Chapter 713: Ill save my woman, Ill also save the country (Part One)
Having a conversation really did divert Xu Chengs attention away from the pain.
Xu Cheng looked over to Lin Chuxue when he noticed that the Tardigrades genes in her head had started to work and there was movement.
He hurriedly said, There is a reaction, Little Xues necrotic cells are being repaired. Quick, she needs a lot of blood right now.
Lin Dong lifted his eyes. Master, youre not suggesting that?
Xu Cheng lowered his head and looked at him with a serious face. Transfuse my blood!
Lin Dong was reluctant and deliberately said, Your blood types dont match, so it wont work, right?
Are you stupid? Xu Cheng rolled his eyes. Dont try to trick me, my blood can be supplied to anyone!
Master! Madams blood loss is not little, said Lin Dong seriously.
Im determined to save her, do you think I would give up halfway? Xu Cheng shouted, Cut the cr*p and hurry up!
But! Lin Dong suppressed his anger as he said, Theres no anesthesia! Therere at least two dozen syringes needed to transfuse blood to almost every blood vessel in the body!
Insert them! Xu Cheng looked at Lin Dong with non-negotiating eyes.
Lin Dong sighed, he had already used the largest syringe, and it was already too late to give up halfway. Since there was no going back, he stopped persuading Xu Cheng.
He went and brought the tubes linked to Lin Chuxues blood vessels to Xu Chengs side, and inserted them one by one into his major blood vessels.
When more than twenty needles were inserted into Xu Chengs body, he closed his eyes and Lin Dong saw that his lips were trembling as the veins on his forehead and neck popped out in great pain.
However, he held onto Lin Chuxues hand tightly and saw that the necrotic cells in her brain were starting to be repaired. His blood had stimulated and activated the functions in her body that had been interrupted due to her brain death, and Lin Chuxues own blood cells, heart, and other internal organs had started to function.
The electrocardiogram linked to Lin Chuxues heart suddenly started beating slightly.
Lin Dong was overjoyed. Master! There is hope!
When he looked over at Xu Chengs face excitedly, he saw that Xu Chengs eyes were closed from exhaustion and blood loss, but there was a weak smile on his face; then Lin Dong saw that Xu Chengs ECG had gone from normal to low level!
Chapter 713: Ill save my woman, Ill also save the country (Part Two)
Master! Lin Dong rushed over to wake Xu Cheng.
Xu Cheng opened his eyes weakly and said, Its okay, I can still hold it.
He also had an excited look on his face as looked at Lin Chuxue. He then increased the amount of blood flow from his body into Lin Chuxues body.
Master! Lin Dong worried.
Little Dong, let me tell you that I have almost earned these five years. Xu Cheng smiled weakly but with content. I used to think that it would be difficult to face Little Xue in this life, that I wouldnt be strong enough to deserve her, and that I wouldnt be able to avenge my fathers death. But I feel very lucky that I have accomplished all this, and I dont want Little Xues death to turn everything into a dream. Im afraid that all I have now is her, so Ill do whatever it takes to save her even if it means I have to die. I still want her to live. Im really satisfied. To live to this day, Ive rebelled against the nobles, Ive put down clans, Ive even influenced the war in the Land of Mercenaries and I could do whatever I wanted. Ive never dared to live like this five years ago, so Ive earned it!
Lin Dong quickly removed all the needles as he tried to stop Xu Chengs bleeding. You should stop talking and take good care of yourself. Madams body is already saturated with your blood cells, and all she needs now is willpower to wake up. If she cant wake up, then she would be in a vegetative state.
Xu Cheng lay on the hospital bed and smiled. Its okay, I believe that she will wake up sooner or later.
That was when an old man leaped down from the window ledge and looked at Lin Chuxue with his face filled with excitement.
Shall we talk? the old man said.
Lin Dongs expression changed dramatically when he saw this man, and he stood in front of Xu Cheng to protect him.
Xu Cheng pushed him away and said, What are you so nervous about, if he wanted to kill me, he would have done it long ago and he wouldnt have followed me for so long.
The old man was surprised, You know that Ive been following you?
Xu Cheng nodded. I know I couldnt get rid of you, but I also didnt want to delay saving my womans life, so I allowed you to follow me like this. Nothing within a two-kilometer radius can escape my eyes.
Thats even better since youre a clever man. Lets talk openly then, the old man said.
Xu Cheng looked at Lin Dong and said, Take her and leave here; go back to Huaxia now!
Xu Cheng felt that the only place where the Capital Society could not get involved now was in Huaxia.
Master! Lin Dong didnt want to leave him alone because Xu Cheng wouldnt have a good chance against this old man in his current state.
Obey my order! Xu Cheng said in a deep voice.
Lin Dong gritted his teeth as he said, How am I supposed to explain to her if she wakes up? What if she looks for you?
Xu Cheng looked at the old man, and a trace of determination flashed across his eyes intending to kill this man. He turned to look at Lin Dong and said, Give her some time. If she forgets me, then you dont have to tell her, but if she really wants to know, then its better to shorten the pain and tell her the truth.
Having said that, he looked at the surveillance in the operating room and said, Just show her this footage. If Im gone in the future, she shouldnt have any unnecessary hope that Im still alive.
Lin Dong could tell that this was Masters way of giving his last words, and he stood there dumbfounded.
Go! Xu Cheng shouted.
Lin Dong quickly pulled open the operating room door and ran out with Lin Chuxue on the hospital bed.
Meanwhile Xu Cheng laid on the bed and stared at the old man.
The old man said, Do you plan to die here?
He saw that Xu Chengs words just now meant that there would be no compromise.
You harmed my woman, yet you want cooperation from me? Xu Cheng laughed out sarcastically. What do you take me for? Let me tell you that I will not compromise with any enemies of my country. I will save my woman, and I will also save my country. But you want me to save you traitors, no way! Saving you means giving you more time to take control of Asia, doesnt it?
The old man: If you died, who in Huaxia can fight a match with our R? The 2nd strongest, Satan, is already dead, and you think your little nobodies can? Its only a matter of time before the Capital Society takes control of your country.
Who says Satan is dead? Xu Cheng looked disdainfully at him. I was able to save my woman, did you think Satan would die under my watch? As long as hes alive, and by the extent he knows you by, hell start a war if it means to destroy you. Youre not afraid of bullets, but are you afraid of missiles?
The old man laughed lightly. I have indeed witnessed you saving your woman. Its fine if you dont want to cooperate, because then I can just drag your corpse to use it. Youre really like a treasure now, even your dead body is worth something.
Xu Chengs eyes narrowed. Id like to see you try.