Accident Prone - 185 The Morning After...

185 The Morning After...

Elizabeth woke up without holding onto her bolster and she realized that the bed is swaying. Of course, the whole boat was swaying, but she needed a minute to realize where she is.

Liz opened her eyes and met Max's gaze.

"Good morning, beautiful…", he greeted her.

"Good morning, handsome…", Liz smiled and started scooting closer to him.

She paused when she noticed that he is dressed up. A second later she confirmed that he smells fresh as well.

Liz squirmed and confirmed that she is naked under the cover, slightly sticky, and sweaty.

"When did you wake up?"

"Not long ago.", he lied.

Max didn't sleep at all. The two of them made love until dawn and shortly after that Liz slept off, but he was so excited that he was unable to sleep.

The touch of her perfect skin lingered under his palms, and her l.u.s.tful sounds rang in his ears, and the feeling of her wet heat clutching him firmly was vividly imprinted on his body, and the image of her flushed face just before she explodes in ecstasy is mind-blowing… and Max was giddy and aroused like a teenager, unable to relax enough to sleep off.

Eventually, Max gave up on sleeping and went to the shower, but he wanted to stay next to Liz.

He kept himself busy by reading a book he found in the storage next to the bed. It's a book which Sabrina gave him a few years ago, but he didn't look at it so far. The book covers topics on how people can't live a good life if they are just enjoying it because sometimes you need to face the harsh reality and deal with the problems so that you can preserve your 'good life'.

Other than focusing on the contents of the book, Max thought about Sabrina and how his whole family was troubled because of his irresponsible behavior. But no matter what they tried, it didn't reach him. He can be stubborn sometimes, and his partying was a wrong choice, but he refused to acknowledge it.

Max observed Liz's sleeping face and he is grateful that she walked into his life. She is his reason to wake up and work toward that 'good life' which the book is talking about. Because he wants to have a good life, the best one, with Elizabeth.

When Max noticed that Liz is stirring, he kept the book on the side.

Back to the present…

Liz glanced at Max. "I remember you saying that going forward there will be no underwear in the bed."

Max realized that Liz is talking about the fact that he is dressed up.

"I am on the bed, you are in it. The difference is if you are under the cover or not.", Max responded with a straight face.

Liz didn't want to argue with Max. She can see that he is in a good mood, and she is in a good mood as well.

While on the topic of her good mood, images from the previous night flashed in Liz's mind and she sank under the cover almost completely, leaving only her eyes and the top of her head exposed.

Liz's mind exploded. Oh, G.o.d! They did it. Many times. And it was amazing! But it's embarra.s.sing as well.

Liz knows that it will take her some time to get used to this new level of intimacy so that she can look at him without blus.h.i.+ng.

Max saw that Liz is disappearing under the cover while her face is getting redder and he had a good idea what is on her mind.

He laughed and pulled her closer to him without removing the cover. It was a feeling of hugging a giant crepe with Liz as its filling.

Liz tried squirming out, but she was unable to do so.



"I would like to hug you back, but I'm stuck." Liz half-whined.

"It's OK. Let me hold you."

Liz sighed in defeat. With every breath she took, his scent reminded her that he is fresh, and she is not.



"I would like to shower."

Max tightened his hug. "OK. You shower, I will make breakfast."

"What will you make?"

"The best French toast you ever had.", he said confidently.

Liz giggled. She wanted to ask how can he boast about making the French toast? Isn't that bread dipped in eggs and fried? Liz decided to keep her teasing to herself because now that he mentioned food, she realized that she is hungry.

"Sounds good. Make extra. I'm starving."


Liz climbed on the upper deck and smiled at the sight of Max who is focused on aligning the plates on the table next to the sofa.

After the shower, she picked from Max's closet a fresh t-s.h.i.+rt and boxer shorts to wear and headed to the kitchen. When she didn't find him there, she guessed that he went to the top deck. And she was right.

Liz glanced around and observed the surroundings. They are in a U-shaped cove which has cliffs on the left and on the right side is a small sand beach. The island is covered in pine trees and bushes and she can't guess how big it is. Liz can't see any houses or other structures, and last night it was completely dark, so she a.s.sumed that the island has no development done by humans on it. Only nature.

The sky is absolutely clear without a single cloud and the sun is high above them.

The water in the cove is clear and barely moving, while waves outside the U-shaped rock formation are much more restless.

It's a beautiful Sunday morning (noon, actually).

"Come, before it completely cools off.", Max called while gesturing to a high stack of French toast.

"This place is lovely.", Liz said when she took a seat on the sofa next to Max. "Is it safe to swim?"

"Yes.", Max responded and added: "But don't expect the water to be warm. This is not Hawaii."

Liz noticed that Max is observing her top to bottom and she a.s.sumed that he is looking at his t-s.h.i.+rt. "I was thinking of getting some of my clothes here. For the next time."

Max put a slice of French toast in her plate and gestured for her to eat without responding to her comment about clothing. He likes that she is thinking of coming to his boat again, but he likes her in his t-s.h.i.+rt even more.

Liz took a bite of the French toast and made a face that showed how surprised she is. "This is good."

Max smiled smugly. "I added honey and dusted them with powdered sugar."

Liz took another bite and thought about how she never saw Max cook. Usually, people add variations to the existing recipes only after preparing them repeatedly. Looking at the table, there are fruits, orange juice, and coffee.

"I didn't think that you are a cooking type."

"I don't know how to make many dishes, and the ones I make are fairly simple, but I make them very well." Max declared confidently.

"What else can you make?"

Max shook his head, refusing to answer. "You will find out in time."

Liz smiled. His answer means that the two of them are in this relations.h.i.+p for the long run. She likes that.

Breakfast pa.s.sed in a good mood while they discussed light topics.

When they finished, Max told Liz that he will take care of the cleanup and that she can relax.

In truth, Max was feeling guilty. He wanted their first time to be special for Liz, something she will never forget. A romantic experience, somewhere extraordinary with candles and roses and a fancy dinner followed by slow dancing and live music… and they ended up on his boat after a fundraiser.

Liz exhaled in protest. "You made breakfast, at least I can help with the cleanup…"

Liz stacked plates, grabbed two mugs, and walked downstairs with her hands full, while ignoring Max's displeasure.

After keeping things in the kitchen, Max blocked Liz from going upstairs. "Only juice is left, I will get it. You said that you are interested in swimming. You can check the water temperature from there…", Max gestured toward the back of the boat.

Liz walked to the stern of the boat and noticed that there are three steps that lead to the narrow landing, which is drifting just above the water level.

Max watched Liz hold onto the rail and carefully dip her toes into the water. Once, twice… Every time a bit longer. He smiled and went up to get the juice.

Based on repeatedly dipping her toes, Liz concluded that the water is not very cold and it will be just right to cool her off on this hot summer day.

The problem: she does not have a swimsuit and skinny dipping is not an option.

After a short deliberation, she decided to remove Max's boxer shorts and to swim in the t-s.h.i.+rt. It's reaching half of her thighs, so it's covering all the important parts.

Max was on the upper deck, holding onto a bottle of juice absentmindedly and thinking what the two of them will do next, when he heard a splash.

Two seconds later, he heard Liz's distressed voice: "Ahhh!"

Max dropped the juice and jumped over the rail in the direction from where the scream came.

As soon as he resurfaced, Max frantically looked around and his heart resumed beating when he saw Liz's head above the water.

Max swam toward Liz while looking down to see if there is any blood. All kinds of scenarios ran through his mind, from a cramp to a shark to who knows what.

"Why did you jump like that? It's dangerous!", she scolded him through her teeth which clattered.

When he confirmed that Liz looks fine, he asked: "Why did you scream?"

"The water is cold."

Max pulled her in his embrace. He exhaled and said in a low voice: "I don't know what I would do if something happens to you."

His words reminded her of their hike in Hawaii which ended up with them falling off the cliff, and how she felt that her heart is tearing into two at the thought that he is hurt. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to freak you out. It was unexpectedly cold and…"

"Shh… it's OK." Max interrupted her.

"Let's go back on the boat." Liz suggested.

"I thought you wanted to swim."

"I wanted to cool off, but now I want to cuddle with my boyfriend."

Max smiled. "Your boyfriend wants to cuddle with you as well."


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