Chapter 587: Take by Surprise (Part One)
If one car wasnt enough, they would immediately send another car across the open road.
They didnt believe that the base camp wouldnt have any cars for them to drive back to their base with, so all they had to do was take them.
The constant explosions of the mines detonating came from the bottom of the hill.
Those on the hill, especially the group of people who took refuge, were all worried inside with their eyelids twitching.
It was a bit hard to see the road ahead as the explosion caused sand to swirl into the air. But the troops were in no hurry, as they could slowly kill their way up after the mines were gone.
Scout the terrain; is there a way out from behind this mountain? Casey asked the headquarters.
The commander replied, No, this is Brokeback mountain, and its got cliffs behind it that are quite high.
Casey: Roger, then well wait until our view clears.
The commander explained, What I meant was that we should wait until nightfall since it is more suitable for combat. We can cut the cables in this area to cut off their power supply, and then wait for an opportunity. First use the drones to scout out the exact location of their leader and assassinate him to demoralize them.
No, I disagree. First of all, you have said that this is a group of soldiers who are not afraid to die, so if their leader was assassinated, it will only inflame their spirit even more.
So what are you suggesting?
I support the night battle plan, but we should directly wipe them out completely. It would be a more direct way to train our overall combat strength. We are aces, so please respect us.
Alright, so how sure are you guys about taking down this place?
Ninety percent! I mean, we can kill at least 90 percent of them! While the rest will probably run away.
Well, well be watching you with a drone. Good luck.
By the way, whats the ranking of the other countries?
So far we are at the bottom with only 90 points. Even other smaller nations have 120 points. The highest ranked ones are the Polar Bears from R Nation; they are natural-born fighters and are very tough. By the time they are done with a place, there isnt even any grass left. Theyve got 478 points at the moment.
That means to surpass them, we have to kill all the troops here, right?
HQ: Yes.
Casey: Good, I cant wait to clear the area. You guys help us scout out any other small forces near this area.
Chapter 587: Take by Surprise (Part Two)
Is there any information on any of their members? I need to know where they come from and which nations these criminals belong to.
HQ: Nothing. Ive been hearing from the locals that its been less than a month since they formed a mercenary group, and theyve been quite mysterious.
Casey: Interesting, looks like District 7 isnt the weakest area after all. I thought it wouldnt be challenging but now theres something to play with.
Meanwhile, the drone spotted a man coming down the hill, moving in the exact direction of their soldiers. However, he was still 3 km away, so they werent worried even after they saw him carrying a sniper rifle.
Keep an eye out, there is a soldier coming down the hill towards you guys and he is carrying a sniper rifle; hes probably a sniper. His gun is of an older model with a short effective range, so he cant threaten you guys at the moment. However, keep in mind that hes currently 3 km away from you guys.
Casey: Roger. I hope hes not here to talk about terms for surrender. I wont accept it.
It was Xu Cheng who was carrying the sniper rifle, and he had a head cover on as he ran towards the minefield.
He stopped when he was less than 1 km away from the M Nation special forces.
The commanders were watching him with a drone and several of them were quite curious.
Whats he doing?
Probably trying to set up an ambush here to try and catch us by surprise.
Does he not know that theres a drone in the sky watching him? Hes been exposed already.
They could see that Xu Cheng laid down on his stomach as he sorted out the gun and loaded the bullets. He then placed the gun against his shoulder, getting in a position as if he was preparing an ambush.
The commanders laughed. Looks like these mercenaries are quite amateurish. First of all, the effective range of his gun is only 1 km, and secondly, the air on Caseys side is full of sand, which will make it difficult to see anyone at all. Can you really shoot someone at this distance? Besides, Casey and the others have helmets and bulletproof vests. The odds of him hitting the only unprotected region of the face is so small. I think with a comprehensive assessment, we can say that hes preparing a sneak attack and waiting for Casey and the others to head over.
Thats probably it.
The headquarters immediately returned their feedback to Casey. 1 km in your 45-degree direction, a sniper is lying down, presumably trying to sneak attack. Keep an eye out for him later when you attack; dont get ambushed.
Okay, I got it. We wont go over there yet, well wait until sunset first and let them break mentally first. Casey smiled.
Suddenly, the commanders who had been continuing to monitor Xu Cheng wondered if they saw it correctly when it seemed like Xu Cheng had made an OK gesture towards the sky.
Do you guys think he saw our drone? Was he gesturing to us?
Is that possible? Its almost evening, so it will be difficult to see a drone a hundred meters up in the sky.
Then who is he making that gesture to?
After Xu Cheng finished gesturing, he focused his eyes into the scope, in which several of the special forces soldiers were exposed. The sand and dust in the air? They simply wouldnt be a problem with his penetrating vision.
A bullet passed silently through the dust and sand towards the face of an A-rank special forces soldier.
The soldier was packing up his gear when his head suddenly slammed against the vehicle from inertia and fell down onto the ground, surprising all the others at the scene.
It happened in a split second, catching everyone off guard.
Enemy attack! a soldier shouted and ran over to the fallen soldier to find him breathless with his head shot through from his eye socket.
Jack! Sh*t! Hes dead!
Boom. Another soldier fell down onto the ground with a bullet shot through their face.
This accuracy shocked Casey as he shouted in a hurry, Take cover behind the vehicle!
The remaining twenty-six soldiers scrambled behind the armed vehicle to take cover.
The commanders also spotted two of their soldiers had been shot through the head on camera.
Sir, it was that sniper that fired!
What! The commanders were taken aback. How the hell is that possible?
Casey, pay attention. That sniper isnt trying to sneak up on you; hes planning to kill you from there!