Absolute Great Teacher - Chapter 1023 - Disciples Taking On A Mission!

Chapter 1023 - Disciples Taking On A Mission!

Chapter 1023: Disciples Taking On A Mission!

Translator: Lordbluefire

Huang Meibo was very proud of her capabilities. She had the confidence that even after Li Ziqi had unleashed the spirit runes, she could still break through her defenses. She also had the confidence of killing Li Ziqis battle pet after she had completed her spiritual beast summoning.

This battle was to prove her ability. Therefore, she wanted to fight against Li Ziqi who was in her peak condition.

Teacher, Ill let you know that Im the best.

Huang Meibo clutched onto her sword tightly.

Li Ziqi looked at Huang Meibo and then let out a stifled laugh.

Huang Meibo couldnt understand this scene.

What are you laughing at? Actually, I want to tell you that I rely on this for a living.

The little sunny egg bent her finger and knocked on her head. Id usually leave things like fighting to other people.

Youre mocking me?

Huang Meibo felt displeased.

Not all examinees who can pass the great teacher examination might have exceptional intelligence, but the one who can clinch the champion is definitely one in a thousand.

Li Ziqi teased, Are you so certain that Ive fallen for your plot?

Youre saying that you came here intentionally despite knowing that its a trap?

Huang Meibo immediately looked around.

There wasnt anyone!

Stop bluffing!

This alley wasnt spacious and there was quite a lot of miscellaneous stuff piled up under the roof. As it had been raining two days ago, the floor was moist and muddy. Some places were even filled with algae.

It wasnt far from evening now, so there was smoke rising and the fragrance of food drifting out.

Occasionally, as a light breeze blew, one could even smell the smoke from burning firewood.

The reason you chose Qin Yaoguang is because you feel that she is a girl, being weaker and more active. Theres also more time for her to fall behind, right?

Li Ziqi analyzed.

But youve neglected one thingher character.

Junior Martial Sister Yaoguang wont enter a weapon shop or antique shop. Shes only interested in snack shops. Moreover, given how rich my teacher is, do you think that we, as his personal disciples, will be lacking in good weapons?

Huang Meibos countenance sank.

Alright, even if everything is fine, do you think that after having heard that something has happened to Zhou Wenbin, I would not have my guards up?

Li Ziqi smiled and asked.


Huang Meibo said in disdain. She hadnt thought of this. In her heart, geniuses like them would definitely not be scared of anything in the world. If they were to just check out a shop across the street, how could they possibly look for their martial siblings for accompaniment?


Li Ziqi shrugged like Sun Mo usually did.

But I havent seen you calling for anyone.

Huang Meibo was perplexed. She had been following Li Ziqi secretly to find a chance to duel her.

Its because I was worried that thered be someone secretly watching in the dark. Therefore, I wrote a note and gave Junior Martial Brother Jiang some instructions.

Li Ziqi sized up Huang Meibo. Didnt you notice? I have been purposely dilly-dallying to fight for more time.


Huang Meibos heart skipped a beat. Like a cat that was targeted by a hunting dog, her entire body tensed up. However, she still didnt notice anyone.

If Li Ziqi didnt lie, then this proved that the other partys cloaking skill was extremely good.

Junior Martial Brother Jiang, Junior Martial Brother Helian, you guys can come out now.

Li Ziqi called out. Tantai, you can pass on this. Youll be easily targeted.

Cough cough, how can you say that?

As the sickly guy complained, all three of them jumped up onto the wall.

Helian Beifang quickly got close to Li Ziqi to prevent her from getting attacked while Jiang Leng blocked Huang Meibos path.

Huang Meibo took in a deep breath and then let out an explosive bellow.

All of you can come at me together!

At this moment, the young ladys battle intent radiated.

If only Xuanyuan Po is here.

The sickly guy sighed.

I can do it too!

Helian Beifang was raring to go.

As a barbarian, he was fond of battles too.

If Junior Martial Sister Yaoguang hadnt been caught, its fine to let you fight. But we cant do that now.

Jiang Lengs expression was cold, the words he said were filled with killing intent.

Where did you hide her?

Thats right, thank you for reminding me that I still have a hostage!

Huang Meibo continued to stare at Li Ziqi. Fight me. Regardless of the result, Ill return her. Otherwise, dont blame my companions for not holding back.

Tsk tsk!

Tantai Yutang shook his finger. Your plan is filled with childishness and naivety. Its clear that this is done by you and that there is no one else involved.

Youre saying that you have companions? Do you think that Ill believe that?

Moreover, theres another crucial point. We can just capture you and interrogate you for information. We also have the option of approaching that non-existent companion of yours to trade hostages!

Huang Meibos heart beat fiercely.

It was because this sickly guy was right. She was alone in this plan.

Hehe, let me teach you one more thing. Dont write everything on your face.

The sickly guy was elated. Look, now Im sure that you really dont have any companions.

Hey, is it really nice to be bullying a girl like this?

Li Ziqi teased.

You guys

Huang Meibo was furious and anxious. She felt that her intellect wasnt bad and she could look down on others. But now, she was being thrashed by these two.

She was no longer the one with the advantageous stand.

(However, I can still escape.)

Are you thinking of how to escape?

Tantai Yutang smiled and asked.

If you arent fighting, then I can only leave.

Huang Meibo had wanted to say that she could take on all four of them single-handedly, but the gazes of that young man with a trash word on his forehead as well as the barbaric young man next to Li Ziqi were too fierce.

Huang Meibos rich experience told her that they were strong foes.

Im sorry, you wont be able to leave.

Tantai Yutang looked toward Li Ziqi. Can you leave the interrogation to me? I guarantee that I wont kill her!

Lets make the decision after Teacher comes back.

Li Ziqi disagreed. They are from the Dark Dawn and theres a high chance that they are related to the plot against Zhou Wenbin!

This is atrocious. Do you really think that Im a pushover?

Huang Meibo was enraged and pounced toward Li Ziqi.

She decided to ignore everything and have a fight first.

Hold on, answer my question first.

Li Ziqi signaled for Huang Meibo not to be rash. Why do you think that I am in the advantageous position yet still talking so much to you?

Arent you waiting for them to check the surroundings to ascertain that there arent any other enemies as well as to surround me?

Given Huang Meibos intellect, she was capable of deducing things to this stage.

What else?

Tantai Yutang gestured for Huang Meibo to continue.

Stop all the crap talk. If her teacher comes, itll be over for us. Lets catch her and bring her back to the hotel first.

Helian Beifang urged.

As he said this, he charged out toward Huang Meibo.


Huang Meibo planned on killing this barbaric young man first to instill fear in them. However, when she was circulating spirit qi, she suddenly felt a piercing pain in her chest that made her almost unable to breathe.

Her body stumbled and fell toward the ground. It was as if all of her strength was sapped dry.

You despicable people. How dare you use poison!

Huang Meibo was filled with surprise and rage.

Arent you guys afraid of harming Sun Mos reputation?

Putting aside that youre a dark great teacher that everyone wants to eliminate, since youve kidnapped my junior martial sister alone, we wont stand on ceremony with you.

Helian Beifang charged up to Huang Meibos side. He first used the Ancient Dragon Capturing Hands, which he wasnt too familiar with, to seal her energy channels. He then took out a rope and tied her up.

When did you guys use the poison?

Huang Meibo couldnt understand. She had tried to be very careful.

Most importantly, when dealing with poison, ordinary people would at most use knock-out drugs. If it was a poison that was too difficult to handle, they might end up killing themselves with it. Therefore, other than poison masters, most people wouldnt be able to handle poison well and wouldnt dare to use them.

Could it be that Sun Mo was a hidden poison master as well?

Im not telling you!

Tantai Yutangs tone was filled with mischief.

This is a type of poisonous smoke. In order to cover it, its been mixed amongst the smoke from the kitchens.

A deep voice suddenly rang out.

Li Ziqi and the other three immediately felt their scalps turn numb.

This was bad. They had dragged on for too long and the enemys reinforcement had arrived.

Lu Feng, dressed in white, appeared on top of the wall with a flash. With another flash, he stood next to Helian Beifang.


The barbaric young man swung his blade.


Lu Feng pinched onto his blade with two fingers.

Not bad!

Lu Feng praised and then sized up Helian Beifang. I didnt expect a lot of promising youngsters amongst Sun Mos personal disciples.

Swoosh! Swoosh! Swoosh!

Helian Beifang tossed his blade away decisively and did a couple of back somersaults to move away.

Senior Martial Brother Jiang, protect Eldest Martial Sister and leave first.

Helian Beifang drew out a dagger from his boots.

Jiang Leng stopped blocking the way. He rapidly darted through the wall and then soon appeared next to Li Ziqi.


Huang Meibo lowered her head, feeling embarrassed.

You arent to blame for this. The enemy is too crafty!

Lu Feng stroked Huang Meibos hair. Do you know why Li Ziqi was talking to you for so long? Its because shes worried that you might leave or attack earlier.

During this time, those three guys have been looking for the upwind direction to release the poison. Doing this requires time.

Li Ziqi and the other three communicated with their gazes.

Outstanding, all of you are very outstanding!

The more Lu Feng looked at the four of them, the more he liked them.

Even that sickly guy didnt show any feelings of fear. His courage was very strong and he hadnt given up on putting up a struggle.

Why dont the four of you be my students? Ill be able to unearth your potential better than Sun Mo can!

Lu Feng couldnt hold it in and tried to recruit them.

Hearing this, Huang Meibo lowered her head, feeling disappointed.

Im sorry, Ill only be Teachers disciple in this lifetime!

Li Ziqi refused.

Me too!

Helian Beifang quickly expressed his will too.

Tantai Yutang shrugged. Im very grateful that Teacher can bear with my horrible character. If I were to go with you, Im afraid that youd beat me to death.

Li Ziqi and the other two immediately looked over.

(So you know that youre very detestable!)

Jiang Leng didnt say anything, but the fact that he was holding onto his dagger was enough to express his attitude.

You guys look for an opportunity to slip away! Ill back you guys up!

Jiang Leng took in a deep breath and planned on fighting it to the death.

Even if he were to sacrifice his life, he must let Li Ziqi, whom his teacher liked, escape.

Li Ziqi wanted to say something, but Tantai Yutang tugged at her.

Taking in disciples is a choice made by both sides. I want to ask. Why do you think youll be more amazing than my teacher? asked Tantai Yutang.

This should be asked by me, the Eldest Martial Sister!

Li Ziqi complained, but she felt very grateful in her heart. It was because these words were very offensive. If the other party was enraged, he might just kill the one saying them.

It could be said that the sickly guy was taking the bullet for her.

Cant you let me look good for once?

The sickly guys lips twitched.

Alright, stop quarreling. I know that you guys are trying to drag out time.

Lu Feng saw through the duos gimmicks.