A Taste of Trouble - Part 6

Part 6

He gave her a look of disgust then returned to scrubbing the sink.

The kitchen was almost spotless, and by the end of the day they would have this place ready for the electricians who were scheduled to show up tomorrow. She just had to make sure she spent her money wisely. She'd already made some calls this morning and completed a few applications online. Barring any unexpected tragedies, she should be fine. Liv hugged her arms around her body and sighed in contentment.

"What is going on here?" Austin asked. Patti stared at her with the same confused look.

"Huh? Nothing. Just happy about this place." She knew that answer wouldn't appease them. There wasn't anything she could hide from her friends, at least not for very long.

"You're pretty happy for someone who's been denied a bank loan," Austin said.

She hadn't yet disclosed her encounter with Jake at Sweet Creations. When telling her story about the bank loan, she neglected to mention that Jake had been there when she had gotten the call. She also neglected to mention that he asked her to a book launch. But with the way she ran out on him, she doubted he'd ever see her again.

"I didn't start this process until I had enough money saved for a reason. I can do this."

"Happy? Positive outlook?" Austin glanced over at Patti. "Who are you and what have you done with our friend Liv?"

Liv laughed.

"Did you win the lottery or something that we don't know about? Or maybe you just got laid and that's why you're so happy. Or maybe-"

"Hold it right there," Patti interrupted. "I think the answer to your question is behind door number two."

Nervous heat spread across Liv's body and perspiration made its presence known on her skin.

"She got laid?" Austin asked.

"I didn't get laid."

"That would explain why you've been fluttering around here all day with this contented look in your eyes." He folded his arms across his chest. "What happened?"

"What happy person act?" Liv questioned. "I'm the same as always."

"No way." Austin's eyebrows rose. "You got some, didn't you?"

"Fine," Liv huffed. "I saw Bud Man again."

Patti threw down her rag and got to her feet. "This is good gossip."

"Spill," Austin demanded.

"It was nothing. He came into Sweet Creations while I was working and...he walked me home."

"Any kissing?"

Liv shook her head. "No kissing."

"No s.e.x?" Austin said, his voice going up an octave in disbelief.

"No s.e.x."

Even without the s.e.x, she couldn't stop thinking about Jake. She couldn't imagine what her mood would be like if he had made it upstairs into her bed. But these fantasies, the image of him etched in her brain, would go away. She had to push it away. The fantasies would stop once the bakery was in full swing, when she wouldn't have time to think of him.

"Oh, Lord, help us all." Austin's words jerked her out of her thoughts. "Look at that smile."

"What smile?" Now that he mentioned it, Liv did feel the pull of her cheeks. They sort of ached from the change in position.

"Honey, you're glowing," Patti said. "Start talking."

"I don't have any other details, other than..." The fact that she was a complete spaz and possibly ruined for a second time her best chance at some s.e.x. "...maybe I might have ruined it, anyway."

"Surprise, surprise," Austin muttered.

"What do you mean, Liv? This would be a record, even for you." Patti was the optimist of their group. Always hoping for the best.

"He was there when I got the call about the bank loan. I sort of freaked and then ran away." She sighed and picked up a wet rag from the side counter and wiped down the surface. "I wouldn't be surprised if I never saw him again."

"You don't know that," Patti said. "Maybe he likes crazy, skittish girls."

"The bank loan wasn't the only reason I freaked." She should probably get all of the events out on the table. If she kept them in, how would she ever be able to get over wanting him so badly she would risk embarra.s.sment? "Something happened."

Austin's eyebrows rose on his forehead and Patti glanced his way. She had piqued their curiosity.

"We touched...he dropped his gloves and we..." How did she explain that when she touched him, everything else fell away? Everyone, everything around them faded into the background and all there was, was him. "When I touched his hand, it sparked."

"A spark?" Patti asked.

"He's your religious experience." Austin clapped his hands together in excitement. "You have to have s.e.x with him. That's all there is to it. Next time you see him, you have to jump him."

"I already tried that, Ozzie." It still stung, being rebuffed. "I practically threw myself at him, and instead of taking me to his bed, he asked me out on a date. Twice."

Austin's mouth curved into an 'o' and he let his gaze drop to the floor.

"And do you know what the worst part is?" If she couldn't tell them, she couldn't tell anyone. "I can't stop fantasizing about him. This is the exact reason why I don't do relationships. It makes you crazy." She threw her hands in the air. "But this will pa.s.s. I know it will."

"Are you sure about that?" Patti asked.

"I know it. It was a fluke encounter. It just took me by surprise."

All she needed to do was focus on the bakery. That would get her mind off unnecessary thoughts of the hot man. But even as she thought it, she knew she was kidding herself. And her friends knew it, too.

"He got to you." Austin pointed at her. "Admit it."

"It doesn't matter." Liv circled the rag across the counter. "I won't be seeing him again."

"I remember the way he was looking at you, Liv," Patti added. "His eyes were devouring you like an animal."

Austin nodded. "I agree."

The jingle of the bell on the front door caught their attention.

"Are you expecting anyone?" Patti asked.

Liv shook her head and walked out into the storefront.

A gust of cold air swirled into the store as she emerged from behind the curtain. A man stepped inside, tall and ominous. The dark hair on his head was wet from the falling snow that had no doubt acc.u.mulated during the walk from his car.

"Can I help you?" Liv asked. "We're not quite open for business yet."

"Are you Olivia Crawford?" His voice was stern, all business. He held a clipboard close to his chest. He had inspector written all over him.

Her stomach tightened.

Austin and Patti emerged from the kitchen but kept their distance.

"I'm Olivia Crawford." She walked around the counter toward the front door and held out her hand.

He extended his, but instead of a shake, he offered his business card. "I'm Walter Cross. Health Inspector with the City of Toronto."

"Nice to meet you." She looked at his card-tight black print surrounded by boring white s.p.a.ce.

"I won't be performing an official inspection today, but knowing that this s.p.a.ce has been unoccupied for quite some time, I antic.i.p.ated you would have questions." He scanned the room. "There's a lot of work to be done."

So he was a business first, niceties last kind of guy. Noted.

"Without even taking one step further, I can tell you the hand-washing station is not in the right spot, nor is it equipped with proper plumbing."

"I just got the keys." Liv let out a high-pitched squeak. "I haven't even renovated yet."

"I've also done a quick walk around the building, and it looks like your garbage facilities are not up to par."

"What?" Her voice must have risen because Patti sidled a little closer.

"The debris is blocking the alley, which is a fire hazard." He glanced over his clipboard.

Liv's eyes widened and her stomach churned. Was he not listening to her? Her thoughts flashed to her bank manager denying her the loan. This was exactly what she was afraid would happen.

He dabbed his pen on whatever sheet of paper that was held steady by the clip. "I'll be back in a couple of weeks. Give you some time to get things up to snuff."

Oh, she planned on getting things up to snuff. He could bet on that.

"You have your work cut out for you, Ms. Crawford."

Liv didn't expect a city inspector to be her best friend, but somewhat pleasant, maybe even accommodating, would be nice. It seemed as though she wasn't going to get either.

Austin came up behind her and grabbed hold of her arm. He squeezed, offering comfort.

Just then a gust of cold air swirled into the store as Nancy entered. She dusted off the lapels of her coat with one hand, a stern expression on her face.

"Nancy," Liv said. "What are you doing here?"

"h.e.l.lo, dear." She struggled with a few bags and she held a stack of files close to her chest.

"Let me help you with that." She walked around the counter toward the front door and grabbed the bags out of Nancy's hand.

"Nancy, great to see you," Patti said as she jumped up on the counter.

"Whatcha got there, Nancy?" Austin asked as he took position beside Patti.

Instead of acknowledging her friends, Nancy's eyes grew wide when she registered the man standing in front of her. "Why, Mr. Cross, what on earth are you doing here?"

"Nice to see you, Ms. Arbour." He smiled. He actually had teeth. "I was just advising Ms. Crawford that she has a lot of work to do."

"Isn't this place a disaster?" She shrugged out of her coat and looked for a spot to rest it. The front s.p.a.ce was still filthy. Liv didn't blame Nancy when she tucked her coat under her arm. "It's why I'm here." She approached the counter and laid down the stack of files. "I brought you some inspection materials, a tip sheet, the regulation itself."

"Nancy, that's so kind of you." Liv glanced at her friends, who smiled.

There was no mistaking how much Liv needed Nancy in her life. She was always looking out for her.

"That is a great place to start," Mr. Cross added. "All the information you need to pa.s.s the inspection is in those checklists."

Liv's eyes widened and her stomach churned. That stack of pamphlets and checklists was...so very thick.

Nancy released a few sheets of paper from the file and pa.s.sed them over. "I printed this from the Internet. You must have every one of those items completed in order to pa.s.s."

Liv glanced back at her friends. Patti played with the hem of her shirt, a look of fear and sympathy in her eye. Austin, on the other hand, looked ready to take on an army. The small vein in the side of his neck pulsed under his skin.

Liv took hold of the paper and quickly glanced it over. Many of the items on the list were exactly what Nancy had mentioned the first time she had stopped by-shelving units, electrical outlets, placement of items in the refrigerator, temperature-but there were at least twenty more. The room spun. No way was she going to get all of these things done before her expected opening.

"I'll be back to follow up on your progress." Cross slid his clipboard under his arm and nodded his head at Nancy. With that, he strode to the front door. Before he stepped out into the cold, he turned and glared. "Don't take this lightly, Ms. Crawford. The city has a zero tolerance policy for non-compliance."

Even the merry jingle of the bell as Mr. Cross walked out the door did nothing to ease her tension.

"Did that just happen?" Patti asked.

"What the h.e.l.l was that all about?" Austin exclaimed. He grabbed the paper out of her hand and quietly cursed.

"Zero tolerance? I have zero tolerance for that douche." Patti walked around to stand in front of Liv.

"Mr. Cross is a lovely man and has been my health inspector for years." Nancy tucked strands of hair behind her ears. "He's only doing his job."

"Garbage and wastes shall be removed from the premises twice daily," Austin read from the package. "A separate hand washing station...with hot and cold water and a soap dispenser..."

"Oh, dear, you just have to make sure you have soap on the premises." Nancy waved off the rules. If anyone knew the ins and outs of the inspection process, it would be Nancy.

"Don't worry, Liv," Patti cooed behind her, and laid a hand on her shoulder. "We'll help you."

"I must be on my way, dears." Nancy slipped into her coat and picked up her bags. "Call me if you have any questions." The temperature of the storefront dipped with the opening of the front door.

"It's okay, honey." Austin's cheerleader abilities were on high alert. "We'll take care of it and move on."