Accident Prone - 112 Elizabeth Meets Jay

112 Elizabeth Meets Jay

Liz was happily humming a tune when she went to the bathroom to freshen up before sleep, leaving Max behind in the bedroom. He said that he will get ready after her.

Max stretched on the bed and placed his palms behind his head while thinking about the day. He is very happy with the progress. Elizabeth is definitely opening up, which is telling him that she accepted him as her boyfriend. He noticed the change since Wednesday, when he showed up at her work. It seems that Liz started seeing him as someone on whom she can rely. Max is happy that Liz is acknowledging him as more than just a handsome boyfriend with a nasty past.

He glanced toward the bathroom door and reminded himself to ask Liz what is going on between her and McKenzie. He knows that the girl has some infatuation with him, but he never considered her as more than something like a younger cousin. He treats her as a harmless admirer, one of those who like to enjoy the sight of his handsomeness but never act on it. He has no interest in McKenzie as a woman, and even though McKenzie has no way of getting close to him, he wants to address the topic with Liz, just to make sure that there are no misunderstandings. He will not allow anyone to come in-between them. Not now. Or ever.

Now that he experienced the immense pleasure that a hug and a kiss can provide with the right person, Max is aware how all those hookups from his past were a complete waste of time. All of them bundled together are not worth more than a fraction of what Liz stirs inside him.

Max was smiling with happy thoughts about Elizabeth, and he didn't notice that his eyelids are getting heavier.

Elizabeth finished her routine and gave herself a quick glance in the mirror before stepping out of the bathroom. She giggled internally when she remembered Max's words how she does not need s.e.xy lingerie because there is nothing s.e.xier than her in his t-s.h.i.+rt. Ah, that explains why he didn't allow her to pack any pajamas or nightgowns, but he packed few extra t-s.h.i.+rts. Well, it's not that she minds. Liz loves wearing his t-s.h.i.+rts, it makes her feel like he is all around her.

Elizabeth stood next to the bed and sighed when she saw sleeping Max. Poor guy, she knows that he is tired. Lately he is not sleeping well. She does not know that he is not sleeping well because she is sticking to him and he gets excited and hence has difficulty sleeping off, but she is aware that he is not getting enough sleep for days.

Considering that they had drinks and it's 11:20 PM (that is 2:20 AM in Seattle), it's understandable that he slept off.

Liz pulled the comforter over Max and snuggled next to him.

When he felt her warmth, Max turned toward her and pulled her into a hug.

"Good night, love…", he mumbled and a second later his deep breathing continued.

Liz blinked few times before her lips stretched into a smile. 'Love', she likes that. She wondered if he would call her that when he is awake. Well, maybe… one day.

"Good night, honey…", she responded even though she knew that he will not hear her. She yawned and a minute later slept off as well.

6:12 AM

Liz is awake. She can see that it's early, but her internal clock is on Seattle's time which makes it 9:12 AM and she can't sleep more, no matter how much she tries.

Max is still sleeping. Liz decided not to wake him up because she knows that he is very tired and there is no reason to wake up this early. They are on a vacation.

Liz scooted out of the bed and got ready for the day.

Without much to do, Liz remembered the garden she peeked at yesterday from the lanai and decided to go and check it out.

She left a note on the bedside table for Max to know where she is, in case he wakes up before she returns.

The garden is magnificent.

What Liz thought that it's a regular fountain is actually a fountain in the middle of a small lake which spills in a form of mini-waterfalls onto a lower level over large rocks into another lake which is filled with colorful koi fish.

The lake-fountain feature is the center of the garden and spreading away from it are palm trees and variety of colorful tropical blooms.

It is still relatively early, and Liz didn't see any people walking around which allowed her to enjoy the garden fully.

Liz glanced at her phone to check the time and was distracted by the notification that she has a message from Mia. Mia confirmed that McKenzie is in the room 308. This means that McKenzie placed an order for dinner to their suite. Why would she do that? Prank? Does not make sense… Did she want to join them for dinner? That makes even less sense. Well, the only thing she achieved is that she interrupted their kissing time… Liz frowned while wondering, is it possible that McKenzie placed that order just to interrupt their lovey-dovey time? If that is her reason, how did she know that they are kissing? a.s.suming that she wanted to intrude on their private time, then the girl is… not very smart. What is the point of preventing one if there are numerous other opportunities?

Liz pinched the roof of her nose in frustration, why is she thinking about that insignificant person? She is on a vacation in paradise with her boyfriend, currently in the middle of a beautiful garden and she is granting permission to a side character to impact her story. Again!

Liz sat on a bench and closed her eyes… allowing the sound of the water and the sweet scent from flowers to relax her and bring her back into a happy vacation mood.

"Enjoying the garden in the morning?", an unfamiliar deep male voice pulled Liz from her stupor.

She opened her eyes to see who is the owner of that voice and faced a tall man with dark brown hair, beard trimmed neatly into a goatee which frames his full lips and eyes which are so dark that they look black. His lips are not smiling, yet she had a feeling that his eyes are.

He looks friendly, but somehow… Liz felt uneasy.

"Yes. It was peaceful.", Liz responded after scanning the man who oozes confidence.

The man smirked. "I apologize. I didn't mean to interrupt your peace."

Liz thought that he will leave because he obviously understood her hint that he is disturbing the peace she had, but she was surprised to see him sit next to her on the bench.

"I am Jay.", he said and raised his eyebrows, obviously expecting her to introduce herself or at least to shake his hand which is hovering in the air.

Liz moved to the edge of the bench, increasing the distance between them and exhaled in frustration. Why is he not leaving? She came to enjoy the garden.

He chuckled after some time and lowered his extended arm reluctantly. "I've met many women, but you are the first one who refuses to say her name. Are you a celebrity?" His eyes traveled over her body. "If you are not, you could be one."

Liz wondered if that is his pickup line or the truth. "Are you an agent?"

Jay looked Liz in the eyes and slowly licked his lips before responding. "No, but I know few.", he ended with a wink.

Liz stifled a laugh. He is. .h.i.tting on her! Do these cheesy lines work?

When he saw that Liz is laughing, Jay placed his palm on his chest dramatically. "You don't believe me? With your looks, you can score modeling and maybe even acting jobs." He leaned closer and rested his chin at the back of his hand while speaking in a low voice: "How about it? Do you want to go somewhere private and show me your talents? I am a good judge of talents and can narrow down your options to the most effective ones."

Liz blinked at his words and observed his smug grin before asking in disbelief: "Is this how you hit on women?"

Jay straightened his back and grimaced for a second. "Not really. Most of the time, women hit on me and I just… don't resist."

Liz c.o.c.ked her head and noticed that his smile is growing with each pa.s.sing moment, confirming that he is confident how her stupefied expression means she likes him and wants to go somewhere private with him.

"Hmm… So, you are a good judge in talents.", Liz mused. "My talent is seeing the future. Do you want to know what is coming?"

Jay's eyes widened, he was obviously entertained. "What do you see in our future?"

Liz stood up and leaned closer. "I see you sitting on this bench, without me."

Jay stifled a laugh while watching Liz leave the garden. He spread his arms on the backrest of the bench and sighed. Liz was right, he is alone on the bench. Well, it's not like he had a lot of motivation to seduce this woman who didn't want to tell him her name (aka Liz), because he does not have a room where he could take her. Hmm… on the other side, they could go into her room (or so he thought).

Liz went back to the room 312 in hurried steps. She does not want to allow this Jay person to approach her again, and if Max sees him who knows what he will do. He punched Dr. Snow who was holding her hand and talking, and this guy from the garden definitely deserves more punches for his shameless behavior.

Liz said that she does not want to attract attention during this weekend, and that includes causing trouble for Max.


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