Leaf), _The Making of Religion_ (1898), _History of Scotland from the Roman Occupation_, vol. i., _Prince Charles Edward_ (1901), _The Mystery of Mary Stuart_ (1901), _The Valet's Tragedy_ (1903), _John Knox and the Reformation_ (1905), etc.
LANE-POOLE, STANLEY, Litt.D., etc. (1854).--Historian and archaeologist.
_Histories of the Moors in Spain_ (7th ed. 1904), _The Mohammedan Dynasties_ (1893), _The Mogul Emperors_ (1892), _Art of the Saracens of Egypt_ (1886), _The Story of Cairo_, _Lives_ of Lord Stratford de Redcliffe, E.W. Lane, Aurangzib Saladin, etc., edit. Lane's _Arabic Lexicon_, etc.
LAUGHTON, SIR JOHN KNOX (1830).--Writer on naval subjects, etc. _Physical Geography in relation to the Prevailing Winds and Currents_ (1870), _Studies in Naval History_ (1887), _Nelson_ (English Men of Action) (1895), _Nelson and his Companions in Arms_ (1896), _Sea Fights and Adventures_ (1901); ed. _Letters and Dispatches of Lord Nelson_, _From Howard to Nelson_ (1899), etc.
LAW, WILLIAM ARTHUR (1844).--Dramatic author. _A Night Surprise_ (1877), _Enchantment_ (1878), _Castle Botherem_ (1880), _n.o.body's Fault_ (1882), _A Mint of Money_ (1884), _The Judge_ (1890), _Country Mouse_ (1902), _Three Blind Mice_ (1906), etc.
LAWLESS, THE HON. EMILY.--Novelist. _Hurrish_ (1886), _Story of Ireland_ (1887), _Plain Frances Mowbray_ (1889), _With Ess.e.x in Ireland_ (1890), _A Garden Diary_ (1901), _Book of Gilly_ (1906), etc.
LEAF, WALTER, Litt.D. (1852).--Scholar and translator. _The Iliad of Homer translated into English Prose_ (with A. Lang and E. Myers) (1882), _Companion to the Iliad_ (1892), etc.
LEE, SIDNEY, D.Litt., LL.D. (1859).--Ed. of _The Dictionary of National Biography_ (with Sir L. Stephen), _Stratford on Avon from the Earliest Times to the Death of Shakespeare_ (1885), _Life of Shakespeare_ (1898), _A Life of Queen Victoria_ (1902), _Shakespeare and the Modern Stage_ (1906), etc. Has also ed. various English texts.
LE GALLIENNE, RICHARD (1866).--Novelist and poet. _Volumes in Folio_ (1888), _The Religion of a Literary Man_ (1893), _Quest of the Golden Girl_ (1896), _Romance of Zion Chapel_ (1898), _Sleeping Beauty_ (1900), _New Poems_ (1909), etc.
LILLY, WILLIAM SAMUEL (1840).--Philosopher, etc. _Ancient Religion and Modern Thought_ (1884), _Chapters in European History_ (1886), _A Century of Revolution_ (1889), _The Great Enigma_ (1893), _Four English Humorists of the Nineteenth Century_ (1895), _Renaissance Types_ (1901), _Studies in Religion and Literature_ (1904).
LOCKE, WILLIAM JOHN (1863).--Novelist. _At the Gate of Samaria_ (1895).
_The Demagogue and Lady Phayre_ (1896), _A Study in Shadows_ (1896), _The White Dove_ (1900), _The Usurper_ (1901), _The Beloved Vagabond_ (1906), etc.; also dramas, _The Morals of Marcus_, _The Palace of Puck_, _Idols_, etc.
LOCKYER, SIR JOSEPH NORMAN, K.C.B., F.R.S. (1836).--Astronomer.
_Elementary Lessons in Astronomy_ (1870), _Studies in Spectrum a.n.a.lysis_ (1878), _Star-gazing, Past and Present_ (1878), _Chemistry of the Sun_ (1887), _Dawn of Astronomy_ (1894), _The Sun's Place in Nature_ (1897), _Stonehenge and other British Stone Monuments Astronomically Considered_ (1906-1907), etc.
LODGE, SIR OLIVER JOSEPH, F.R.S., LL.D. (1851).--Scientist and psychologist. _Elementary Mechanics_ (1881), _Modern Views of Electricity_ (1888, 1892, 1907), _Signalling through s.p.a.ce without Wires_ (1894), _Life and Matter: A Short Treatise on Fundamental Problems_ (1905), _Electrons, or the Nature of Negative Electricity_ (1906), _The Substance of Faith_ (1907), _Man and the Universe: A Study of the Influence of Modern Discoveries on our Conception of Christianity_ (1908), _The Ether of s.p.a.ce_ (1909), _Survival of Man: A Study in Unrecognised Human Faculty_ (1909), etc.
LODGE, RICHARD, LL.D., etc. (1855).--Historian. _Students' Modern Europe_, _Richelieu_ (Foreign Statesmen Series), _The Close of the Middle Ages_, etc.
LONDON, JACK (1876).--American novelist. _The Son of the Wolf_ (1900), _The G.o.d of his Fathers_, _Children of the Frost_, _People of the Abyss_, _Call of the Wild_, _Tales of the Fish Patrol_ (1905), _The Road_ (1908), etc.
LOW, SIDNEY JAMES.--Journalist and miscellaneous writer. _The Governance of England_ (1904), _A Vision of India_ (1906), _Dictionary of English History_, etc.
LUCAS, EDWARD VERALL (1868).--Novelist. Ed. of Lamb, etc. _The Open Road_ (1899), _Old-fashioned Tales_ (1905), _The Friendly Town_ (1905), _Forgotten Tales of Long Ago_ (1906); ed. _Works of Charles and Mary Lamb_, _Life of C. Lamb_ (1905), books for children, etc.
LYALL, SIR ALFRED COMYN, K.C.B., etc. (1835).--Poet and biographer.
_Verses written in India_, _British Dominion in India_, _Asiatic Studies_, _Lives_ of Warren Hastings, Lord Dufferin, etc.
M'CARTHY, JUSTIN (1830).--Novelist and historian. Novels, _Miss Misanthrope_, _Dear Lady Disdain_, _Maid of Athens_, _Red Diamonds_, _Mononia_, etc.; historical works, _History of our Own Times_, _Four Georges and William IV._, _Modern England_, _Reign of Queen Anne_, _Lives_ of Sir R. Peel, Pope, etc., Reminiscences, etc.
MCCARTHY, JUSTIN HUNTLY (1860).--Novelist and dramatist. Novels, _Dolly_, _Marjorie_, _Flower of France_, _Needles and Pins_, etc.; _Ireland since the Union_; plays, _The candidate_, _My Friend the Prince_, _If I were King_, etc.
MACKAIL, JOHN WILLIAM, LL.D., etc. (1859).--Scholar, etc. _Select Epigrams from the Greek Anthology_ (1890), _Latin Literature_ (1895), _Life of William Morris_ (1899), and translated Homer's _Odyssey_ in verse.
MAHAFFY, JOHN PENTLAND, LL.D., D.C.L., etc. (1839).--Scholar and writer on philosophy. _Twelve Lectures on Primitive Civilisation_ (1868), _Prolegomena to Ancient History_ (1871), _Kant's Critical Philosophy for English Readers_ (1871), _History of Greek Literature_ (1880), _Greek Life and Thought from Alexander to the Roman Conquest_ (1887), _Empire of the Ptolemies_ (1896), _The Silver Age of the Greek World_ (1906), etc.
MAHAN, ALFRED THAYER, D.C.L., LL.D. (1840).--American writer on naval history. _Influence of Sea Power upon History_ (1890), _Influence of Sea Power upon French Revolution and Empire_ (1892), _The Interest of the United States in Sea Power_ (1897), _Lessons of the War with Spain_ (1899), etc.
MALLOCK, WILLIAM HURRELL (1849).--Novelist and writer on politics, evolution, etc. _The New Republic_ (1877), _The New Paul and Virginia_ (1878), _Studies of Contemporary Superst.i.tions_, _Social Equality_, _Property and Progress_, _Cla.s.ses and Ma.s.ses_ (1896), _Aristocracy and Evolution_ (1898), _Religion as a Credible Doctrine_ (1902), _Reconstruction of Belief_ (1905); novels, _A Romance of the Nineteenth Century_, _The Old Order Changes_, _A Human Doc.u.ment_, _The Individualist_, _The Veil of the Temple_.
"MATHERS, HELEN" (MRS. HENRY REEVES) (1853).--Novelist. _Comin' through the Rye_, _Cherry Ripe_, _My Lady Green-sleeves_, _Venus Victrix_, _Griff of Griffiths Court_, _The Ferryman_, etc.
MATTHEWS, JAMES BRANDER, Litt.D., D.C.L., etc. (1852).--American critic, etc. _French Dramatists of the Nineteenth Century_, _Introduction to the Study of American Literature_, _Aspects of Fiction_, _His Father's Son_, etc.
MAUGHAM, WILLIAM SOMERSET (1874).--Novelist. _Liza of Lambeth_ (1897), _The Making of a Saint_ (1898), _The Hero_ (1901), _Mrs. Craddock_ (1902), _The Land of the Blessed Virgin_ (1905), _The Bishop's Ap.r.o.n_ (1906). Plays: _Lady Frederick_, _Mrs. Dot_, _Smith_, etc.
MAXWELL, SIR HERBERT EUSTACE, F.R.S., LL.D., etc. (1845).--Novelist, essayist, etc. Novels, _Sir Lucian Elphin_ (1889), _The Letter of the Law_ (1890), _A Duke of Britain_ (1895), _Chevalier of the Splendid Crest_ (1905), etc.; other writings, _Meridiana_, _Noontide Essays_ (1892), _Scottish Land Names_ (1894), _Afternoon Essays_ (1895), _Rainy Days in a Library_ (1896), _Bruce and the Struggle for Scottish Independence_, _Memories of the Months_ (4 series), _Story of the Tweed_ (1905), _Lives_ of W.H. Smith, Wellington, Romney, etc.
"MEADE, L.T." (MRS. TOULMIN SMITH).--Novelist. _Scamp and I_, _A World of Girls_, _The Medicine Lady_, _Wild Kitty_, _Brotherhood of the Seven Kings_, _From the Hand of the Hunter_, etc.
MEYNELL, MRS. ALICE (THOMPSON).--Poet and essayist. _Preludes_, _The Rhythm of Life_ (1893), _The Colour of Life_ (1896), _The Flower of the Mind_, _Anthology of English Poetry_ (ed.), _The Spirit of Place_ (1898), _Later Poems_ (1901), a book on Ruskin, etc.
MITCh.e.l.l, SILAS WEIR, M.D., LL.D. (1830).--American poet, novelist, and physician. _Hephzibah Guinness_ (1880), _Roland Blake_ (1886), _Masque and other Poems_ (1888), _Cup of Youth_ (poems), _Characteristics_ (1892), _When all the Woods are Green_ (1894), _Adventures of Francois_, etc., besides various medical works.
MITFORD, BERTRAM.--Novelist. _Romance of the Cape Frontier_, _Wind of Deadly Hollow_, _A Veldt Official_, _Ruby Sword_, _A Veldt Vendetta_, etc.