfriend is somehow involved with him she needs to stay away because he's bad news."
I heard Jayden let out a heavy sigh, and turned towards him. "You okay mate?"
He nodded his head, "Yeah it's just f.u.c.king difficult."
"How?" I asked confused by what he was saying.
"Is there anything on his record regarding trafficking, prost.i.tution or soliciting?" Jay asked the group.
Both Eli and Finn picked up the paperwork to flick through. Eli shook his head, "Not that I can see but that may just mean he hasn't been caught for it."
"So does that help or do you need the boys to run further checks?" Fallon asked Jayden across the table.
"No that's great thank you, I appreciate your help. Now what can I do for you?"
I knew my brothers would appreciate Jayden's straight talking, and they smirked at his direct approach.
"We just have a few issues with some people who need to learn some respect, we need bodies to help put the frighteners on them, safety in numbers and all that so we'd like you and CJ to come and help us out on a couple of jobs." Jayden nodded his head. I'd already spoken to him briefly about what was involved and he was happy to help out.
"So really we just wanted to put a name to a face this afternoon," Fallon said sucking on the end of her pen. I'd be having a word with her later about the way she was behaving, she'd obviously taken a shine to Jay.
"That's fine I appreciate that, CJ's already explained what you do and I know that you don't usually let outsiders get involved but discretion is my middle name." I could see the approving nods around the table and knew that Jayden would fit in well.