Chapter 547: Eerie (Part One)
After Xu Chengs punch went through his opponents body, he pulled his arm back as he looked at the guys face of disbelief. The Blackwater bodyguard was shocked yet he couldnt utter a word with blood seeping out from his mouth.
Xu Cheng faintly smiled. Do you know? Out of the 100 men that want to sleep with my woman, 99 of them have already died, and theres still one left inside. Dont worry, no ones leaving tonight!
When he pulled his fist out of the guys body, the bodyguards body collapsed onto his knees.
The speed of this punch was just too fast, so fast that the mercenaries carrying guns on the deck were caught off guard and couldnt even move a muscle in time. When they finally came back to their senses, their second-boss, who was the bodyguard, had already slowly fallen to the ground.
Then, they immediately began shooting at Xu Cheng.
Xu Cheng just flipped over the railing and dove straight into the sea like a carp. Against the ocean at night, the mercenaries on board immediately lost their target as they fire more shots blindly in that general direction.
The ship was sailing away, and normally, if someone were to jump ship, it would be impossible for them to climb back up because there was no ladder or anything to hang on to.
But, now that the second-boss of this operation was dead, the other mercenaries immediately ran back into the casino to report to the burly man inside. Boss, Deeres dead!
What did you say? The burly man was shocked. How did he die? Didnt he just leave?
That guy was too fast, he killed Deere! He already jumped into the ocean and disappeared.
The burly man finally calmed down a bit. Keep people watching the ocean surface, kill him and avenge Deere the moment he pops his head out.
Yes, if he dares to appear again, he will die for sure!
With the loud ocean wind and the structure of the cruise ship, it was normal that the gunshots on deck werent heard in the casino.
After Xu Cheng jumped into the ocean, he quickly took off his clothes and went invisible.
The time to reap had now officially begun!
There was no ladder?
No worries, Xu Cheng just climbed up the side of the cruise ship like a gecko. Although there were many mercenaries on the deck watching the ocean surface, they didnt know that Xu Cheng had already climbed back up.
There was a gust of wind when he walked past a sentry mercenary, but the mercenary just thought it was the ocean breeze, and he couldnt see the Xu Cheng that was beside him already.
Plus, on the deck at night, the lighting wasnt that bright.
When Xu Cheng walked past him, he suddenly pulled out the dagger from the mercenarys waist. He was so fast that the mercenary simply didnt notice at all.
Xu Cheng wasnt in a hurry to kill him, because this mercenary was in the visual field of the cruises video surveillance. Xu Cheng knew that there must be someone at the control center responsible for monitoring the whole situation.
With the number of security cameras on the cruise, if it wasnt for the fact that Xu Cheng could go invisible, it would be very difficult for anyone to roam around the ship without getting detected. This was also why it was important to bribe some staff members and the captain. If the pirates wanted to board the ship, they would be detected very easily the moment they appeared on radar, so the monitoring and control center that controlled the first line of defense must be bribed and under their control.
There were two mercenaries now in control of the monitoring room. Xu Cheng wasnt in a rush to take down anyone that he walked past because the moment he did, the people at the control center would be alerted.
Walking quietly like a cat, Xu Cheng entered the control room silently.
At that time, the two mercenaries were talking with the sentry that had just lost his knife.
Chapter 547: Eerie (Part Two)
The two guys responsible for the monitoring room tsked tsked and said, Alright, wait a second. When did you think you lost it?
I felt like I just played with it ten minutes ago, but I dont know why its missing now.
The two guys rewound the recording to ten minutes ago and exclaimed, Yeah, it was still there 10 minutes ago.
Then, the two kept on playing the footage, but just as a few more minutes passed, the dagger on this mercenary suddenly flew out by itself, and they were immediately dumbfounded.
Just when they were about to pick up the mic again to talk, the dagger suddenly floated behind one of those guys neck and sliced it right open. Then, Xu Cheng covered the mouth of the other guy, not letting him make even a sound.
That mercenarys eyes were wide open with fear. Why fear? Because he didnt see anything in the room, yet his comrade died right in front of him, and now his mouth seemed to have been grabbed by a domineering force. Not knowing what was going on was what induces the most fear.
The dagger that sliced his comrades throat began floating again, and in his eyes, he saw that the floating dagger slowly flew at him and just dug straight into his heart. After a second, he also fell to the ground.
Then, Xu Cheng turned off the entire monitoring system, broke the computer with his fist, and then went into the darkness with the dagger, preparing to begin his reaping of lives.
There were 8 floors in total on this cruise, and each floor had about 15 or so mercenaries on guard or looting. Especially for the bedroom areas on the top three floors, they would break into every room to loot whatever valuable things they managed to find.
However, what they didnt know was that there was an invisible grim reaper roaming among them. As people barged into bedrooms to search, Xu Cheng would follow them in. Then, no matter how many went in, all of them would have their throat sliced in there and never get to come out. Then, Xu Cheng would close the door behind him and turn on his penetrating vision to search for the next batch of prey. It was like a cheating software was turned on in a first-person shooter game; all walls and barriers could be seen through in Xu Chengs eyes.
There were about 150 mercenaries outside, and there were 60 in the casino. Xu Cheng already calculated before that with the current queue order and how behind Lin Chuxue and Haber were in the queue of over 300 guests, it would take probably half an hour before it gets to their turn. To Xu Cheng, it was more than enough to take care of those 150 mercenaries within half an hour.
The more troublesome thing was to temporarily hide the corpses because he must not let the mercenaries patrolling outside notice and alert the guys inside, or they may immediately use the cruise guests as hostages. That would make it a lot more difficult for Xu Cheng to rescue them and hinder his plan to finish this whole thing quickly.