Accident Prone - 203 Lunch At The Alpha Group Hq 5

203 Lunch At The Alpha Group Hq 5

"Today, I made a mistake by forgetting to text you in advance, but that does not give them the right to treat me like I'm some random woman who came to seduce you. You should change how receptionists receive people who come to your company."

Max was amused by Liz's choice of words, and he was ready to flirt (again). He looked at her innocently. "You didn't come here to seduce me?"

Liz missed the point that Max is playful. She responded seriously. "I thought that I did that already. Don't tell me that I need to seduce you every day? Or does it expire weekly?"

Max batted his eyelids playfully. "I would like that you seduce me daily. Let me give you a hint, I love what you did this morning."

Liz frowned while a.n.a.lyzing Max's face and a few seconds later giggled when she (finally) realized that he is flirting and that he is talking how that morning she initiated the lovemaking by going down on him. "OK, Mr. Anderson. I will keep on seducing you. I don't know about doing it every morning so maybe I will keep that as a reward for good behavior."

Max laughed. Getting rewards for good behavior, is she treating him like a dog?

Max saw that Liz finished the wine from her gla.s.s, and offered: "More?"

Liz rejected. "I should be going. You need to work."

Max stood up and offered his hand. "There is one more part of my future office I need to show you before you go."

Liz placed her palm into Max's and followed him toward the door on the right side wall from the main door. She wondered, why is he giving her a tour of the restroom?

Liz was surprised to see that behind the door is a full suite. There is a small sitting area and a wet bar, and another door that leads to the bedroom and a full bathroom. There is a walk-in closet as well.

"Wow… You can stay here and not go home.", Liz commented. "Only a kitchen is missing."

Max confirmed. "I remember when I was younger, several times the company was in a crisis and Nathan would spend days at work without coming home."

Liz exhaled sadly. "I hope that does not happen to you. I would prefer you to come home on time every day. I don't want to sleep without my bolster pillow (aka Max)."

Max embraced Liz from the back. "Here or there, what does it matter if we are together?"

Liz leaned on Max. "But this is your workplace and I am not here…", Liz's voice trailed off when she felt Max's breath on her neck. A second later his kiss was there as well. And another one and another and she closed her eyes and enjoyed the arousal which increased with his every kiss and the way he held her waist and…

"Max…", Liz breathed while squirming out of his hold.

She turned to face him with a stern look.

"This is Nathan's office.", Liz reminded him while straightening her s.h.i.+rt. She wondered, when did he manage to untuck it?

Max made a step toward Liz and smiled mischievously. "This office will be mine…"

Liz took a step back, to avoid him. "But it's not now. Nathan can come back any minute."

Max ignored her protest. "He will not be back by two."

Liz placed her palm over Max's lips, blocking his next kiss. "Yes, and he said that he will be out by noon, but fifteen minutes later he was still here. What will you do if he catches us on his bed, naked?"

Max pulled her hand down and exhaled in irritation. "When this becomes my office, you will run out of excuses."

Liz smiled and hugged him. "When this becomes your office, that walk-in closet will have spare clothes for me to change into."

Max hummed in approval before his lips covered hers.

On their way to the elevators, they found Foxy sitting at her desk.

"Is it done?", Max asked Foxy.

Foxy responded with a small nod before explaining: "Miss Lambert (aka Valerie) is escorted out of the building and she has instructions that if by end of the day she does not get in touch with HR in regard to where she wants to move her job, her status as an active employee will be revoked. Miss Wolf and Miss Mulroney are in the financial department, a.s.sisting accountants. And here is this…", Foxy gave a small plastic-looking card with the logo of the Alpha group to Liz. "With this, you can operate the elevator and access any part of the building."

Liz took the card and flipped it. It even has her photo on it. Based on Liz's hairstyle on the photo, it was taken at the reception when she arrived. She is even smiling a little bit.

"Is it really OK for me to have this?", Liz asked Max.

Max confirmed happily. "Next time when you come, you can come straight here. There is no need to text or call in advance. If I'm in a meeting, you can wait in my office. Keep it safe, and if you lose it, let me or Foxy know immediately. Only a few people have this unrestricted access."

"Oh, now you are making me nervous."

Max smiled. "Don't be. If anyone dares to threaten you with calling the security, wait for the security confidently and ask them to check your access level. That will shut them up."

Liz took in a deep breath and returned Max's smile. "Thanks."

She kept the card in her wallet. It's about the same size as a credit card.

"Is there anything else?", Max asked Foxy.

"You have a meeting in twenty minutes.", Foxy informed him.

"Perfect. I will escort Liz downstairs and will be back on time."

On the way to the elevator, Liz remembered. "Is Hunter here?"

"He should be. You want to say hi?"

Liz confirmed.

They made a quick stop at Hunter's office. It's on the same floor as Max's and Nathan's offices.

Liz exchanged greetings with Hunter and saw that his office is about the same size as Max's. They didn't linger because Max needs to return to work.

Liz could see that the 55th floor has one main hallway which is wide enough for people to pa.s.s and for secretaries to have their stations in front of the office of their boss. There is one side hallway that is narrower than the main one, and Liz estimated that other than the CEO's office, there are about ten other offices (like Max's and Hunter's). Based on the names she saw written on the doors, directors have their offices on this floor.

In the main entry hallway on the ground floor…

Max and Liz walked out of the elevator, side by side. Max's arm was draped behind Liz, and his hand firmly held onto her shoulder as they made their way through the hallway toward the main door of the building.

Liz glanced around and noticed that many eyes are directed their way. Actually, almost everyone was looking their way and some people talked in whispers while their curious gazes didn't leave Max and Liz.

"Why is everyone looking at us?", Liz whispered only for Max to hear.

He smiled. "Because you are beautiful."

Liz cringed internally. Max is a sweet talker to the point of cringing. And she likes it but she hoped to get a proper answer. Liz is aware that Max is using sweet-talking to get out of the sticky situation. She reminded herself to stay vigilant, because it's easy for him to melt her fighting spirit and to make her forget what she wanted to know.

Liz exhaled in relief when they exited the building. Even the security guards at the door were observing her intently, and she didn't imagine it!

They took a right turn and walked slowly down the busy street full of pedestrians.

Max pulled Liz closer to him.

She leaned on him, and his presence towered above her, and his hand firmly held her shoulder, and she felt safe. Max can do that to her.

"You noticed that everyone was looking at us, right?", Liz asked about twenty steps after they exited the Alpha group HQ building.

"Mhm…", Max hummed in confirmation. "Other than you being beautiful, they probably know that you are my girlfriend. Don't worry about it. Next time they will not stare so much. They are unable to stop themselves now because this is the first time I walked with my girlfriend by my side."

"How do they know that I am your girlfriend?"

"Remember that we had an audience when you arrived, and they saw us being close.", Max reminded her. "Also, those two who were moved to the finance department probably talked about what happened. The gossip spreads faster than the wildfire."

Liz exhaled in frustration when she thought how this is the same as nurses at the Franciscan Medical Center. "Seriously. Don't people have better things to do?"

"It is not a secret that Nathan will give me his position soon, and as my girlfriend, you are a person of interest as well. They are curious about you.", Max explained.

"Boss of their boss…", Liz mumbled.

Max was not sure he heard her right. "What?"

"Rina told me this morning that you will be their boss and as your girlfriend, I am your boss, that makes me the boss of their boss."

Max chuckled. "Rina is right."

Max paused his steps and turned to Liz. "You told me that you came with Rina, so I a.s.sume you don't have your car with you. Are you going to walk or get a cab?"

"A cab."

Max glanced to the side, and there are few cabs parked, waiting for customers.

His gaze landed on Liz and even though he didn't say anything, she knew that it's time for them to part.

Liz exhaled and admitted: "It's hard for me to leave. I miss you already."

Max smiled and leaned to give her a light kiss on the lips. "I miss you more. Thank you for coming."

Liz wanted to hug him and melt in his embrace, but they are in the middle of the street, and the Alpha group HQ building is right there, and she already counted four people watching them.

She inched away from Max with difficulty. "I will see you tonight."

Max confirmed. "In a few hours."


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