Accident Prone - 256 Updates And Plans 3

256 Updates And Plans 3

While Max and Liz are chatting with Mia and Hunter, at the same time in the VIP room of the Franciscan Medical Center…

Finally, all the doctors dispersed, and Jackson was in the room with his parents. Just the three of them.

Jackson was examined, questioned, and it was decided that he will stay in the hospital for the next seventy-two hours. On Tuesday, Dr. Peltz will examine Jackson and make recommendations for future treatments.

Mrs. Adams exhaled and spoke to Jackson. "Can you tell us how you found yourself in this mess?"

Jackson exhaled, just how his mom did a few seconds ago. Their mannerisms are almost identical. When they are side-by-side, anyone can easily tell that they are spending a lot of time together.

Jackson spoke while staring at the invisible spot in front of him. "Yesterday, I sent a few messages to Rina. She didn't respond so I decided to go and visit her. I got the flowers and I was smiling and then she threw the breakup bomb at me. I lost it and I said some mean things and at that time the wannabe boyfriend showed up and punched me. I had to take the pill to stage the seizure. I thought that when she sees a seizure she will realize that my condition is serious. The logical conclusion is that the seizure happened because he hit me and she will hate him and comfort me and things will go back to how they should be."

Both Mr. and Mrs. Adams frowned while listening to Jackson.

"How can you be so stupid! You took the pill in front of Sabrina? What if she saw you?" Mrs. Adams sneered at her son.

Jackson made a face. "She didn't see me. I was careful."

"Yeah, you were so careful that they know that you took the drug and now you are marked as an addict!" Mrs. Adams said angrily.

Mr. Adams patted her shoulder, indicating her to calm down. "Getting upset will not solve anything. Can we agree on that?"

After some thinking, Mrs. Adams exhaled and responded with a nod of agreement.

Mr. Adams is happy that his wife calmed down. She is easy to snap, but she calms down easily as well. He turned to Jackson. "Let's start from the beginning. What kind of messages you sent to Sabrina yesterday?"

"There is an event tonight. I asked Rina to get me an invitation a few days ago. She delivered, as usually, and I was texting her to ask if she wants to join me."

Mrs. Adams looked at her son blankly. "Why didn't you ask her to join you when you asked for invitations?"

Jackson shrugged. "I never ask her to join me."

"So, why did you ask her to join you now?" Mr. Adams probed.

"Because I felt that she is slipping. At the Fourth of July party, I saw her dancing with Ashton. And the way she looked at him was… different. Yesterday I went to her studio and saw Ashton there. He is definitely interested in Rina and he even got a job there."

Mrs. Adams snorted. "Based on what I saw, the two of them are together. You messed up. How many times did I tell you to be nice to her? But you didn't listen. You had to fool around and to neglect Sabrina Anderson." Mrs. Adams shook her head in disapproval.

"Mom, this is not the time for you to scold me. I know I messed up and that by the time I tried to salvage the situation, it was too late. We should figure out how to reverse this situation." Jackson reminded his mother.

"Great. Great…" Mrs. Adams said sarcastically. "A sign of a true leader. Ask your parents to fix your mistakes even though we told you so many times that you are doing the wrong thing. Did you really try to force yourself on her? What were you thinking?"

Jackson sneered. "This will impact all of us. How will you afford your club members.h.i.+p and your spas and vacations when the company goes down? Instead of putting all the blame on me, why don't you try to help for once!"

"Ungrateful brat!" Mrs. Adams hissed.

"Pompous old woman!" Jackson returned the insult.

Mr. Adams could not take it anymore. "Enough! Stop bickering, and let's figure out what the problems are and how to fix them!"

He waited for both Jackson and Mrs. Adams to nod before saying to Jackson: "First, Rina broke up the engagement. Make her reverse that."

Jackson made a face. "How do you expect me to do that?"

"You are capable of seducing so many women, why are your charms failing against Sabrina?" Mrs. Adams asked mockingly.

Mr. Adams gave a scolding look to his wife. Why can't she keep her temper in check? He decided not to say anything to her and focused on Jackson.

"Sabrina broke up with you because of you sleeping around, neglecting her, and due to that new guy. Fix your behavior, show her that you can be the man of her dreams, and get rid of the compet.i.tion. Don't tell me that I need to teach you how to do that?" Mr. Adams waited for Jackson to confirm that he can handle this before he continued: "Second, you are now marked as an addict. This can be an obstacle for you to move higher. How do we make that go away?"

"I was set up! No one does bloodwork for these substances when someone has a seizure. And if the blood draw was ten minutes later, they would not find anything…"

Mrs. Adams waved her arms wildly and started pacing through the room while talking to Jackson angrily. "If, if, if… none of those matter now. You are an addict. We need to find some connections to get this out of your file or you will be stuck with consultations for years, and whenever you get near a doctor they will do a blood draw. And the Alpha group will not take you in. Even a doorman at that company needs to be clean!"

"I'm telling you that I was set up!" Jackson insisted.

Mrs. Adams didn't believe Jackson. He is always full of excuses. "A doctor set you up? Why would she do that?"

Jackson sneered at his mother. "Did you miss the point that her name is Elizabeth Williams?"

"Why is that important?"

"She is the girlfriend of Maximilian Anderson!" Jackson looked irritably at his mother.

Both Mr. and Mrs. Adams widened their eyes. They didn't know. They heard that Max has a girlfriend and that she is a surgeon and that her name is Elizabeth, but they didn't connect the dots.

When Mrs. Adams recuperated from the shock, she thought about the circ.u.mstances. "How does that change things? If she is the doctor in charge of you, it might be suspicious. But another doctor is watching over you. What can she do? And while you were under her care, other than maybe ordering a few extra tests, she didn't do anything out of line. Dr. Schmitt confirmed it."

"She sedated me!" Jackson shouted.

"Because you are stupid!" Mrs. Adams shouted back. "If you didn't resist, and act as a violent caveman, she would not have a reason to sedate you!"

"Enough!" Mr. Adams got in-between his wife and son. "Can we PLEASE end this conversation without shouting? … I agree. The fact that Dr. Williams is Max's girlfriend does not mean anything at this point." He turned to Jackson. "Make sure not to offend her and if you offended her already, I don't want to know about it."

Mr. Adams sighed. "Let me focus on finding someone who can make this addiction disappear. Jackson, you focus on getting Sabrina back." He turned to his wife. "And you are in charge of crowd control. Don't allow the rumors of the breakup or of his addiction to spread around…"

Mrs. Adams looked at her husband and smiled. "That is a great plan."

Jackson sneered. "Aren't you two forgetting something?"

"What?" Mr. and Mrs. Adams asked in unison.

"Maximilian Anderson." Jackson said robotically. "He was here. He knows about the breakup and he heard that I was not pleasant toward Sabrina. And he even knows that I used epilepsy to keep Sabrina tied up to me."

Jackson held back the information on how he also made a move on Elizabeth and she bullied him. Painful memories. 

Mr. Adams waved his hands defensively. "He is powerful, but what can he do? Unless Sabrina tells him to keep you away from her, he will not move a finger. You saw him here, he was watching over his sister, but he was not unpleasant because he does not want to meddle into her life. That is why I'm telling you to get rid of that boyfriend and make sure that you are not connected to the incident. Do I need to teach you everything? Be nice to Sabrina. Don't give her a reason to push you away…"

Jackson listened to his father and sighed while wondering if all this is worth it. Sure, Sabrina is hot, but toward him she is like an iceberg, cold and unapproachable. And until recently, he thought how that is Sabrina's normal behavior, toward everyone. That is one of the reasons he never made a move on her. Who wants to be with a robot? However, when he saw how she looks at Ashton, with a gaze full of warmth and affection, Jackson realized that he was wrong.

She never looked at him like that, not now and not eight years ago. And he remembered Sabrina's words: 'He is someone you will never be…'

Getting rid of Ashton will be a piece of cake, but Sabrina is a different monster.

Jackson reminded himself to stay focused because this is not about him being with Sabrina due to her looks or her personality. It's about connections and power that come with the last name Anderson.

He knows that the long term plans of his parents are that Jackson will get married to Sabrina and that he will dip his fingers into the Alpha group. As a brother-in-law, Max would definitely give him a high position in the company, a director maybe. That would be a glorious place to be, at the top layers of the Alpha group. And because of this, his parents are freaking out that he got the label of an addict. No addict can become an employee of the Alpha group.

Jackson is confident that if he is a girl, his parents would push him to go for Max or Hunter.

How tedious. There are so many women eager to please him, but instead of enjoying his life, he needs to go back crawling to Sabrina, the ice queen who does not want him. He does not know if she will even want to talk to him. How is he supposed to romance her?

Jackson does not believe that it will be easy, but what are his options? So far, he relied on Sabrina and on his parents. Sabrina already pushed him away, and he does not dare to anger the only two remaining people who are supporting him. He will not survive on his own, the world is a scary place. The only thing he can do is to follow their plan and to do his best to make it work. Luckily, he will be stuck in the hospital for at least three days. That will give him some time to rest and think. Maybe he can read online articles of romancing a girl? 

"Are we done talking?" Jackson asked his parents. "I am tired and I would like to rest."

Mr. and Mrs. Adams exchanged glances before his father responded. "Sure, rest. We will be back tomorrow. If you need anything, let us know..."


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