Accident Prone - 83 Sunday Morning 5

83 Sunday Morning 5

"Yes?", Mia asked as soon as Liz closed the door behind them. She knows what Liz wants to talk about. The glaring topic is: Hunter and Mia. But she does not want it to be delayed. Mia wants to answer any question Liz has and return by Hunter's side as soon as possible. Staying away from him is… painful.

"How did you end up with Hunter?", Liz went straight to the point. She was never the one to beat around the bush.

Mia grinned. "After lunch we had a game, and then dinner and then we sparred and ended up in my room. He is amazing…" Mia drifted off into her thoughts.

"Are you sure you know what you are doing?", Liz asked carefully, fearing that she might be stepping over the line.

"No.", Mia responded with a grin. "And I don't care. I really don't. Everything he does is right. I never felt anything like this, and I don't know how long this will last or where it is going, but I know that I don't have the strength to stay away from Hunter."

Thinking about being with Hunter, Mia remembered: "Oh, yes! Do you mind if I stay a bit longer here?"

Liz was still processing the information. She is happy for her friend, but it's unexpected. Hunter? "Sure, no problem. Stay as long as you want."

"Thank you." Mia hugged her. "I know that you are not used to a roommate, so let me know if I ever step over some boundary you have. I promise to clean after myself and I will never empty the fridge and the pantry completely."

Mia inched away from Liz. "Anything else? Or can I go to my das.h.i.+ng boyfriend?"

Liz waved to Mia that she can go. She thought how Mia called Hunter her 'das.h.i.+ng boyfriend'. It rolled off from Mia's tongue naturally. Liz told herself that she should probably look at Mia and Hunter and take notes how a new couple acts.

Liz scolded herself. Why is she so stiff? Why can't she be so silly and irresponsible like Mia?

Liz remembered Brianna and headed to the bedroom next door.


In Brianna's bedroom…

Liz found Brianna packing. "Ready?"


"We got breakfast.", Liz said cheerfully.

Brianna yawned. "I barely slept last night so I don't have any appet.i.te. But I will take the coffee."

"So, how was Quentin?" Liz a.s.sumed that he is the reason why Brianna barely slept.

Brianna was not sure how to respond to this without worrying Liz. She knows that Liz was cheering for her and Quentin to get together.

"It was OK, but I came here early.", Brianna responded vaguely.

Liz noticed that something is off. Considering what she knows about Brianna and Quentin, the two of them should have spent the night together and enjoyed it. "What happened?"

Brianna shrugged. "Sometimes things don't work out. How was your night?"

Liz understood that Bri does not want to talk about it.

Thinking about her night, Liz smiled. "We spent the night on his boat and… we are dating."

Brianna nodded in approval with a big smile on her face. "Officially?"

"Yeah. Max said that I am his girlfriend."

Brianna paused. When Liz said how they spent the night on Max's boat, she a.s.sumed… but now that the milestone Liz mentioned is a label of a 'girlfriend', she had to verify: "You spent the night together? What did you do?"

"We talked and then held each other. It was nice."

Brianna closed her eyes and took a deep breath to compose herself. "Elizabeth, I will send you few movies so that you can see what two grownups who are dating do when they spend the night together."

Blush invaded Liz's face. "I… I know what they do."

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"If you do, why are you stuck on hugging? Did you kiss? The real one, on the lips… with a tongue!" Brianna saw that Liz lowered her gaze and she sighed helplessly. "I don't know if Max is the most patient man on Earth or is something wrong with him."

"What do you mean?"

"Are you saving yourself for after marriage?"

Liz blinked. "What?"

Brianna looked at Liz's innocent expression and sighed. But she needs to tell Liz what is going on, or no one will. "Liz, sweetie, you are torturing him. I know that your dating experience is negative, but ask yourself: do you like him? If you like him then why are you denying him intimacy which two grownups who are attracted to each other normally have? You don't need to take the initiative, just let him know that you are willing. I'm sure he will take it from there and he will not rush you into anything."

"I told him that I will not run away.", Liz admitted.

Brianna sighed. "Last time he hurt your feelings unintentionally and you ran away to New York and after that avoided him like a plague. I'm sure that he is very careful not to step over the line, and that should tell you how much he cherishes you. You need to let him know that even though some things are new, and you are not sure what to do, you are willing to try them with him."

Liz observed Brianna while she closed her suitcase and she can see that Brianna is still not done talking.

"Liz, I know that you are focused on your work and proving yourself to the world, but… It's not fair to accept someone's feelings halfway.", Brianna advised. "Everyone can see that Max cares about you, but based on your behavior, your stance is not clear. You are not pus.h.i.+ng him away, but you are not letting him in either. How I see it, he is stuck in a limbo where he has a hope that your relations.h.i.+p will progress, but he does not dare to make a move out of fear to push you away, and you are not helping to solve his dilemma."

Liz thought about Brianna's words and guilt washed over her. "I don't know what to do."

"Sweetie, love and dating is not about knowing. It's about feeling. I know you are not an impulsive person who is driven by emotions, but you need to listen to your heart. It's like taking a leap off the cliff, even though you are scared, and believe that Max will catch you. And after he proves over and over again that he will not let you fall, you establish a feeling of trust and security."

Liz smiled absentmindedly. "I feel that I've got it backward. Max makes me feel safe and I trust him, but I am afraid of that cliff."

"Maybe because Max was there for you when you needed him, and his patience paved him a way into your heart but you are not aware of it. I can see that you like him, but you need to let him know that." Bri checked time. "If I don't get my coffee, I will leave without one."

Liz hugged Brianna. "Thank you. I will miss you."

Brianna hugged Liz back. "You are welcome. I am one phone call away, as always."

Bri inched away and told Liz seriously: "I leave Mia in your care. Considering the noise those two made last night, advise her to start taking the pill. They used my whole supply of condoms."

Liz burst into laugh.


Quentin is pacing nervously in front of Liz's apartment with a huge bouquet of flowers in his hand. White tulips are mixed with white and light pink roses, looking delicate and elegant and Quentin knows that Brianna will like it. But… will she accept it?

He is still not sure what to say to fix the mess from previous night, but he knows that he can't let Brianna leave for New York. Not like that. She was angry and disappointed and maybe even heartbroken, and he needs to fix that. Somehow.

Quentin took a deep breath and rang the doorbell.

Few seconds later, the door opened, and Olivia looked at him. She saw that he is nervous, and those flowers definitely mean that he did something wrong.

"I am here to see Brianna.", Quentin said, and he was surprised that his voice shook slightly.


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