Accident Prone - 228 The Fourth Of July Party 12

228 The Fourth Of July Party 12

"I am sorry, Ashton…", she said breathlessly, not daring to look him in the eyes.

He licked his lips nervously. "You have nothing to apologize for."

"I can't…"

He put his finger over her lips, preventing her from speaking further. He knew that she is about to bring up Jackson and her engagement and he didn't want to hear about it. Not now. Because whatever happened was wonderful and he does not want to taint this memory, even though there is a strong chance that it was a one-time thing. "I understand. I promise that no one will find out about this and I will never ask for anything from you."

Sabrina finally lifted her gaze and met Ashton's.

Sabrina exhaled and again she confirmed that Ashton is a total opposite from Jackson. Ashton would have every right to demand more, after all, it's just the two of them in his apartment, and they already kissed. She started it. Or he could threaten that he will expose her infidelity or at least tease her… Yet here he is with a warm smile, and gaze full of sincerity (and a tinge of sadness), a.s.suring her that he will never use this against her. Oh, how she wishes to kiss him again but… "Do you mind if we go back to the party?"

He shook his head, indicating that he doesn't mind, and she could see that he struggled to move away from her, but he still did it.


In the garden behind the Anderson family's villa…

Mia spotted Sabrina walk toward them.

"There you are! The fireworks will start soon…", Mia's voice trailed away, and her eyebrows shoot up when she saw Ashton two steps behind Sabrina.

"Where have you been?", Mia asked Sabrina in a half-whisper while her eyes darted toward Ashton.

Sabrina cleared her throat. "We went to Ashton's apartment."

At Sabrina's words, Hunter's gaze moved to Ashton.

Ashton lifted his hands defensively and he explained: "You know that I'm lacking s.p.a.ce. Rina went to see the apartment and suggest solutions."

Hunter scrutinized Sabrina. "And, what solutions did you come up with?"

"I just saw the place. I will think about various options that might work and next week Ashton will come to my design studio and we will discuss the possibilities that match his needs and his budget.", Sabrina responded and went to get herself a drink. She needs something strong. Something stronger than orange juice with pulp.

It's not about the way they acted or spoke, but it was the fact that Sabrina answered Hunter's question that made Hunter want to know more. Sabrina is seven years older than Hunter, and even now she treats him like a kid (most of the time). Whenever he asked Sabrina about her whereabouts, Sabrina would say that it's none of his business, and now she answered politely and even provided details – this is suspicious.

Hunter's gaze moved to Ashton.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Do you think that I would do something to your sister against her will?", Ashton snorted and went to join Mike, Jake, and Derek. They are exactly where he left them, still eating kebobs. He wondered if they are eating non-stop. It is almost two hours how he left!


Sabrina took a seat at the bar and ordered herself a drink. She gazed around and she could not see Max and Liz or Quentin and Brianna (aka Sabrina's latest bestie).

She saw Hunter and Mia chatting over a plate of food in Hunter's hands. The way they look at each other and laugh occasionally tells her that her baby-brother is happily in love. She wondered if all engaged couples are like that. Probably.

Sabrina can't ignore that since her chat with Liz, she is questioning her 'relations.h.i.+p' with Jackson. Everywhere she looks Sabrina sees happy couples and she must admit that she and Jackson are anything other than a happy couple. And then that kissing with Ashton woke up unknown fire she didn't feel in a very long time. Actually, she never felt like this before.

Sabrina's eyes were drawn further to the left, toward the table where Ashton was sitting with his three friends. She could not hear what they are talking about, but the mood seemed good.

"How are things?", Grace asked when she took her seat next to Sabrina.

Sabrina hoped that Grace didn't notice where she was staring. "OK. Are you enjoying the party?"

Grace nodded. "Very nice party, as usually. Actually, this one was livelier than the previous ones."

Sabrina knows that Grace is talking about McKenzie. That girl was always so set on Max, that Sabrina knew it will not end up good. Thinking about Max… "Did you see Max and Liz?"

Grace shook her head. "Not for at least half an hour."

"What about Quentin and Brianna?"

Grace shook her head again. "I didn't know that's her name, but I didn't see them for at least one hour. I a.s.sume that they left the party."

"You don't see anything. Why are you here?", Sabrina asked jokingly.

"Hey, my task was to keep a certain person on her toes. Now that drama is over, I am a free agent."

Both Grace and Sabrina laughed.

"Is Ashton available?"

At Grace's question, Sabrina stopped laughing abruptly.

"Why are you asking me that?"

Grace quirked an eyebrow. "You spoke with him, and then you danced, and I saw you leave and come back together. You seem close, so I thought that you might know his relations.h.i.+p status."

Sabrina swallowed hard. This should be an easy thing to answer. Grace even justified her question, they are just friends. Why can't she speak up?

Sabrina cleared her throat and forced herself to speak: "I'm not sure. We didn't talk about it."

Grace smiled knowingly. "Great! Lidia and I are interested in the guys at that table so… if you don't know, that is fine. See you."

Sabrina nodded at Grace who hopped off her chair and went to a group of young ladies.

Sabrina told herself not to look that way. She has no right to look. And it's none of her business. She is engaged to Jackson and she should act like it.

After an unknown measure of time, Sabrina's gaze drifted to Ashton again. Her breath hitched when she saw that Lidia and Grace joined that table. Grace is next to Ashton and Lidia is chatting with Jake. The six of them are laughing and pointing at the food on the table and the fact that Ashton is not talking to her bothered her more than she wanted to admit.

And then it happened… Ashton's gaze s.h.i.+fted and locked with Sabrina's and the world disappeared.

Sabrina heard some thundering, but she was not sure if that are the fireworks that started or is that her heart. And she knew that she needs to look away, but she was unable to break the eye contact. The way Ashton's gaze penetrated into her soul made her hold her breath and she felt the need rising deep in her core. The left side of his lips arched slightly, forming a bewitching smile, and it made Sabrina press her thighs closer together. Oh, G.o.d! She is aroused just because he is looking at her like she is the only woman at this party, and she is grateful that he is so far away because if he is sitting by her side she would cave in and kiss him (again).


In Max's room…

Liz is happy that she finally got to see Max's room. She was impressed by the number of trophies on the shelf, and when Max told her how that is only a fraction, she demanded to see more. And now she is sitting on the floor and going through a box full of trophies and medals which Max pulled out of his closet. He won awards in math and science, and any sport imaginable.

"Is there something you are not good at?", Liz asked with admiration obvious in her voice.

She is holding several medals in her hands and looking at Max who is lying sideways on the bed, with his head propped on his elbow and a charming smile directed at Liz.

"I don't know how to answer this question.", Max responded honestly.

Liz shook her head and kept the things back. "It was not really a question. It was a statement of how awesome my boyfriend is."

Liz closed the box and sat on the bed next to Max. "What will happen to McKenzie?"

"Her parents will bail her out. I will talk to Nathan about filing charges against her so that she does not bother us again."

Liz understood that drug charges are something that McKenzie's parents can get her out of, at least she will not go to jail. However, attempted murder is a different thing. And they have her confession recorded by many, so the case should be solid.

Max touched her chin and made her look at him. "I will handle her, don't worry."

Liz smiled and responded with a nod before lifting herself slightly and brus.h.i.+ng her lips over his. The whole day was stressful yet satisfying and romantic as well, and the only thing Liz wanted was to taste Max and to feel his touch.

A loud boom from the outside announced the beginning of the fireworks. Liz broke the kiss and went to the open window to see the magnificent display. She wants to continue kissing Max (and more than that), but the fireworks are only for a few minutes, and they can resume kissing once it's done. Or so she thought.

Max pouted. She left him when things started heating up! He saw her leaning over the window and his eyes lit up with mischief.

Liz jolted when she felt that Max is lifting her skirt from the back.

"Max?", she called.

"Enjoy the fireworks…", he said as he pulled her panties down.

Liz nervously glanced down from the window. Max's room is facing the garden! Well, they are on the second floor and all the guests are looking away from the villa at the fireworks but still… She felt him spread her legs and tilt her hips and she jolted when his teeth grazed over her bottom as he kneeled under her.

Liz was conflicted. Should she let him proceed or push him away? Ah, it's a tough decision!

Liz gripped the windowsill and gasped when his tongue started moving between her folds in mighty strokes.

"Oh, G.o.d!", she exclaimed breathlessly, and she felt Max smile.

Liz was happy that the loud bangs from the fireworks are covering up her l.u.s.tful sounds. And a few seconds later, she didn't care if anyone will hear her.


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