A Taste of Trouble - Part 3

Part 3

Stepping into the shower, Liv couldn't stop the images of Jake from popping into her head. Jake sitting at the bar. Jake bending over the pool table. His tight b.u.t.t and strong shoulders too impressive for words.

She'd eyed him all night. Admired how his suit molded his body perfectly, the crisp material accenting his sleek, muscular build. She studied him as he swaggered around the pool table, and the way his gaze roamed the length of her body, as if undressing her. Her skin tingled as she imagined the naughty, sweaty things she wanted to do with him. When his hand searched out the small of her back on their way out of the bar, she nestled into his touch, confused at the comfort she drew from his protective nature.

She'd tossed and turned all night, trying to figure out what she'd done to warrant his quick rejection of her proposition to slip into his bed. She was even more baffled at his invitation to attend the book launch.

But this morning she pushed those thoughts aside. Jake had been a nice distraction, an exceptionally hot and s.e.xy distraction, but it was time to get back to what was most important.

Despite the to-do list that had grown with Nancy's survey of the bakery, she had agreed to help her out. The frantic message on her voice mail last night tugged at her guilt strings. Nancy was begging for help with a couple of orders she couldn't handle on her own. And Liv couldn't possibly say no.

After her shower, Liv put on her most comfortable pair of jeans and a white T-shirt, then headed out the door.

It was six in the morning and the streets were quiet. She loved the city at this time. Everything seemed so at peace. Until the noise, chatter, and exhaust turned the city into a chaotic mess. She strolled into Sweet Creations, inhaling long and deep. The sweet smell of chocolate never failed to fill her with a sense of calm, a sense of purpose. Her body relaxed, her brain perked up, her fingers itched with antic.i.p.ation to create something unique. This bakery enticed her, always sparking an excitement in her stomach as if she was baking for the very first time.

On the right sat an L-shaped counter where Nancy's teenage daughter Corey leaned, half asleep, with her usual expression of teenage indifference. Straight ahead sat a showcase that would display an a.s.sortment of freshly baked goods. The left wall was adorned with pictures of cakes, examples of what people could order. The square footage was bigger than Cupcake!, but good things did come in small packages.

"There she is! My favorite little elf has come to save me." Nancy shot up from behind the showcase.

"I'm happy to help, but I can't stay all day." Denying Nancy help was the equivalent to ripping out her heart, but Liv would have to live with the guilt.

"I know, dear."

Sliding behind the counter, Liv plunked her chin on the shoulder of the young brunette who was strumming her fingers on the white surface. "Shouldn't you be going to school today?"

Corey stared back with disdain. "You would think a parent would want her child to get an education. Not mine."

"You're getting an education, dear." Nancy eyed her daughter. "An education in real life. How many kids your age know how to run a business? Huh?"

"Yeah, yeah." Corey was not amused.

Deep down, Liv knew she was thankful for the break from school-what sixteen-year-old wouldn't be-but she was sure Corey could think of other ways to spend her time. "You going to hang with me in the back, Corey? I could use the help."

"Sure. Anything not to have to deal with the public."

"I don't know where this girl came from. She certainly couldn't be my daughter with an att.i.tude like that."

Corey stalked to the back room, leaving Liv to chuckle at her dramatic exodus. She grabbed an ap.r.o.n from the wood peg and put on a hairnet, then headed to the back.

Nancy followed, giving instructions. "We've got a busy morning ahead of us. Two hundred and fifty cupcakes need to be baked, as well as four cookie bouquets and ten sweet baskets."

"The busier the better." Liv did her best work under pressure.

Liv walked around the island in the kitchen but didn't make it all the way around. Nancy pulled her into a big hug, the scent of her strawberry shampoo flooding her senses. "Olivia, I really do enjoy our time together. I don't know what I'm going to do without you."

"I wish I could do more to help out," Liv said with a sigh. "But I know you'll have no trouble finding someone with exceptional talent to take my place." Was it awful that deep down Liv hoped the person who did help Nancy wasn't as talented? She wanted to hold that special place in Nancy's heart forever.

"I know, dear." Nancy chuckled, but it seemed forced. "This business isn't easy. Honestly, I don't know how you think you can pull this off."

Liv drew away in shock. She glanced at Corey, who looked at them with disinterest. She had no understanding of how much that comment stung.

"I think you should have waited," Nancy added.

"But I had a good teacher and there is plenty of business for everyone." Liv had come to expect a great deal of support and guidance from Nancy. She needed some sage advice, but it seemed as if her mentor was checking out on her.

"That's a very naive outlook, Olivia. Compet.i.tion is first and foremost your number one obstacle. Don't take it lightly."

Compet.i.tion was healthy, she knew that. It kept you on your game. But it wasn't until this very moment that Liv realized her biggest compet.i.tion would be Nancy. Nervousness settled in but it didn't have the chance to spread when Nancy got down to business. "Let's get started. We have a lot of work to do."

Two hundred and fifty cupcakes and eighty cookies later, Corey and Liv were on their way to the finish line.

Liv grabbed one of the small, pre-wrapped boxes from the storage room. It was covered in pink paper with a green ribbon tied in a bow. Inside, a Styrofoam insert waited for the cookies to be placed in a beautiful arrangement. Liv loved the idea of a cookie bouquet. Once baked, and before they completely cooled, Liv pushed a white, wax-covered stick into the cookie. Once the cookies had set, they would be arranged like a bouquet of flowers.

"How are we coming along?" Nancy waltzed back into the kitchen.

"Sweet baskets made, cupcakes baked, and we've already started on the bouquets." Liv rhymed off the items on her fingers.

"Thank you, Liv." Sidling around the room, Nancy hugged her daughter from behind. "You're being so helpful. Thank you, too."

"Yeah, yeah. You're just lucky that Liv was here today. She makes this place bearable," Corey sniped.

"On that bright and sunny note," Nancy said, cheerfully. "Look at these bouquets. You're an absolute genius."

Liv stood a little taller as her chest filled with pride. And she wasn't too proud to admit her ego inflated just a tiny bit as well. She winked at her mentor. "I had a good teacher."

Nancy left once again and, with Corey by her side, Liv got to work on decorating the cupcakes. Before too long, rich navy blue b.u.t.tercream icing sat on top of chocolate cake.

As she piped the sweet icing, Liv thought about Jake. Her new business. Leaving behind everything at McLean's to start on her own. She sighed. Why couldn't life be as easy as baking?

Baking was simple, an exact science. Life, on the other hand, was messy. Not inviting anyone else into her life kept it simple. That was why, despite the gnawing feeling inside, she should be happy that Jake rebuffed her advances. s.e.x could get messy. A book launch party, on the other hand, was casual and not at all intimidating.

She picked up a plain cupcake and piped the icing onto the smooth surface. Jake and that almost kiss made it difficult for her to keep her head on straight.

"What's with you today?"

Liv emerged from her own thoughts and found Corey staring. "Nothing."

"Yeah, right. Have you noticed what you've done to that cupcake?"

Liv cringed when she saw the horrific blobs of icing on top of the cupcake. She could normally decorate in her sleep. Maybe her encounter with Jake affected her a little more deeply than she acknowledged.

"Plus," Corey continued, "You haven't stopped smiling the whole time you've been here. It's a little creepy. You were looking at that cupcake like you wanted to kiss it."

"I do love cupcakes." Liv tried to shrug off Corey's comment with a joke, but had a feeling the conversation wasn't done.

"What's his name?"

For a young one, she sure was intuitive, but Corey didn't need to know she was on the mark. "I don't know what you're talking about."

"Whatever. You've gone gaga over some dude. Admit it."

"I'm not gaga." Maybe just a little bit. "I did meet a man...but I'm keeping it casual and that's that." Despite the chemistry and the ease with which they connected, Liv knew Jake was dangerous.

"That is not that. He's got his hooks in you."

"What do you know, you're a kid?" High school relationships were a far cry from what Liv and Jake had. Might have? Would never have.

"I know more than you give me credit for." Corey put down her piping bag and crept closer. "I know that if you're thinking about him here, in this bakery, then you've got it bad. I've never seen you let anything mess with your baking."

Corey was right. She was a kid, but she was still right.

"His name's Jake."

"s.e.xy name. I like him already." Corey coaxed, "Tell me more."

"He's attractive, s.e.xy as h.e.l.l, and...it could never be serious."

"You don't want him to be your boyfriend."

"I don't have time for a boyfriend. I'm going to be too busy with the bakery." That was her go-to answer. She didn't want to have to explain to everyone that her father had ruined her for all men. She had adored him, and when he left, he'd taken away her ability to trust and love the opposite s.e.x. He'd taken with him a piece of her heart.

"Well, that's just stupid." Corey waved her off then returned to the rest of the cupcakes that needed her attention.

"Most decisions adults make are stupid, Corey. Just remember that when you're my age and try to be the exception."

Liv ran her hand down Corey's head, the netting of her hairnet rough against her skin. She had made so many stupid decisions she could no longer count them. But she was going to make d.a.m.n sure that the bakery was decision number one in a long line of correct choices.

Jake parked his car in the underground garage, but instead of heading up to his office, he walked through the underground concourse to street level and made the twenty-minute walk to Sweet Creations bakery. He was definitely in the mood for something sweet.

He had no idea if Liv was even at the bakery. Especially if she was in the middle of opening her own. But he needed to continue his pursuit-his mission. At least that's what his head told him. The lower half of his body knew he had a zillion plans to finalize, but he wanted-needed-to see Liv again.

He strode to the door and took a deep breath before he pushed through. The jingle of a bell announced his arrival. Stepping inside, Jake was. .h.i.t hard by an overpowering scent-a familiar scent, like chocolate and vanilla. Instantly, he was taken back to the bar and the sweet smell that lingered whenever Liv walked by.

"Young man?" The l.u.s.tful images in his mind disappeared at the sound of a high-pitched female voice. "Is there anything I can help you with?"

Jake must have looked ridiculous standing there, a mischievous grin tugging at his cheek. The woman behind the counter was middle-aged, pet.i.te with a bright smile, her shiny black hair curling around her face.

Jake approached the counter. "I'm uh...I..." Did he ask for Liv? Or did he just pretend he was a customer? He should at least buy something. Even though the something sweet he craved wasn't in that showcase.

"Is this your first time here? I'm Nancy, the owner." She extended her hand across the counter.

"Jake. Nice to meet you, Nancy."

"Shall I recommend something?"

Liv was lucky to have such a wonderful boss. "That would be great."

"Are you on your way to an office?"

He nodded.

"Lots of ladies?"

He nodded again. Christ! Even cavemen had more words in their vocabulary than Jake did at this moment.

"Take a dozen cupcakes. You'll be the talk of the water cooler for days."

On most days, Jake already was the talk of the water cooler, but he knew first-hand the chaos that ensued when treats weren't distributed evenly. "Better make it two dozen. I've witnessed the fallout when there aren't enough treats in the meeting rooms."

Nancy giggled.

She picked an a.s.sortment of cupcakes from the showcase-red ones, chocolate ones, white ones. He'd eaten more than his share of sweets as a child and now, in his adult years, he steered clear. But he had to admit they looked irresistible.

While Nancy filled the tray, Jake wiggled his fingers in antic.i.p.ation. He was here for information; instead he was purchasing cupcakes. He was completely chickening out on the Liv front. "Nancy..." He had no idea why he was so nervous, but his stomach was about to take flight. "Is-"

The bang of the swinging white doors caught his attention and his stomach leapt at the sight of the woman sliding through. "Nancy, can I see the invoice for the Sullivan or-"

When their eyes locked, her jaw dropped. She straightened and snapped her mouth closed. She smoothed her hands down her ap.r.o.n then through her hair, even made a swipe to her chin as if knowing she'd be wearing ingredients.

There was something different about her. She was...radiant.

Liv's hair was messy and pulled onto the top of her head with a plastic clip. A small smudge of what looked like flour caressed the creamy skin along her jaw line. And her face-her face was just as familiar as the intoxicating scent. He could never forget those black eyes-eyes that hypnotized him, pulling him under her spell, drowning him in a haze of desire.

Nancy barely noticed the interaction, and kept filling the trays with cupcakes.

"Remember me?" he asked.

Liv c.o.c.ked her hip and her lips curled up in a smile. h.e.l.l, yeah. She remembered him, all right. Her eyes gave that away.

"Olivia? Do you two know each other?" Nancy peered over the top of the showcase.

Olivia? Of course it made sense that her full name would be Olivia, but he'd never thought about her beyond his own fantasies. He failed to think about the little things that made her the woman standing before him. But seeing her, wide-eyed and warm, he wanted to know everything about her.

When Liv finally noticed Nancy waiting for an answer, she said, "This is Jake..." Her eyes darted back to him, looking for help.


"Jake Miller." Liv widened her smile. He noticed her eyes take in the entire length of his body.

"h.e.l.lo, Olivia." He loved to say her full name.

After a few beats of awkward silence, Nancy placed the filled containers on the counter and closed them up, affixing a sticker to the top of the plastic. "You're all set, Jake."

"Great." He pulled out his debit card and Nancy entered his order.

While Nancy keyed in his information, Liv said, "I guess you were in the mood for something sweet."