Chapter 734: Do you have the guts to not wear a mask (Part One)
Xu Cheng didnt leave by the time dinner time rolled around in the evening, and Ran Jing went to pick up her car and waited for him in front of the police station.
Lets have dinner together?
Xu Cheng said, Where can I go in public looking like this?
Come to my house, Ran Jing said bluntly.
Youre not afraid of me? Xu Cheng said sarcastically, Other than the fact that I have a shadow, I look no different from a ghost.
Having a shadow is enough. Ran Jing smiled. Get in the car, it is rare to have elites from above come down here. Your actions today have conquered us, and I want to learn more from you. Otherwise there might not be a chance in the future.
Xu Cheng was not pretentious as he pulled open the car door and was about to get in.
That was when a Passat pulled over.
A mature looking man came down from the vehicle, and he said to Ran Jing, Ive been looking for you, lets eat dinner. I know you must be tired of that case, so Ill take you to a seafood restaurant tonight.
Ran Jing looked at him and frowned as she said, Liu Wenbin, I rejected you for three years. I dont like you, you should know when to stop.
If Xu Cheng still remembered that this man was interested in Ran Jing since three years ago, when she was still the team leader at the criminal department. He was Liu Wenbin from the Flying Tiger team, and he even called to warn Xu Cheng to not approach Ran Jing.
Liu Wenbin stood directly in front of Ran Jings car and said to her, Little Jing, you dont like those rich men with a temper, the ones without status cant control you, and those that do have a status cant win a fight against you. Think about it, who can you choose now? Nobody except me, Liu Wenbin, in the entire police force dared to go after you. This is Gods arrangement, is that not enough for you to feel honored?
Ran Jing sneered. Is this so-called Gods arrangement or your arrangement? Because youre the bureaus director, you scare anyone who approaches me. Dont think I didnt know what you were doing under the table. I am not available today, I have a guest, go away.
Liu Wenbin smacked his lips and he saw Xu Cheng in the passenger seat. He came to the window and looked at Xu Cheng as he grinned. Wow man. You know that I will hold a grudge if I know who you are, so youre wearing a mask? Bro, let me tell you that wearing a mask is useless. I can check who you are as long as I have your fingerprints. Once I find out, youll still have to get out of Ran Jings world, you understand? That said, do you have the guts to take off the mask? If you have the guts to pursue Ran Jing, then dont wear a mask!
Ran Jing: What are you talking about? This is my colleague! Dont use your background to threaten people.
Liu Wenbin: Im not. Im having a peaceful conversation here with this man.
Xu Cheng said, I will not take off the mask, but if you want to check my fingerprints, youre welcome to do so.
Chapter 734: Do you have the guts to not wear a mask (Part Two)
Liu Wenbins expression sank and he stopped smiling as he stared at Xu Cheng and said, Youre Ran Jings colleague? My name is Liu Wenbin.
Since he was Ran Jings colleague at the police force, then he should know the name of the provincial bureau director: Liu Wenbin. Liu Wenbin felt that his name was enough and anybody would know who the top official in the police force was.
However, Xu Cheng sat unmoved in the passenger seat and he didnt say anything as he rolled the window up, not even giving Liu Wenbin a glance.
Liu Wenbins eyes widened as he stared at Xu Cheng through the car window; he was furious.
He knocked on the car window and shouted, Who do you think you are? You really f*cking think that I wont recognize you if youre wearing a mask? Dont think about working in the police force anymore, Im telling you!
Well Liu Wenbin, you shouldnt be here. We are not on duty, so dont use your title on us. I have to go to dinner with this Mr. Fang, and stop bothering me from now on, Ran Jing shouted at Liu Wenbin.
Liu Wenbin was pissed by Xu Chengs attitude, and he wouldnt let this go easily. If it was someone else then maybe he wouldve been fine, but it was the police force, where he was the boss, and he was not to be disrespected by his subordinates!
Not to mention this happened in front of the woman he liked!
That was simply intolerable for him.
Get out of the car! He pulled the car handle as he yelled, Get out of the car! Do you hear me? Get out of the car!
Ran Jing walked out of the car first, annoyed by Liu Wenbin as she yelled, Are you crazy? I invited him for dinner! Its so unfortunate that we saw you today!
Unfortunate? Liu Wenbin was angry. I think its unfortunate that I saw him here!
Having said that, he wasnt willing to let them go easily. He continued to slam on the car door shouting at Xu Cheng inside the car. Hey, can you hide inside forever and not come out? No matter who comes today, itll be too late. Im going to f*cking fire you! Alright, youre not coming out, right? Ill call to confirm your information right now, and you just wait to lose your job!
Thats enough, Liu Wenbin. Stop being a disgrace! Who do you think youre firing? Ran Jing was angry.
That was when Xu Cheng rolled down the car window and turned his head to Liu Wenbin. Alright, Ill give you my fingerprints.
Liu Wenbin gritted his teeth. Do it, if you dare to give it to me, Ill dare to fire you.
He then took out his phone and Xu Cheng left the fingerprints on his phone screen.
After Liu Wenbin got the fingerprints, he went back into his car, and before he drove away he said to Xu Cheng, Lets see how you f*cking look like inside your mask.
Once he left, Ran Jing rubbed her hair speechlessly.
Xu Cheng: Its okay, is he bothering you a lot?
Yeah. Ran Jing nodded. But hes my superior, what can I do?
Then he wont come bother you for a while now, Ran Jing didnt quite understand what Xu Cheng had just said.
Liu Wenbin went to his office, extracted Xu Chengs fingerprints, and personally tried to pull out Xu Chengs information from the database with anger.
The fingerprint results showed: Does not exist.
He froze for a moment.
Wow, his level is not low, eh? Working in the police department, Liu Wenbin knew that if someone was at a certain level, he wouldnt be able to pull up their data with an ordinary system account.
He curled his lips because with his position, he could access it at a higher authorization level.
He continued searching using his higher authorization, and the result was the same: Does not exist.
Impossible. Liu Wenbin wondered, and he entered the fingerprints again to repeat the search.
However, he did not expect that his fingerprint search had been pinged many times in the Yanjing intelligence system.
Investigate this account and lock their IP, Then get the local intelligence officers to go over for questioning. Bei Shan made the order after looking at the constantly incoming alerts on the computer.
The subordinate nodded and relayed the mission to the next level Shangcheng intelligence branch.
Soon after, when Liu Wenbin gave up searching, his office door was kicked open and a group of special forces heavily armed with guns aiming at him came in and said, Dont move!
Liu Wenbin was dumbfounded.
An intelligence officer came over and looked at his computer which was still on the login screen and said in a deep voice, Take him away!
Im f*cking Liu Wenbin! This is my office, what are you doing? Liu Wenbin yelled.
The intelligence officer said, I know you are Liu Wenbin, and I also know your rank. Its because I know, so you must come with us for investigation.
The Dragon Division was very sensitive in regards to protecting Xu Chengs information.