Chapter 272: Gottem (Part one)
When the dealer began dealing cards, Lin Lei suddenly remembered. He whispered into Xu Chengs ears, Brother-in-Law, I remember now! This guys name isnt Jack, and hes one of the top in-house gambling masters of this casino!
They were speaking in their countrys language so the others didnt know what they were saying. Xu Cheng looked at his two cards and said, I know.
Why are you still playing with him if you know? Hes a pro! Lin Lei was speechless.
These guys arent gods. Besides, they cant cheat, so theres nothing to be scared of.
Lin Lei didnt know whether he should laugh or cry. Bro, Im scared that you are too sh-t!
Xu Cheng laughed. I got you to come with me to be responsible for transferring the funds to the company, you dont have to do anything else.
Lin Lei gritted his teeth and said, Brother-in-Law, if you can really get 3 billion, then even if my sis breaks up with you down the road, I will disown her and be your little brother.
Xu Cheng: Those words truly touched my heart.
Bei Shan slapped Xu Cheng on the head. Focus on the game.
The dealer flipped over the first card of everyones hand.
Xu Cheng then looked at his two cards, and he pretended to be indifferent. Those two pros felt that the acting was too obvious and full of holes, thinking it was just a piece of cake to deal with him. At first, they thought the management wanted them to defeat some grandmaster or something and that was why both of them had been requested to participate, but now, an Asian?
Xu Cheng looked at his cards, the Ace of Spades and the 2 of Diamonds.
And when he saw that 2 of Diamonds, he was really quite speechless.
Then, taking a look at the other two, he saw that Stephen had a J of Hearts and 6 of Diamonds; Jacks hand was pretty good, a pair of 5s!
After the dealer gave out each players first face-up card. Xu Cheng got the 2 of Hearts, Stephen got the J of Spades, and Jack got the 6 of Hearts.
The dealer gave Stephen a look. J of Spades, speak.
Stephens cards were a pair of Js and a 6, and he felt it was a pretty good hand.
50 million.
It was then Jacks turn. He had a pair of 5s, and there was no reason he would fold right now. So, he pushed in 50 million worth of chips and said, I call.
Xu Cheng was still thinking as he watched the dealers deck and did a forecast.
For the next couple of turns, Xu Cheng would be getting the 7 of Hearts and A of Clubs, so his entire hand would be a pair of aces, a pair of 2s, and an out-of-place 7.
Stephen would be getting the J of Diamonds and 3 of Hearts, so his whole hand would be triple Js and two out-of-place cards, which was pretty good.
But what was more interesting was Jacks hand. He would be getting a 7 and 8, and his entire hand would be 5, 5, 6, 7, and 8. Xu Cheng bet Jack would use this hand to bluff. If Jacks three face-up cards were 6, 7, and 8, the chance of a straight was great. Xu Cheng very much wanted to know whether Stephen would fall for the bluff and fold.
Since Stephens hand would actually beat Xu Cheng, Xu Cheng really wanted to see if they could get to that situation.
He grinned. I call as well.
The dealer dealt the second face-up card for everyone.
Just as Xu Cheng predicted, he got a 7 (A227), Stephen got a J (JJJ6), and Jack got a 7 (5567).
The dealer looked at Stephen and said, J, speak up.
Seeing how Stephen was laughing like a b-tthole, it was clear that he was very excited. He pushed in another pile of chips. Raise, 50 million!
If he could get another J, then he could really f-ck gods.