A Taste of Trouble - Part 17

Part 17

Her breath slowed. She leaned back, bracing her body with her hands behind her, giving in to his suggestion.

Eyeing her b.r.e.a.s.t.s, he gently placed the decorative tip just above her nipple and squeezed. The coolness of the icing hardened it instantly. Her eyes gave away her enjoyment. Lowering his head, he licked and sucked at her breast, gobbling up the sweet icing. She moaned. While kissing his way to the second icing-capped breast, he ma.s.saged the other with his free hand. The taste of her skin had always been sweet, but when combined with the icing, she was irresistible.

He gripped her shoulders and pushed her down. She jerked back up when her back pressed into the utensils on the counter. Her eyes darted from the floor to Jake, Jake to the floor. Without a second's hesitation, she reached behind her and pushed the bowls and utensils off the counter. The sound of metal crashing to the floor echoed through the kitchen. The cupcakes. .h.i.t the ground with a splat.

Mission accomplished.

She lowered herself to the counter and he climbed up, straddling her like a wild animal ready to devour. She might get her way in the kitchen, but Jake was about to show her who ruled when it came to s.e.x.

Chapter Fourteen.

Staring down the length of her lover's body, Liv was excited at the sight of the bulge inside his pants. What she allowed him to do with the icing was incomprehensible. Her complete disregard for her cooking tools and the cupcakes themselves was unfathomable. But Liv was glad that he took the initiative to cross her lines. And who would have guessed that icing could be so erotic?

Jake worked diligently with the piping bag up and down her torso and arms, drawing stars, hearts, and swirls. With every sc.r.a.pe of the metal tip on her skin, she arched with pleasure, grinding her core into his body. Finishing off with a single line from her neck and past her belly b.u.t.ton, he drew an arrow pointing down. He undid the b.u.t.ton to her jeans and lowered the zipper, easing them off her body along with her shoes. He drew an X just above her core, marking the spot where the ultimate treasure was hidden.

He threw the piping bag behind him then peeled off his shirt, revealing his rock hard chest. In a tangle of limbs, they groped and licked, smearing the icing all over their bodies. The sensation was cool and sticky, heightening the sensory connection of their encounter.

The weight of his body combined with his hard kiss made Liv ache below the waist, and when he lowered his hand to stroke her flesh, he groaned as his finger slid into her wetness.

The scent of her shampoo in his hair and the sweet smell of the icing were incredible, but combined, they were a potent aphrodisiac.

She had relinquished her control during every one of their s.e.xual encounters. Today, it was her turn to take control.

Liv pushed him over, easing him onto his back. She held his arms above his head and moved up and down his body, lapping up icing along the way. He wriggled under her hold, desperately trying to reclaim his role as the dominant, but she was intent on keeping him pinned. If he really wanted to, he could throw her off with one simple move, but he let her stay in control. Which only served to prove that no matter what, he was always in control.

She continued suckling his neck and chin, teasing his nipples, and grinding her body into the ever-hardening bulge in his pants. As soon as she made a move toward his length, he shot up like a dart and pulled her into him. But she resisted. Reminding him that this time, she was the one to call the shots.

After removing his pants and shoes, she found a comfortable position on her knees then reached inside his boxers. When she freed his length, her tongue immediately snaked out to tease the tip. He pushed his head into the table and thrust his pelvis in the air. Not wanting to make him wait too long, she took a deep breath and eased the full length of him into her mouth.


Liv smiled at his satisfied outburst. Working his shaft, she alternated with the stroke of her hand and the suction of her mouth.

He moaned with increasing intensity, but just when she thought he was going to come, he pulled her off. "I want inside you," he panted, trying to catch his breath. "I want to finish inside you."

Liv moved, ready to feel the heaven that came when he was inside her.

"There's a condom in my pants."

Where is your head? He had her brain hemorrhaging all sense of responsibility.

Liv found the condom then straddled him, ripping open the wrapper with a grin. "Is it a coincidence that you have a condom in your wallet?"

"When spending time with you, it's always best to be prepared." He gripped her hips.

He ensured the latex was fastened appropriately while she moved aside her thong. He guided her down, taking her inch by slow inch. When she was flush against his pelvis, she grasped his shoulders and found her rhythm.

He grabbed her a.s.s, squeezing tight her flesh with his strong grip. Her hips swiveled, the friction too much, yet not enough. As if sensing she needed more, Jake slipped his thumb over her c.l.i.t.

She leaned back, bracing her arms on his legs behind her, giving him better access. There was no way she could prolong her o.r.g.a.s.m. The change in angle, the taste of him lingering in her mouth, and his gentle ma.s.sage sent the waves of release rippling through her. Within seconds, he exploded with his own climax.

Collapsing onto his chest, Liv felt euphoric, on top of the world. The combination of sweat and icing fused their skin together as they lay on the counter, content and satisfied. She nuzzled against him. "I thought you didn't like sweets?"

Laughing, Jake smoothed the moistened hair away from her face. "I'm liking them more every day."

"I bet. You're a quick learner, too." She tilted her head to look into his eyes. "The way you handled that piping bag. You were like an old pro."

"I had a good teacher." Lifting his head off the counter, he leaned in and kissed her softly.

"I don't know about my skills as a teacher, but I do know that some of those moves can't be taught." Liv dipped her head to capture a kiss. She savored the taste. The sweetness of the icing and the saltiness of his sweat was an enjoyable combination.

The last thirty-six hours had been the most vulnerable, the most intimate, and the most b.u.t.terfly-inducing hours of her life. She stared up at him, searching his eyes for some sort of rea.s.surance.

These feelings aren't real. You're getting lost in a fantasy.

But wasn't the fantasy something she craved? She read about the happily ever after time and time again. Could it be that she'd just connected the dots? That the fantasy came when you found the right person. Was Jake the fantasy?

"I think we've created a new genre for s.e.x fetishes: the icing fetish," Jake said.

"You're right," she cooed. "Skin will never taste the same for me. n.o.body's skin has such a delicious taste."

"Yours does."

"Sure, with icing all over me."

"No, even without the icing." He nuzzled her neck. "The first time...in the fridge. You tasted so sweet."


"I remember perfectly." He looked away. "I could still smell you later on that evening. I prolonged having a shower because every once in a while I would get a whiff of you."

"That's kind of creepy."

Jake laughed. "Maybe a little, but I couldn't get you out of my head."

Liv's heart fluttered. She was grateful that she wasn't the only one that was so shaken by their encounter. "You played hard to get."

"I'm sorry," he said, grinning. "I...I just didn't want to rush into anything. I wanted you to know how I feel before we..." His smile faded.

Liv rested her cheek on his chest, not wanting to look in his eyes when she asked, "How do you feel?"

The moment of truth.

Liv had broken her rules for him. Was it going to come back and bite her in the a.s.s? This was the rea.s.surance she was looking for, but did she want it? Did she have time to let him in?

He cupped her cheek and lifted her face to meet his. "I feel sad because it's Sunday and tomorrow morning we have to go back to the real world."

There went those b.u.t.terflies again. They fluttered aggressively in her stomach.

Jake rubbed his thumb over her jaw line. "I feel like I could stay here with you and cream b.u.t.ter and sugar forever and be completely happy."

"See, I told you you'd learn something. Creaming b.u.t.ter and sugar."

His mouth turned down in a frown.

Not a time for jokes, Liv.

She slid down from the counter and made her way over to where her clothes were piled on the floor.

"Where are you going?" Jake said as he sat up. Icing cracked on his skin and fell off his body to the floor.

She pulled on her clothes, tugging them over her skin as the dried icing prevented them from sliding gently onto her body.

"I'm sorry. I don't know why I crack jokes."

He stood and walked to where she tried to tug her shirt over her sticky skin. She admired his body, still magnificent even covered in goop.

"You were being honest and I-"

He pulled her into his embrace from behind and Liv sighed, his gentle touch exactly what she needed to get out her next words.


"Yeah, gorgeous?"

He was honest. It was time for her to do the same. She took a deep breath, and laid her cards on the table.

"Creaming b.u.t.ter and sugar forever was already my plan, but never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would..." She turned in his arms and looked up to meet his gaze. "This weekend, you were the fantasy I've read about. This is all so..." A soft sigh escaped her lips. "It's pleasantly surprising."

He was so easy, so comfortable, so safe. In his arms, she could accomplish her heart's desire. In his arms, she was home. And now that she'd found it, the logical thing to do was to keep it at a distance.

The bakery was her dream, and the appearance of a possible knight in shining armor wouldn't deter her from achieving every goal she'd ever set.

He leaned in and laid a soft kiss against her forehead. He mumbled, "So what do you say we clean this place up and get out of here?" He kissed the top of her head. "I have my own surprise."

Chapter Fifteen.

The DownTown art gallery was one of Jake's favorite spots in the city. Every fourth Sunday evening it opened its doors to the public, and he was usually the first in line. He was willing to miss this weekend for Liv, preferring to spend the time getting to know her better. But why not show her a small glimpse of the man behind the player she thought he was? He was going to turn the tables on her, and hopefully it would be enough to keep her.

They had stopped by his condo on the way, but he didn't invite her up. Too much, too soon. He didn't want to scare her away.

Liv stopped at the front window and looked up at the gallery's signage. "This is not what I thought we'd be doing tonight."

"Players can't be art lovers?" Jake chuckled.

"You're nothing like I expected," she said as she placed her arms across her chest. Her expression gave away the fact that she was shocked to h.e.l.l.

"Come on, cupcake. Welcome to my world." He grabbed her arm and motioned her forward, leading her into the modern s.p.a.ce.

The walls of the gallery were dark gray, a matte color so as not to distract from the art that hung on the walls. Groups of people mingled around the room. Some gathered around framed pictures, some around the sculpture displayed in the middle, but they all had that scrutinizing eye that Jake feared.

He scanned the room, on the lookout for people he knew. He needed to make sure to get Liv to his photos before anyone else had the chance to spill the beans. This was his night. His chance to make her realize he was more than meets the eye.

"Jake, my darling." A whimsical voice, attached to an eccentric woman, approached. "You're late."

Jake tensed. "h.e.l.lo, Ani."

Liv glanced up and gave him a curious stare.

The gallery owner clamped on to his shoulders and kissed the air on either side of his face, her short blond hair skimming her chin with every move. Ani was like a stealth ninja, sneaking up on him without a sound. How did she do that?

Jake pulled Liv closer. "Ani, this is Liv."

Ani shook Liv's hand. "Welcome to the DownTown."

"Thank you. This place is beautiful. This is my first time at a real gallery."

"Well, you have the best guide." Ani gestured to Jake. "It's always a much more pleasant experience when you have an in-house artist-"

"Yes," Jake said before Ani blew the surprise. "There's lots to see. Maybe you can find something for your bakery." He smiled but Liv looked confused.

"Oh, well..." Liv looked between the two of them. "The bakery isn't really the best place for art work, but you never know."

"Let's look around," Jake blurted. "We'll get out of your hair."

Jake left Ani with her mouth hanging open. He'd have to call and apologize tomorrow for his weird behavior. He pulled Liv through the gallery, and as far away from Ani as possible.

"Jake?" Liv squeaked. "Don't you like her? Why did you cut her off?"

When they were out of earshot, he finally slowed down. "We'd be there all night if I let her keep talking."

The lies kept piling up. But this was an acceptable lie. Wait. Was there such a thing?