Absolute Great Teacher - Chapter 810: Priceless Advice, Domineering Introduction!

Chapter 810: Priceless Advice, Domineering Introduction!

Chapter 810: Priceless Advice, Domineering Introduction!

As the crutches-holding young man stepped off from the teleportation formation, a voice that feigned a surprised gasp rang out.

Yo, our Great Genius Xiao is really hardworking, not forgetting to cultivate even though your legs are broken. How many draconic humans have you defeated today? You must have broken the record for cohort, right?

As the guy said this, Sun Mo noticed that the noise from the surroundings immediately softened. The students clearly appeared to be in awe. Some of them even left this place quickly.

A group of young men dressed in fur vests walked over. The one in the lead looked handsome and impressive. He had a white bear fur muffler around his neck and a hat as well as a cape that were made from bear fur.

Judging from the color of the fur and the design, they had clearly been made from a whole bear.

In the Dragon Subduing Academy, the people who could wear such clothing and accessories were all elites. Only the ferocious beasts they hunted themselves would be allowed to be made into these and put on.

Xiao Ri`nan didnt wish to pay any heed to Wanyan Zhenghe, the Jin Countrys little prince, but he was surrounded by Zhenghes people.

As expected, geniuses are arrogant and unwilling to hang out with ordinary people like us.

Wanyan Zhenghes lips twitched and he circled around Xiao Ri`nan.

Xiao Ri`nan pursed his lips, showing a hint of anger on his face.

Of course, a genius is still a genius even if his legs are broken. Little Prince, you arent fit to be his friend, so youre better off playing with us.

I heard that geniuses have four short limbs, and that their zodiac would be the dog. Let me check if thats true!

A young man said this and then went to tug Xiao Ri`nans pants, wanting to take them off.


Xiao Ri`nan moved his crutches to hit the guys arms. However, the other party seemed to have expected this and smashed out a punch.


As Xiao Ri`nans legs were injured, he couldnt stand steadily and stumbled backward. Moreover, since a young man beside him was putting out his leg to trip him, he ended up falling.

Huh? It hurts. If you arent willing to show it, then just say it. Why do you have to hit others?

The young man who had tugged his pants looked aggrieved as he complained, pretending to be like a victim.

If you want to bully others, then do it openly. Why are you pretending to be a gentleman? The hotblooded valiance of our northern tribes men has been thrown away by you.

Xiao Ri`nan cursed.


Wanyan Zhenghe struck Xiao Ri`nans face with his palm. It was with such strength that the corner of Xiao Ri`nans lips cracked and blood could be seen.

Since youre hotblooded and valiant, then dont go and complain to the teachers about being bullied.

Wanyan Zhenghe sneered.

Hey, the few of you over there, stop it!

Sun Mo couldnt stand it any longer. Just from looking at the attitude of the students around, Sun Mo knew that the people in this small group werent good.

Moreover, they were bullying an injured young man.

Hearing Sun Mo peak up, everyone turned to assess him.

Intern teacher?

Wanyan Zhenghe asked.

Thats right!

Sun Mo activated Divine Sight.

Wanyan Zhenghe, 14 years old. Peak of the Spirit-Refinement Realm.

Strength 18. Extremely strong. After performing secret arts, it can go off the scale.

Intellect 17. He has a lot of evil ideas, more suitable to call him sly.

Agility 18. Extremely good movements. He excels in using the swift blade and has the name Silver Tempest.

Will 17. Having received guidance from a great teacher from a young age, he has a strong will and is extremely ruthless. He can be said to be the perfect successor of a ruler.

Endurance 19. Able to withstand great hardship and achieve great heights. Not only does he have a good aptitude, but he also works hard. He doesnt care about bleeding and sweating to achieve his goal.

Potential value: Extremely high!

Note: From an ordinary persons perspective, there is a problem with this guy and he is bad. However, as Jin Countrys little prince, he would undoubtedly become a qualified king.

Sun Mo felt speechless after seeing the introduction.

Strictly speaking, a little prince applying pressure on a genius was just like training hunting eagles. If the geniuses could be used by them, then theyd take them in. Otherwise, theyd destroy them.

After Wanyan Zhenghe asked that, he didnt pay attention to Sun Mo anymore. Instead, he suddenly put out his hand to grab Xiao Ri`nans collar and tugged him abruptly.

I can break your legs once, so Ill be able to break them a second time. Xiao Ri`nan, this is what happens when you dont know whats good for you!

Xiao Ri`nan had a fiery temper as well. He then swung his fist and wanted to punch Wanyan Zhenghe. However, the latter grabbed the fist and punched out toward Xiao Ri`nans mouth.

If this attack were to hit, at least half of his teeth would fall.


Sun Mo reproached.


A stream of golden light halo erupted, rapidly radiating toward the surroundings. It extended out toward Wanyan Zhenghes group, and his fist stopped right in front of Xiao Ri`nans mouth.

Profound Words?

Wanyan Zhenghe finally looked at Sun Mo in the face. After all, this wasnt a great teacher halo that many intern teachers could grasp.

If you have any dissatisfaction toward him, you guys can have another fight once his injuries heal. Is it interesting to be bullying someone with broken legs?

Sun Mos words caused the spectating students to nod incessantly.

The tribes warriors didnt bully the injured, the crippled, the old, the weak, and women. It was true that it was a little low for Wanyan Zhenghe to be doing this.

Whats your name?

Wanyan Zhenghe pushed Xiao Ri`nan away.

Sun Mo, a newly-enrolled intern teacher. I should be conducting my first class the day after tomorrow. You can come and sit in.

Sun Mo was neither servile nor overbearing.

Wanyan was a distinguished surname in Jin Country. Having heard how his delinquent friends addressed him as the little prince, Sun Mo knew that his status was definitely not low. However, Sun Mo didnt care about that.

(My eldest disciple is the most doted princess in the Great Tang Empire.)

It was a pity that Ziqi didnt have a chance to ascend the throne. Otherwise, Sun Mo would be the Great Tangs imperial preceptor. Just the thought of it sounded amazing.

Ill definitely be there!

Wanyan Zhenghe sneered and swung his cape behind him. Lets go.

These delinquent friends of his also came from distinguished clans. Therefore, they didnt care for Sun Mo either. One of them even spat out.

(Forget it. Ive just come to this place and should maintain a good image. Otherwise, Id definitely make you eat up this piece of soil that has been stained by your saliva.)

Sun Mo thought to himself. His behavior had probably been seen by an examiner. However, it was not known whether the rating would be a good or a bad one.

Even if it meant that his marks would get deducted, Sun Mo would still step forth to stop them.

Thank you, Teacher Sun!

Xiao Ri`nan expressed his thanks and then left with his crutches, leaving only a lonely back view for others.

Hes a hot-blooded guy. Its such a pity.

Mei Ziyu sighed.

If Xiao Ri`nan couldnt find a backing, his life from now on would definitely be tough.

Thats right!

Sun Mo assessed Xiao Ri`nan.

Even in the modern world, ordinary people werent willing to offend those who came from powerful families, let alone in this world where the concept of feudal dynasties was at its peak.

As the son of an ordinary herdsman, Xiao Ri`nan was considered to possess great courage to have dared to retort to Wanyan Zhenghe.

Xiao Ri`nan, 14 years old. Peak of the Spirit-Refinement Realm.

Strength 20. Its as if his body contains the power of a huge beast.

Intellect 18. He is more intelligent than others and also very quick-witted. His only problem is that he cant correctly appraise the situation and is very naive. As a result, he has offended quite a lot of people.

Agility 18. A wolf of the wilderness, running freely and chasing after the white clouds and the moon!

Will 13. Ever since the death of his personal teacher and his legs had been broken, his willpower has been very low.

Endurance 20. Since young, he knows that one gets to eat as much as they sweat.

Potential value: Extremely high!

Note: A good young man with a down-to-earth character. Before his legs were broken, he had been positive and cheerful like the wind.

(Meow meow meow? Did I see wrongly? Ive only seen the data of three people and they are all extremely talented. How are others going to live?)

Sun Mo quickly assessed the students in the surroundings.

Each of the Nine Greats had its own ways of picking talented students. Just by scanning out randomly, Sun Mo knew that there werent many students here with average potential value. All of them were either above average or high. There were close to ten students with extremely high potential value.

Are we still going to check out the Dragon Subduing Palace?

Mei Ziyu had come along with her mother when she visited the Dragon Subduing Academy for an academic exchange. She had entered the Dragon Subduing Palace and thus didnt have much interest in it.

However, if Sun Mo wished to go, shed accompany him.

Forget it. Im not in the mood anymore.

Sun Mo felt that this wasnt a smooth start. These students from the Dragon Subduing Academy only wanted to suck dry all of their knowledge and had no intention of showing respect.

At night, Sun Mo saw his two other roommates.

One of them was called Helian Xue and the other was Tuoba Cao. It was apparent from their names that they came from ordinary herdsmen families. There was one more guy, but it was said that he hadnt been back for three days.

That guy wanted to tame Little Prince Wanyan but got taken care of instead. Teacher Sun, although were competitors, let me give you a word of advice, dont offend Wanyan Zhenghe.

Tuoba Cao was a cordial person. After eating Sun Mos pastries, he started to talk freely.

Helian Xue was a person of few words. He liked the read and held onto a copy of Journey to the West. He then lay on the bed, completely engrossed in it.

The young man whom Sun Mo had met in the morning was called Zhou Liqing. The reason he came to apply to the Dragon Subduing Academy was to earn big bucks.

The Dragon Subduing Academys teaching building was a huge stone castle.

The class for self-introductions today was conducted in the big lecture theater on the first floor.

This was the first test for intern teachers after they came onto the job.

Each of them had five minutes to speak. They could introduce themselves or give a short speech. They should try their best to attract the students to come to their classes.

Just like how it was in other famous schools, in the Dragon Subduing Academy, students attendance rate determined whether a teacher would stay or leave.

There was still 15 minutes before ten. However, over 400 students had gathered in this lecture theater that could accommodate 500 people.

This is the first time Im teaching students of other ethnicities.

Someone felt very nervous.

In the lecture theater next door, the examinees were all waiting quietly. Theyd wait for their name to be called before they went and gave their speech.

Not long later, a long horn signal rang out.

Wang Li!

The Beardie from yesterday stood at the door and started the roll call.

Wang Li took in a few deep breaths and adjusted his expression. However, it had only been a few seconds since he stepped out when everyone heard loud laughter.

Whats happening? Did he fail?

Someone stretched out their necks and looked outside of the door, but they couldnt see anything.


Beardie reproached. Five minutes later, he continued to call out another name without having any expression on his face.

The examinees left hastily and the laughter kept on ringing out incessantly as well. It was until Liu Zongyuan, who was the seventh to be called, went out that the laughter stopped.

F*ck it, theres definitely something wrong.

The examinees countenances were grim.

Very soon, it was Sun Mos turn.

Sun Mo tidied his teacher attire and walked out after ascertaining that there were no creases. He then stopped in front of the lecture theaters door.

A faint spirit qi wave came gushing toward him.

Hurry up and go in. Dont waste time.

Beardie urged.

Sun Mo entered and turned his head. He saw the lecture theater filled with students, and the Jin Countrys Little Prince was seated in the very center, surrounded by others.

Everyone, do your best to humiliate him later on! Wanyan Zhenghes lackey instructed. (How dare you reproach the Little Prince? Ill let you be utterly humiliated today.)

However, just as everyone was about to laugh out loud, Sun Mo suddenly came to a stop, standing on the edge of the rostrum.

Go on up. Why are you in a daze?

It cant be that hes too nervous, right?

Why be a teacher if you dont dare to go up?

Everyone sneered.

However, Sun Mo smiled. He turned and walked over to the wall on the left.


Sun Mo passed through the wall. After taking five steps, he turned and took another seven steps forward, appearing on the rostrum.

Illusion-type spirit rune? Its quite well done. Which students work is this? Can you stand up and let me take a look?

Sun Mo asked.

It was no wonder there were bursts of laughter earlier. If the examinees were to walk straight over, theyd bump their heads. They wouldnt even be able to get onto the rostrum if they were unable to solve this.

Little Prince, this guy has some capability! the lackey exclaimed in surprise.

The illusionary spirit rune had caused many great teachers to suffer.

Hmph, if he was trash, I wouldnt be interested in taking care of him.

Wanyan Zhenghe assessed Sun Mo with interest.

Im Sun Mo. From today onward, Ill be having my internship in the Dragon Subduing Academy. Ill be teaching two subjects, the study of spirit runes and botany respectively. Feel free to come and listen.

Sun Mo introduced with a loud voice, wearing a subtle but amicable smile on his face.

This was the smile that Sun Mo had practiced in front of the mirror many times. It was a pity that he was wearing a human-skin mask, and the effect was not that good.

It gave others the feeling as if he was wearing a superficial smile.

There are many amazing great teachers in the school. Why should we spend time going to your class? The lackey sneered.

In my class, if theres a question that anyone asks, but I cant answer, Ill resign immediately.

Sun Mo let out a soft laugh.

An ordinary speech wouldnt be able to attract anyone. The only option was to give everyone a great surprise.

Whats the big deal about resigning? In my opinion, you dont have a chance to get the job to begin with.

Wanyan Zhenghe said in contempt.

Then how about this? If anyone is able to stump me during my lectures, Ill quit being a great teacher forever. How is that?

Sun Mo asked.


As Sun Mo said this, the entire class broke into a commotion.

It was because this bet was too great. Who else but a lunatic would dare to say this?

Even Beardie couldnt help but turn his gaze, assessing Sun Mo seriously for the first time.

A great teacher doesnt go back on their words.

Wanyan Zhenghe sneered. Its still not too late to take them back now.

Theres no need!

As Sun Mo said this, he suddenly drew his wooden blade and swung it around in front of him.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Blade qi was released, acting like a brush, modifying the illusionary spirit rune.

The illusion disappeared.

The reason why Sun Mo did this was so that Mei Ziyu wouldnt be embarrassed. After all, she didnt know the study of spirit runes.

Its like what they say, one shouldnt judge a persons learning by their age. As long as someone knows something you dont, then they can be your teacher. If a great teacher were to be defeated in a subject they excel in, then it could only prove that they are weak. However, if one were to bully others on a subject they dont know about, then it would only show how low and ignorant you guys are.

Sun Mo reproached.


Priceless Advice erupted!

Golden light spots radiated out from Sun Mos body, spreading out across the entire lecture theater.

Many students looked ashamed.