Abyss Of Silent Heroes - 92 Love Notes At Warzone

92 Love Notes At Warzone


May 30, 1942

My George, I need more cloth, soft ones. There are still sacks of supplies we haven't opened yet last time, please do find me some. I need to add up more baby pajamas for our baby's collection. I also have some small towels for your back when you sweat, use them. Just as the old days, I'm doing fine. Interestingly, I continued reading the journal and found so many things anew. How are you?"


June 1, 1942

Mag, I missed you very much and I'm trying myself to be better for you. By the way, next week, we'll silently ambush the j.a.ps on their way pa.s.sing at the new Gabok bridge. Sibaya had visually decoded their pattern of supply movement. Quizzically, there have been new recruits on new bunkhouses in their barracks where they newly installed unfamiliar facilities. Sibaya would like to spy but I said - no. Hope you're here to help me plan out. By the way, here, I'm leaving my uniform, it was accidentally ripped when we had our physical exercises, please help me sew this. Lastly, I feel so inspired, keeping this lovely baby s.h.i.+rt, my lucky charm. Take care for me.


" Curious about where her hiding place is." Then he roamed around at the receiving area, carefully pus.h.i.+ng the walls, big jars, paintings and had his long - standing stare in front of the mirror.

June 4, 1942

My dear husband, your uniform was not ripped, it was scissored. I just found two zig zag traces ( this makes me smile now). Anyway, don't scissor it again, that's not good. Though it appears sweet yet naughty. Besides, you were trying to check on the walls of our house, trying to find me yesterday, smiling. I caught your tantalizing eyes staring at me while you're talking alone; my heart s.h.i.+vered, and I figured out how immeasurable missingness I felt. Did you not feel me in the kitchen, staring at the faucet? You've stared on the walls and even at the spiral staircase. On bed, you did the same, even reaching the overhead ceiling and caught you placed your feet on our blanket, hmm.


June 7, 1942

You're as lovely as the skies who can show both suns.h.i.+ne and sundown like you made me smile and cry. Honestly, I scissored my uniform, just wanted you to touch it. Hmm, what will I do now when I was caught and how did you know that I placed my feet on our bed? this makes me crazy. Hmm, but you kept mentioning my eyes, I palpitated, haha. But Mag, seriously, I missed you, so much."


June 10, 1942

"Me too. But I was honestly trying to be strong for you. Right now, I'm busy reading the journal, there are new revelations I've found.


" A two way or reciprocal mirror! possible! it reflects on one side but transparent on the other side." He thought and speculated. So as if he just relaxed at the receiving area but tried to see the distance of separate three mirrors fronting at each other. " He could see me in the bedroom since the second mirror was fronting to the third; and the third is slanted and obliquely faces to the bedroom. It crisscrossed, haha. My lovely wife, you're at my back right now, precisely looking at me on that mirror I am facing. You were in a secret room behind that reciprocal mirror at the rear, hmm. You're caught! But anyway, just stay there and be safe from my reach, you're in real danger with me these days." Then he smiled.