Accident Prone - 222 The Fourth Of July Party 7

222 The Fourth Of July Party 7

She was content to see that only a few women are standing there. McKenzie scowled internally when she saw that women are sucking up to Liz. And her insides boiled at the sight of Liz's smile. 'How dares she take advantage of Max? Shameless! Only because she is Max's girlfriend she is enjoying all this glory!'

McKenzie was confident that if not for Max, none of these people would approach Liz at all.

She was barely able to conceal her dejection at the sight of Max's loving gaze directed at Elizabeth. Somehow, it's much more impactful up close.

McKenzie chanted internally to stay calm and focused. She is here for a reason.

"Zi, I didn't see you so far…", Max acknowledged her presence.

McKenzie smiled. Max noticed her! "I was waiting for the right chance to greet you."

McKenzie turned to Liz. "I heard that it's your birthday and I thought of offering more than just well wishes." She pointed with her chin toward the drinks.

"Oh, how thoughtful!", Liz gushed. "I didn't know that you are so kind. I will need to reevaluate my opinion of you. Thank you, I am parched from all the talking."

"Yes, Zi was always a sensible child.", Max told Liz.

McKenzie gritted her teeth. Even after all this time, he talks about her as a child? Well, at least he is talking about her. Once Elizabeth is out of the way, McKenzie will show Max that she is NOT a child.

How McKenzie sees the current situation, she made a mistake by waiting for so long to make her move on Max, and Liz ended up squeezing in between them. With Liz out of the way, McKenzie can fix her mistake of delaying for too long. She reminded herself to keep her smile on, no matter how much her heart is racing.

Max observed the drinks. "You got one for me as well?"

McKenzie confirmed with a big smile on her face. "I would never forget to get one for you."

Liz rolled her eyes. How much more obvious can McKenzie be? It took a few seconds for Liz to recompose her expression into a distant-polite one, but luckily McKenzie was staring at Max, and she didn't notice that Liz is struggling not to punch her in the face.

McKenzie's eyes widened in antic.i.p.ation when Liz took the strawberry mojito, and Max took the beer. She kept the tray on the side and offered a toast with her virgin pina colada. "Happy birthday, Elizabeth! I wish you everything that you deserve."

Liz's eyebrow arched and she observed the drink carefully. She smelled it and paused.

McKenzie swallowed hard while wondering if Liz knows that something is off with the drink. Not possible. No one saw her and the cocaine has no smell, and it's mixed in with crushed ice and fruits. She double-checked that powder is not visible.

"Strawberry mojito...", Liz said. She wanted to ask McKenzie, how did she know which drink to get? But she decided not to make this situation awkward.

Liz's gaze moved to McKenzie. "That is an interesting wish. I like it."

"Aren't you thirsty?", Max asked Liz when he saw that she is not drinking.

"The thing is that I am too thirsty, and I don't think that this mojito will be enough…", Liz said with a troubled expression.

"No problem. Beer is much better for quenching thirst.", Max offered his tall gla.s.s full of beer to Liz. "I didn't drink yet."

Liz made a face. "Since when is a problem if we exchange some saliva? My concern is: what will you drink if you give me your beer?"

"No problem, I will have your mojito…"

McKenzie watched them swap drinks and her anxiousness shoot through the roof as Max was about to take a sip of the mojito.

"WAIT!", McKenzie screamed.

Max paused. "What?"

McKenzie was petrified. She does not want Max to drink that. The last thing she wants is for him to overdose! But if she says anything, that is admitting it! She thought of something… "I will get you another beer!"

Max refused. "No need."

McKenzie's eyes widened in horror when she saw Max down the mojito in two seconds.

Max smacked his lips and looked at Liz. "Are all girly drinks so sweet? It's more like a dessert. It even has strawberries in it…"

Liz was chugging on the beer happily and shrugged.

McKenzie didn't know what to do, but she knew that she needs to leave. Her plan already included that if anyone asks, she will point out the fact that only a crazy person would spike a drink and offer it publicly. But she didn't want Max to drink it. McKenzie cursed internally. How can Liz be so lucky? She pushed her off a cliff, and Max ended up falling. And now she spiked her drink, and Max drank it. If she could, McKenzie would rip Liz into pieces right now! But she controlled herself because she needs to leave. Right. Now.

"OK. I just came to wish a happy birthday. I will see you later."

"Sure, later…", Max said to McKenzie and turned to Liz.

"Are you OK?"

McKenzie heard Liz's concerned voice as she walked away.

"I'm not sure…", Max responded.

McKenzie didn't hear more. She walked in hurried steps and when she put enough distance between them she turned to face them, and she saw: Max staggering; Liz calling Hunter who was next to them in a second; Hunter and Liz supported Max to go inside the villa.

"c.r.a.p!", McKenzie cursed under her breath.

"What happened to Max?", Oliver asked suspiciously. He saw McKenzie taking drinks to Liz and Max, and then a minute later, leaving in a rush. And now she is obviously distressed (more than usually).

"Why would I know!?", McKenzie snapped.

"Oh, my… temper, temper…", Grace sounded from the side.

McKenzie rolled her eyes. "Really! Why do you always pop everywhere?"

"I already told you that I never left. I am always right here. Watching."

"Go away. I'm not in the mood!", McKenzie said impatiently and bit her lower lip.

"Why would I go away? This is the Anderson family's property and I am invited. Unless one of them tells me to leave, I am staying. I want to see the fireworks. I hear that they added extra features this year, to impress Elizabeth."

McKenzie was sure that she is about to explode. "Grace, I am warning you…", McKenzie growled.

"Why are you more unpleasant than usually? Don't tell me that you have something to do with Max being almost carried inside?", Grace asked in a low voice and giggled before walking away.

"What are you looking at!?", McKenzie hissed at Oliver and Lewis who were standing nearby.

"Zi, did you do something to Max?", Lewis asked suspiciously.

McKenzie didn't respond. Her gaze moved to the direction where Max left.


Ashton and Sabrina danced at a respectable distance. They moved at the beat of the music while chatting about Ashton's room and Sabrina was asking him about his interests and preferences so that she can come up with a design for his room.

"I am sorry, I planned to stop by your design studio this week, but things came up. I promise to come next week.", Ashton told Sabrina.

She smiled. "No need to apologize. Just come whenever you are ready. It would be good if you give me a call in advance, to make sure I am not with another customer."

"Don't I need an appointment?", Ashton asked.

"It's fine. If I don't have anything important, I will see you. That is what friends are for..." Sabrina's voice was cut off when she noticed a man standing next to them.

"Having fun without me?", Jackson asked with a smile, but the hostility in his voice was obvious.

Sabrina let go of Ashton and responded to Jackson: "You arrived. Why didn't you call me?"

"I did. You didn't pick up.", Jackson responded and glanced at Ashton. "Now I know why."

"I believe you know Ashton. We were talking about me doing the design of his place.", Sabrina explained briefly. She turned to Ashton. "Thank you for the chat and dance. As I said, I will be happy to help you decorate your place."

Ashton thanked Sabrina and watched after her and Jackson while they made their way toward the bar. He didn't miss that Sabrina's smile faded when Jackson arrived. That is not a normal reaction of a woman who is looking forward to seeing her fiancé.

Ashton reminded himself not to stare. Him and Sabrina is just a wishful thinking from his side, and he knew that from the beginning. Why would a stunning blonde like Sabrina ever pay attention to an average guy like him? Talking to her and seeing her smile is the most he can get. The dance was a bonus, and he enjoyed it while it lasted.

Ashton exhaled and went to find Jake, Derek, and Mike. He found them next to the grill, stuffing their faces with kebobs. Well, they are tasty.

"Sabrina ditched you?", Derek asked when Ashton joined them.

"Her fiancé showed up.", Ashton admitted dejectedly.

"Man, you fell for the wrong girl." Jake said and offered him a kebob from his plate.

Ashton took one kebob from Jake and sighed. "She is the right girl, but the timing is off. If I came before that fiancé, things would be different."

"So, are you giving up?", Derek asked Ashton.

"I have no intention of making a move on a woman who is taken. But that does not mean that I will deny myself appreciating her beauty."

Mike agreed. "She is pretty. Great body and face, and her hair looks super silky."

"Sabrina is more than pretty. She is smart and funny… the full package.", Ashton said dreamily before taking a bite from the kebob in his hand.


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