Accident Prone - 96 Back From Work

96 Back From Work

5:26 PM

Elizabeth returned from work and sighed in relief when she closed the door behind her.

The afternoon was emotionally challenging, and she struggled to focus on her patients. Dr. Kaviraj's words that everyone thinks how she is in a relations.h.i.+p with Dr. Snow replayed in Liz's mind and more than once she was on the verge of going to Dr. Snow's office and demanding from him to clarify things. But she knows that is childish and it can backfire in so many ways.

As soon as she finished with patients, she left work and headed home.

Liz's phone buzzed, notifying her of a new message. She smiled, thinking that it's from Max.

[Mia] : "Let me know when you are back from work, I want to talk to you in private."

Liz responded right away: "I'm home."

Ten seconds later, Liz heard the door open and Mia got in.

"I thought you are back around six or something.", Mia said straight from the door.

"Yeah, usually.", Liz admitted.

Mia noticed Liz's off mood. "What happened?"

Liz pursed her lips, grimaced, exhaled loudly and then frowned.Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.

"That serious?", Mia asked when she saw variety of Liz's expressions.

Liz thought how to say what is bothering her or if she should say anything at all, but then decided to just say it: "The whole hospital thinks that I'm dating Dr. Snow."

"What?" Mia sat on the sofa and patted a spot next to her. "Come here…" 

Liz dragged her feet to the sofa and sat with her head lowered.

"Tell me from the beginning.", Mia encouraged Liz.

"There is not much to tell. For weeks I'm having lunches in the cafeteria with him, oblivious to the fact that everyone else saw that as the two of us dating. And this morning I find inside my office flowers with his apology, and everyone thinks we had a lover's quarrel and that I am playing hard to get."

Mia processed Liz's words. She knew that Liz is having lunches with Dr. Dreamy, but…"Flowers with an apology? For what is he apologizing?"

Liz realized that Mia left lunch with Hunter before the incident and she didn't talk with Mia after that. "Well… On, after lunch, you left. Everyone did. Max went to the restroom, leaving Dr. Snow and me at the table. Dr. Snow used that opportunity to say something about me giving him a chance to pursue me romantically and to show me that he can be a good lifelong partner… and then Max returned and punched him in the face… and Dr. Snow fell on the floor… and Max carried me out of the restaurant. Princess style."

Mia's expression was frozen for some time. This is wilder than any drama she watched on television so far... and she watched many! "Are you saying that Dr. Dreamy proposed a marriage to you and Max swooped in and stole you away?"

"Dr. Dreamy?"

Mia waved, indicating that Liz focused on a non-important part. "That is how Olivia calls him and it's catchy. And Dr. Dreamy apologized for what? Because he proposed?"

"No. He was holding onto my hand and not letting go and he was saying rude things about Max."

Mia saw that Liz is getting more upset the more she talks about it. But this is important. She needs to know more! "OK. OK. What is the state at your work currently?"

Liz sighed. "Because of all the lunches, people a.s.sumed we are dating. And the card which arrived with the flowers said that he hopes that I will give him another chance. Nurse who carried the flowers to my office read it and told everyone else. Gossip spreads fast."

"What did you do?"

"I kept the card away to prevent anyone else from reading it and gave the flowers to the nurses. But they added that to the part of me playing hard to get."

Mia nodded in approval. She would get rid of the flowers as well. "Did you talk to Dr. Dreamy?"

Liz grimaced. "Can you stop calling him that? No, I didn't talk to him. What will I say? If I approach him, people will only add to the existing gossip. I just want to forget about this and focus on my work. It will die away on its own."

"You will tell Max about this, right?" Mia saw that Liz is avoiding her gaze. "Liz? You need to tell Max about this."

Liz sighed helplessly. "Tell him what? That a man sent me flowers and I didn't accept it? Or that at work people gossip how I'm involved with someone, and that someone is not Max? Mia, Dr. Snow just held my hand in the restaurant, above the table, and Max punched him in front of everyone. What will he do if he hears about this? I don't want personal drama to be dragged to my work."

"It seems that you already have a drama going on.", Mia reminded Liz.

Liz rubbed her temples in frustration. "Yes, and I don't want to make it worse. Max returned to work and he has so many other things to think about. I don't want him to get upset over a gossip at my work."

Mia nodded in understanding. Liz always prioritized work over personal issues. Even if it's not her work. "So… what will you do?"

"I will go to work and pretend that I didn't hear about that gossip. At the same time, I will avoid Dr. Snow. I will not have any talks or lunches where it's just the two of us and in time this gossip will die off and people will find something else to talk about." Liz didn't want to talk about this anymore, and she decided to change topic. "How was your day?"

Mia smiled. "I went apartment shopping with Hunter. We found the one, only few blocks away from here, and if all is well, in two days we can move in."

Liz's mouth was half open. "You are moving in with him?"

"Look who is talking." Mia noticed Liz's confusion and clarified: "Maybe you and Max have your own apartments, but since I arrived: the two of you slept in his apartment, his boat, and your apartment. Those are three different locations, but the fact is that the two of you are living together."

Liz could not find a counter-argument to this. But Max and she are not on the agenda. "Are you sure this is what you want? You met him two days ago."

"I am not sure about anything other than I can't stay away from Hunter. That is why I am here."

Liz remembered that Mia sent her a text asking to talk in private. "Right, right. What do you want to talk about?"

Mia was happy that they are on the pressing topic. "I want you to give me a prescription so that I can start taking the pill."


Mia was confused. Won't Liz give her a lesson on responsibilities and whatnot? "You will not ask me anything related to that?"

"Uhm… no. I will write a prescription and you can pick it up within an hour. There is a pharmacy down the street. Give me a minute." Liz got her laptop and few minutes later announced: "Done. Just keep in mind that if you start taking them while on your period, they are effective right away, and if you are not on your period, you need to give them five days to kick in. And take them every day, don't skip."

Mia's phone buzzed, indicating that she got a message. She smiled when she read that there is a prescription for her with information when and where she can pick it up. "Thanks."

There was a sound of shuffling at the front door and then Max walked in.

Mia whistled. "There is nothing more das.h.i.+ng than a man in a suit!"

Max's eyebrows shoot up, surprised by Mia's catcall and amused by Liz's reaction. He didn't realize that Liz can be so protective. He likes it.

Mia laughed seeing Liz's warning look and stood up. "I'm going to give you privacy. Oh! Hunter and I plan to order dinner and eat here. I mean… there." Mia pointed toward the Max's apartment. "Let me know if you want to join, we will order more food. If I don't hear back from you in half an hour, we will order just for the two of us."

Liz saw that Mia exited and smiled at Max who walked toward her.

Liz has to admit that Max is very handsome. It is more than the suit or how tall he is or his perfect face… it's the irresistible confidence and his enchanting smile and those dark blue eyes she is unable to look away from.

Max removed his suit jacket, kept it on the backrest of the sofa and sat next to Liz. "Hi."

Liz wanted to respond, but she realized that she has no air to do so. For some reason, she is not breathing. She inhaled forcibly. "Hi."

"How was your day?", Max asked.

He was surprised that instead of answering, Liz scooted closer to him and sat on his lap. Her arms circled around him and she leaned her head on his firm chest.

Max smiled and wrapped his arms around her. Somehow, the woman curled up in his lap reminded him of a child who needs comforting.

"I hear you missed me."

Liz responded with a nod.

He kissed the top of her head and tightened his hug. "I missed you more."


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