A SEAL To Save Her - A SEAL to Save Her Part 27

A SEAL to Save Her Part 27

She numbly stood in the aisle, suddenly so shaky she wasn't sure her legs were going to hold her.

She grabbed two pregnancy tests, eager to get home, trying not to get her hopes up too high.

As soon as she got in the door, she was back in the bathroom and it was an excruciating five minutes until the test showed her the double pink lines.

She was pregnant. Suddenly too shaky to stand, she sat down on the edge of the tub, trying to remain rational. She hadn't bothered with birth control because her doctor had told her she couldn't get pregnant.

But by some miracle she was going to have Lieutenant Dexter Kaczewski's baby. Elation washed through her in one fantastic rush, and she started to cry and tremble all over. Sliding to the floor, she drew up her knees and rested her forehead against them, so weak from shock that she felt light-headed. A baby. She couldn't be more thrilled-or more scared.

So many emotions were cartwheeling through her she couldn't tell one from the other.

"Babe," he said softly, and she opened her eyes to find Dex bending over her with an anxious expression on his oh-so-handsome face. A perfect time for him to return from deployment. "I hope these are tears of joy and not oh-crap-I-made-a-mistake tears."

"They are. Tears of joy."

"Good, that's all I need to know." He hauled her up against him, making a choking sound and crushing her roughly against him, holding on to her as if she were his next breath. God, she loved him so much. He'd given her life, a future.

His chest heaved, and he clutched her tighter, his voice raw and shaking. "Ah, God, Piper," he whispered raggedly. "I love you, babe."

"Welcome home, Dex."

Night sounds filtered in through the open windows, and the clock on the bedside table said it was late. Piper shifted her head on Dex's shoulder, then slowly smoothed her hand up the thick wall of his chest. He trapped her wandering hand beneath his, and she smiled, finding it incongruous that someone as big and as male as Dex should be ticklish. He caressed her hand, then raised it to his mouth and kissed her fingertips. "What are you smiling about?"

Rising up on one elbow, she looked down at him, glad that she could see his face in the muted illumination from the streetlights. "I'm smiling because I'm happy, and I'm smiling because I'm so glad to be here with you. And I'm smiling because I'm done with politics." She leaned down and kissed him on the mouth, running her free hand back up his rib cage. "And I'm smiling because you are so darn cute," she whispered against his mouth.

He gave a huff of laughter and caught her hand again, holding it secure against his chest. "Stop it, or I'll throw you in the pool."

Shaking back her hair, she grinned down at him.

"You're on," she said, and then she leaned over and kissed him, settling her mouth on his while he wrapped his arm around her waist, pulling her close-and Piper was in heaven.

She never would have guessed life could get as perfect as it had been since the night she'd first cradled a mourning SEAL in her arms. The missions he went on with his team were full of risks. The SEALs operated on the cutting edge of special ops. She knew that, but she wouldn't have him be anything other than what he was: a soldier, a warrior and hers.

The kiss was sweetly luxurious and led to the inevitable need they had for each other, for the intimacy they created and shared. His body was so hard to the touch, so strong.

She loved being with him, making love with him, being his woman-and she was all his. He slid down more fully beside her, and she intertwined her legs with his, feeling the heat rise between them. Dexter Kaczewski, the most dangerous man she'd ever met, made her feel safer than she'd ever been. She snuggled in as close as she could get, loving the smell of him and the way he felt, like a slab of granite, except warm and vital. His hair was longer now, dark and starting to curl around the back of his neck. She loved the curve of his muscles and the strength in his arms and the stubble along his jaw. After endless minutes of tasting his mouth and holding him close, she broke off the kiss and met his gaze.

"Afsana loved the goats."

"I'm so glad. Thank you for doing that."

"I wouldn't want to be a goat herder, but it was a thoughtful gift, Piper."

"She saved us. There is no price on that. The goats will help her family to prosper." She bit her lip. "Did you see her oldest son?"

"Yeah," Dex said. "If NCIS agent Derrick Gunn isn't that kid's father, I'm no SEAL."


"I have something for you. It's not a goat..."

"I'm so disappointed. I had 'Nanny' picked out as the name."

He laughed, and it sounded...a little nervous.

"What's going on there, sailor?"

He turned away and rummaged around on the floor, then he came back to her. He extended his hand and in the palm was a velvet ring box.

Her breath caught. "Dex."

He opened it. "Piper Jones, my unbreakable, tough little angel. Will you marry me? I love you and I can't imagine my life without you. I've never been willing to fight for the relationship I wanted, but now I've found a woman that I would die for. So, being a SEAL is my passion, but you are my life."

Tears welled in her eyes and she reached out her hand as Dex pulled the beautiful diamond out. "Yes, you gorgeous man." He slipped the ring on her finger. They kissed and that led to more, until they had made love three times in three hours.

"How do you feel about being a father, Dex?" she asked quietly.

He smoothed back her hair, then met her gaze, his expression interested and open. "I think it's one of the most important things I could ever do in my life. I would tackle it like a SEAL. Why?"

"Well, you might be tackling it, oh, say, around six months from now."

He didn't move a muscle. He stared up at her, and when she smiled, he closed his eyes and hugged her fiercely against him. She felt his chest expand, and he tightened his arms even more. "Are you sure? How is that possible?"

She chuckled. "Dead sure. I've been having three months of morning sickness and the absence of my period."

He didn't say anything; he just held her like that and Piper could feel his heart hammering beneath her hand. She knew he needed time to assimilate the news, to digest it. She gave him a few moments, then she kissed the curve of his neck, and Dex inhaled deeply. Catching her under the chin, he lifted her head and stared into her eyes. "Babe, I can't believe it. How do you feel?"

She smiled, running her thumb over his mouth. "Blessed. So, so blessed."

He closed his eyes and drew her head back down against his shoulder, his fingers tangled in her hair. She felt him swallow, then he pressed a kiss against her forehead. "So do I," he whispered huskily. "God, so do I." His chest expanded again, and he tightened his hold on her. He held her for a long, long time-just holding her, as if he couldn't let go, as if he needed to hold her more than he needed anything.

Finally, he eased away and raised her face, giving her a soft, searching kiss. Releasing a breath in a long sigh, he looked up at her, the expression in his eyes making her heart roll over.

"I love you, Piper," he whispered, his voice uneven.

Piper held his beautiful blue gaze for a moment, her heart so full that it was almost too much to contain, the last knot of uncertainty unfolding in her in a joyous rush. Closing her eyes against the sudden swell of emotion, she hugged him hard, her happiness absolute and complete. Swallowing against the ache in her throat, she cradled his head tightly against her.

"God, but I love you, Dexter. So much."

He hugged her back, his hand buried deep in the tangle of her hair. He didn't say anything for the longest time; then he raised his head and looked at her, his eyes dark with emotion. "We're going to have a blast, babe," he said, his voice uneven. "And you know SEALs never go back on their word."

Keep reading for an excerpt from

CAVANAUGH COLD CASE by Marie Ferrarella

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