Chapter 131: This Madman (Part one)
After hearing Xu Chengs words, Chang Qing suddenly laughed. It was a bitter and pathetic laugh, as he never thought that things would one day come down to this for him.
Since you could track me down, that means the eyes from East Gate can also find me. If you want me to cooperate and get you the location of the underground money house, then we will have to see if you have the capabilities. I predict that, right now, East Gate and the underground money houses assassins are already on their way. You want me to cooperate? Okay, but that will depend on if you have what it takes to bring me back to the police HQ alive. To be honest, if those people really want me to die, then even with the help of the police, I will still die. Thats why I sneered at your proposal.
Get into my car, I will take you back to the police HQ, Xu Cheng raised his eyebrows and said.
Chang Qing: Can I trust you?
Xu Cheng: Do you have any other options right now?
As he said this, he got off the car and unlocked his own.
Chang Qing was still hesitating when Xu Cheng drove the car to his and said, Taking down two Gates is enough to scare the other two into behaving better in the future, and thats basically what I wanted. If you decline, then I wont be at any loss. I will give you 10 seconds to think, and when that times up, Im leaving. Before South Gate can protect you, you will die here first.
Chang Qings pupils slightly shrunk, and within three seconds, he popped into the passenger seat, but Xu Cheng said, Go sit in the back. There is more room there for you to hide.
Chang Qing then popped into the back seat.
Xu Cheng started the car and drove out of the parking lot, almost running right into a van.
Chang Qing instinctively lowered his head. In that van, a scar-faced man stopped before Xu Chengs car and stared at him for a while. Finally, Xu Cheng honked the horn. Please move out of the way.
Scarface put the car in reverse and moved, and Xu Chengs car passed right by his. Scarface raised his phone and said, Its a Santana, license plate *****. The target should be in the car. Dont let them get back to the police station. Its up to you guys now.
Got it.
Got it.
Xu Cheng heard the conversation on the van, and he directly stepped on the gas. When he got toan intersection in the main road, he stopped to wait for red light. Just then, a sedan from the other side drove straight towards him. Xu Cheng instinctively put the drive in reverse and stepped on the gas, making the car immediately back up and drift about 360 degrees to dodge the sedan. Then, without waiting for the red light, Xu Cheng stepped on the gas again and charged straight forward.
After that sedan missed, it turned around right away and followed right after.
They are travelling north on Jiaoling Road, intercept him! the killer inside the sedan said to the mic.
Xu Cheng dodged two more sedans that were deliberately trying to cause an accident and headed forward. Just then, a giant truck came over and began making a turn. Due to its long body, the entire street was temporarily blocked off.
Chang Qings face changed right away at the sight of this. Thats East Gates truck!
Xu Cheng obviously wouldnt try to hit that trucks body with his little sh8tbox. He had no choice but to step on the brakes, borrowing that momentum to make a 180-degree drift and preparing to go back the way he came from.
But, who knew that the sedan that initially tried to run into them also caught up.
Chapter 131: This Madman (Part two)
Are we going to die here? Chang Qings voice was trembling.
Xu Cheng: He knows Im an officer, right?
Chang Qing: They are doing this because you are the police officer! Its basically killing two birds with one stone, dont you get it? Once you die, then the other two Gates will have nothing to worry about, and the whole storm will calm. And if I die, then I wont have the chance to expose them.
Xu Cheng suddenly changed gears, and then he stepped on the brakes and the gas at the same time. The wheels began spinning on the spot, rubbing out white smoke. At that instant, Xu Cheng let go of the brakes, and the hundred-horsepower engine shot the car forward like a mustang out of the gate.
Chang Qing saw Xu Cheng actually wanted to go directly head on with that assassins sedan, and his face immediately lost color. Are you crazy?
Xu Cheng wasnt nervous at all as he said to Chang Qing, Hold on tight. My cars modified, there are airbags, but it will be up to your luck if you can survive or not.
On the other side, the assassin in the sedan didnt expect Xu Cheng to charge towards him at all. When he saw Xu Chengs sedan speeding towards him like a bullet, his face slightly changed.
What is he doing?
Does he want to commit suicide and take me down with him?
Does he really dare?
At that thought, the hitman gritted his teeth. He believed that Xu Cheng definitely wouldnt have the guts! So, he stepped on the gas and also began speeding towards Xu Cheng.
If the two of them were to collide at that speed, they would definitely die! No matter how safe the car was, it would be completely destroyed under such a violent impact. Not to mention the people inside, the whole car would be scrapped!
The two cars were getting closer by the second.
Chang Qing could barely breathe, and he wanted to immediately open the door and duck and roll. Who knew that the door would be locked, and he couldnt even kick it open.
Xu Chengs eyes were locked at the front, and his speed wasnt slowing down at all. The two cars were only about a few hundred meters away, and there were only a dozen seconds left until impact.
Although a dozen seconds seems to be not that short, it was a long and gruesome moment of suffering for Chang Qing and that hitman. The killers hand on the wheel gripped tighter and tighter, and he didnt believe Xu Cheng would really hit him!
He didnt believe it!
There were only about a few seconds left!
The killers eyes stared wide open, and when there were only about 2 seconds left, he became scared! He really was scared! Assassins werent afraid of death, but it must be worth it. Normally, they were the ones doing the killing, and those that got taken down with the target clearly werent good at their jobs. So, when he ran into a madman that clearly wasnt afraid of death, he got scared, really scared!
Chang Qings hands were tightly gripped onto the grab handle above his head and he had his eyes shut, not daring to look at the brutal tragedy that was about to take place. His heart almost jumped up to his throat.
Just one second before the two cars were about to collide into each other, Xu Cheng was still not thinking about moving out of the way. He even crazily let go off the steering wheel, with his hands up high as he revealed a madman-like smile. Seeing that crazy and creepy smile through the cars transparent windshield, the assassins heart trembled!
This bustard really didnt mind committing suicide!
He even let go off the wheel and drove the car straight towards him!
Suddenly, the assassin couldnt stand the torment anymore. He gritted his teeth as he swirled the vehicle out of the way immediately.
But with the killer moving out of the way, Xu Chengs car directly rushed past him into the distance, leaving behind the killer covered in cold sweat, who gritted his teeth as he muttered, Hes crazy!