Chapter 453: Eat a Breakfast, Make 160 Million (Part One)
If Xu Cheng was just testing the water with some university students the last few times, he was doing this for real now.
And this time, the scale was a lot bigger.
Saar and the other three mafia leaders all waited quietly at the Las Vegas hotel.
Xu Cheng and Lin Dong were also there waiting inside the suite room. Xu Cheng ordered a pizza and a cup of coffee.
Lin Dong also ordered the same thing. He lowered his head, looked at Xu Cheng, and said, Teacher, you still havent told me how you know if the dice rolls were big or small Are you still confident this time? If we mess this up and the mafia thinks we played them, what would be the consequences?
What kind of consequences? Xu Cheng nonchalantly said, This time coming out of Huaxia, I didnt bother to think about the consequences, everything is going by my mood. Oh right, did you get me a ticket to Professor Komans speech today?
Lin Dong nodded. Yea.
Xu Cheng nodded.
At this time, the four mafia leaders had been looking at Xu Cheng for a long time now.
Mr. Fang, you didnt bring us here today to hand us over to the FBI, right?
Chill, you gotta be more patient. Xu Cheng wiped his mouth and looked down. Below his feet, on the bottom floors, was the entire casino!
He took out the mic that the mafia had prepared for him and gave out the order to the gang members that were on standby downstairs.
Lets start.
Outside, there was an outdoor breakfast area right by the casino and it was extremely busy today. In fact, it was because more than a hundred or so gang members were pretending to be eating there.
Hearing Xu Chengs command, a little boss pursed his lips to signal the first guy to go ahead as planned.
That guy got up, took away a no-name bank card from the little boss, and went to the casino that Xu Cheng and the others were in.
He took out 1 million dollars in chips and went in to gamble. The whole time, the intercom was open.
Suddenly, the earpiece in his ear sounded. Table 9, small.
The gang member immediately went to Table #9 and noticed that the dealer hadnt revealed the dice yet.
He directly placed all the chips on small.
Inside the suite, Saar and the other mafia leaders were waiting quietly.
Up until now, they still didnt know what Xu Cheng had planned, and they could only follow orders. Xu Cheng already said that if they gave him one day of time, he will show them how he gets the money through action.
After the dice cup was lifted, the gang member got 2 million dollars in chips and left immediately, not drawing any attention.
Just as he walked out, another member walked in, and when the two guys walked past each other, the bank card slipped into the second guys hand.
The second member got back 4 million and passed the card to the next one.
Because it was a no-name card, the casino staff wouldnt be able to track it or get any information.
The third gang member placed down the bet with 4 million, and after the all-in, he left with 8 million and passed it onto the next one. It hadnt been even half-an-hour, and when the bank card passed through three guys, the 1 million already turned into 8 million.
When the fourth guy took over, he turned the 8 million into 16. Then, Xu Cheng instructed the next guy to start with just a million again.