The moon, brilliant and pure, shed a light almost as strong as the European sun, and enabled one to distinguish perfectly the top of a very high rock, and surrounded by woods on all sides of a dwelling built of brick, and of peculiar architecture.
One could reach it only by a narrow path, forming a spiral around this species of cone. The path was bounded on one side by a ma.s.s of perpendicular granite; on the other by a precipice of which in the broad daylight one could not discover the bottom.
This dangerous road terminated in a platform crossed by a brick wall, of great thickness and edged with spikes.
Back of this species of glacis arose the walls surrounding the dwelling, into which one entered by a very low oak door. This door communicated with a large, square court, occupied by the outbuildings and other buildings. This court pa.s.sed, one discovered a vaulted pa.s.sageway leading to the sanctuary; that is to say, to the pavilion occupied by Blue Beard. None of the blacks or mulattoes who formed the large force of servants of the house had ever pa.s.sed the limits of this pa.s.sageway.
The serving of Blue Beard was done through the intermediary of a number of mulattresses, who alone communicated with their mistress.
The house was built on a slope opposite the one by which access was had from the cliff. This slope, much less steep, and laid out in a number of natural terraces, was composed of five or six immense steps which, on all sides, commanded the precipice.
By a phenomenon frequent in these volcanic islands, a pond of about two acres' circ.u.mference covered almost all the length of one of the upper terraces. Its waters were limpid and pure. Blue Beard's residence was separated from this small lake by a narrow path of smooth sand, shining like silver. This house was of one story. At the first glance it seems to be constructed entirely of trees from which the bark had been removed. Its bamboo roof was steeply inclined and overlapped by some five or six feet the outer wall, which rested upon the trunks of palm trees driven into the ground, and formed a kind of gallery around the house.
A little above the level of the lake, in gentle declivity, was a lawn of turf as fresh and green as that of the most beautiful English fields; this was a rare thing at the Antilles, and was due to underground irrigation which flowed from the lake and gave to this park a delightful freshness. From this lawn, ornamented by baskets of tropical flowers, opened a garden composed of large variegated shrubs, the slope of the ground being such that one did not see their trunks, but only their enameled tops of the freshest color; then, beyond these trees, on a terrace lower still, was a large orange and citron grove covered with fruit and flowers. In the daytime, seen thus from above, one would have said it was a carpet of perfumed snow strewn with golden b.a.l.l.s. At the extreme horizon the slender stems of the banana and cocoanut trees, formed a splendid retreat and overlooked the precipice at the bottom of which was the subterranean pa.s.sage of which we have spoken, and in which Colonel Rutler was then imprisoned.
Meantime, let us enter one of the most remote portions of this mansion.
There we will find a young woman of from twenty to twenty-three years; but her features are so infantile, her figure is so tiny, her freshness so youthful, she would easily pa.s.s for sixteen. Robed in a muslin gown with flowing sleeves, she is reclining on a sofa covered with Indian silk, brown in color, embroidered with golden flowers; she leans her white forehead on one hand, half-hidden by a wilderness of loose curls of reddish blond tint, for the young woman's hair is dressed _a la t.i.tus_, a profusion of silky curls falls on her neck, her snowy shoulders, and frames her charming little face, rounded, firm and rosy as that of a child.
A large book, bound in red morocco, lies at the side of the divan on which she is stretched, and is open before her. The young woman reads attentively, by the light of three perfumed candles, which rest in a little silver gilt candelabra, enriched by exquisite chasing.
The eyelashes of the pretty reader are so long that they threw a slight shadow on her cheeks, where are to be seen two charming dimples. Her nose is of a rare delicacy; her mouth curved and crimson, and her beautiful blue eyes large and expressive; her whole face presents a ravishing expression of innocence and candor. From the edge of her muslin gown appear two feet like Cinderella's, shod in white silk hose and Moorish slippers of cherry satin embroidered with silver, which one could hold in the palm of one's hand. The att.i.tude of this young woman leaves to the imagination an exquisite whole, in spite of her slight figure. Thanks to the width of her sleeve, which has fallen back, one can admire the ravishing outline of a rounded arm, polished like ivory, and having at the elbow a charming dimple. Her hand which turns the leaves of her book is worthy of such an arm; the nails, very long and of the transparency of agate. The tips of the fingers shade to a deep rose color, such as is imparted by the henna of the Orientals.
The figure of this charming creature recalls the ideal Psyche, the lovely realization of a beauty so fleeting that it with the first flower of youth. Certain organizations retains their first youth a long time, and as we have said, in spite of her twenty-three years, Blue Beard is of the number of these privileged persons.
For this is Blue Beard. We will no longer hide the name of the inmate of Devil's Cliff from our readers, but will say she is called Angela.
Unfortunately, this celestial name, this candid face, contrasts singularly with the diabolical reputation which this widow of three husbands possesses; and who it is said has as many consolers as she has had husbands. The course of this story will enable us to condemn or vindicate Blue Beard.
At a slight sound which she hears in the adjoining room, Angela lifts her head suddenly, like a gazelle on the alert, and seats herself on the edge of the sofa, throwing back her locks by a graceful movement.
At the moment she rises, exclaiming, "It it he!" a man raises the _portiere_ of the room. Not sooner does the iron fly to the magnet than does Angela to the newcomer. She throws herself into his arms, and twining them about him in a kind of tender fury, covered him with caresses and pa.s.sionate kisses, and joyfully cries, "My tender friend--my dear James!"
This first ebullition over, the newcomer takes Angela into his arms as if she were a child, and carries his precious burden over to the sofa.
Then Angela, seated on his knee, takes one of his hands in hers, her beautiful arm about his neck, draws his head to her, and looked at him with eager delight.
Alas! were the scandal-mongers right in suspecting Blue Beard's morality?
The man whom she receives with such familiar ardor is of the copper color of a mulatto; he is tall and supple, active and robust; his n.o.ble and fine features show nothing of the negro type; a profusion of jet black curls frame his forehead; his eyes are large and of velvety blackness; under his thin lips, red and moist, shine the most beautifully enameled teeth. This beauty, at once charming and manly, this appearance of strength and elegance, resembles the n.o.ble proportions of an Indian Bacchus or of an Antinous.
The mulatto's costume is such as certain filibusters then generally adopt when on sh.o.r.e. He wears a waistcoat of rich maroon velvet, with b.u.t.tons of filigree gold; large Flemish boots of like material and ornamented with the same style of b.u.t.ton, which extend the length of the thigh, being met by a belt of orange silk, in which is stuck a poignard richly chased; and, finally, long leggings of white kid embroidered in many colored silks after the Mexican style, show a leg of the finest outline.
Nothing could be more striking or pretty than the contrast between James and Angela thus grouped. On the one hand, blond tresses, alabaster tints, rosy cheeks, infantile grace and elegance; on the other, the bronze tint, ebony locks, and manner at once a.s.sured and manly.
Angela's white dress is outlined on the somber colors of James'
vestments; and thus the fine and supple figure of Blue Beard is accentuated.
Fixing her great blue eyes on the black eyes of the mulatto, the young woman amuses herself by turning back the embroidered collar of James'
shirt, in order to admire the better his sunburned neck, which in color and shape rivals the most beautiful Florentine bronze.
After prolonging this unconventional performance, Angela gives the mulatto a noisy kiss under his ear, takes his head between her two hands, mischievously rumples up his black locks, gives him a little blow on the cheek, and says, "That is how I love you, Monsieur Hurricane."
A slight sound is heard behind the tapestry forming the _portiere_, and Angela calls, "Is it you, Mirette? what do you wish?"
"Madame, I am coming with the flowers and will arrange them in the stand."
"She hears us!" said Angela, making a mysterious signal to the mulatto; then she amuses herself laughing madly at and rumpling her lover's hair.
He takes her little caprices with complaisance, and contemplates her with love. Then he says, smilingly,
"Child! because you look only sixteen, you think everything is permitted you." Then he adds in a tone of gentle raillery, "and who would think, seeing this little rosy, ingenuous face that I hold on my knees the most notable scamp of the Antilles?"
"And who would think that this man, who speaks in so sweet a voice, is the ferocious Captain Hurricane, the terror of England and Spain?" cried Angela, breaking into a laugh. The mulatto and the widow express themselves in the purest French, and without the slightest foreign accent.
"What matters it," she cries, smilingly, "it is not _I_ whom they call Blue Beard."
At these words which appear to call up sad memories, the little widow, with a coquettish pout, gave a hardly perceptible tap to the end of Captain Hurricane's nose, indicating by a movement of her hand that in the neighboring room one can hear him, and says with a mischievous air, "That will teach you to speak of trespa.s.sing."
"Fie! the monster!" says the captain, breaking into a laugh; "and what of remorse, then, madame?"
"Give me a kiss of remorse, then, and I shall----"
"May Lucifer a.s.sist me! It takes a woman to be chief of criminals! Ah, my dear, you are well named; you make me tremble! Suppose we have supper."
Angela touches a bell. The young mulattress who had overheard the above conversation enters. She wears a dress of white linen with bright stripes, and has silver rings on arms and ankles.
"Mirette, have you arranged the flowers," said Blue Beard.
"Yes, madame."
"You have been listening?"
"No, madame."
"However, it does not matter; when I speak it is that I may be heard.
Make ready the supper, Mirette."
Then, addressing herself to the captain, "What wine do you prefer?"
"Sherry, but let it be iced; this is a notion of mine."
Mirette goes out for a moment, and shortly reappears and begins to prepare the table.
"By the way, I forgot to tell you of a great event," says Blue Beard's companion.