A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 94

Chapter 94

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Although she ignored many invitations and letters from numerous households, there was one exception: she accepted the Leshan Marquisates invitation.

Marchioness Leshan was Violets chaperone during her debutante three years ago, and she was also a close friend of the late duchess.

As the marchioness had mentioned in her letter that she wanted to meet her dear friends daughter and have a chat, Violet forced her heavy butt to get up.

In Violets memories, Marchioness Leshan was a quiet and elegant woman.

Considering that the marchioness had been Violets chaperone, she definitely should have stuck out in Violets mindbut, no. Perhaps it was a side effect of her near death experience, or perhaps its because her memories of her past life had mixed everything up. Maybe it was because of both.

Violet realized that she mostly recalled only unpleasant things whenever she would try to look through her memories. Its annoying.

Cairn insisted that he should follow her to the tea party as well, but Roen thankfully blocked him. Not only Violet would be uncomfortable, but also the person who invited her. It would be quite awkward if an uninvited son of a duke were to come.

* * *

It didnt take long to reach the marquiss mansion.

Violet was the only one invited.

Starting from the moment she alighted her carriage, the employees of the marquisate did their best to serve Violet with great care and attention.

Somehow having this ticklish feeling within her, Violet schooled her features into a neutral expression.

Salutations, Lady of the Everett Duchy. Its been three years, hasnt it? I hope youll have an enjoyable time today.

Thank you for the invitation, Madam. And thank you for not forgetting me even after these three years.

What do you mean, how can I forget you? Now, this way.

Their formal greetings, as dictated by courtesy, were now out of the way. And, the role of guiding Violet went from the butler and to the marchioness.

Marchioness Leshan was a brunette beauty who looked younger than how old she actually was. Her hair was a light shade of brown.

With Violet and the marchioness walking side by side, they seemed to be the picture of cordial regard.

Todays tea party will take place in this garden. I was going to call my daughter as well, but you might not have preferred that. Youll only be talking to this old lady, but I hope youll feel at ease.

Of course, Madam. Please feel free to talk to me comfortably as well.

The marchioness led Violet to a well-maintained garden. It was relatively small, but it was very different compared to the Everett households garden. There was a yellow glow everywhere, and somehow, it felt like a fairy garden.

Its a beautiful garden. Its so pretty that I even have the urge to draw it.

Oh my, truly? Fufu, I personally oversee its upkeep. Isnt it a relief that you like it, Lady?

The marchioness laughed pleasantly once more. The atmosphere was amicable. When the neatly dressed attendant came forward to pour them some tea, a refreshing scent wafted through the air.

The fresh scent of tea mixed with the lush scent of the greenery around them filled the air. The refreshments prepared alongside the tea were also carefully handpicked to suit Violets preferences.

Once again, Violet realized just how considerate the marchioness was towards her.

By the way, Lady, you have quite the unique outfit. I dont know much about what type of fashion the young ladies prefer these days, but still.

Ah. Its just that I found the capitals style of dress to be very cumbersome. Its difficult to breathe in those clothes.

Of course, I know that as well. My daughter truly dislikes it as well, I believe? As expected, going back to the classics is still the best. Your clothes are very unique and sophisticated May I know where you acquired them tailored?

Though the marchioness admitted that she wasnt versed in the current fashion trends, she nonetheless looked very interested in clothes.

Violet paused for a moment, gathering her thoughts. She decided to answer with a moderate mixture of the truth, and as the marchioness listened, she looked very pleased.

Indeed! Its important to seek out talented people. I see that Everetts Young Duke already has that kind of eye for people. I must quickly get a hold of the young seamstress and make some orders before her name gets out there.

Anyones first impression of the marchioness was just how elegant she was, but she was also a woman of wit and humor.

Was this also how Violet viewed Marchioness Leshan three years ago? As she smiled, she tried to wade through her memories.

Fufu, Im glad to see that you seem to have changed quite a bit, Lady. You were already pretty three years ago, but youve become even prettier now.

Ah Thank you.

Im not just talking about your outward appearance. You seem more at ease now, and compared to back then, you express yourself more freely with such a natural smile. Really, how very pretty.

The marchioness was endlessly comfortable with Violet. No one had ever treated her with such affability before, so she didnt know how to react. Even so, the marchioness continued.

You resemble your maternal grandmother so much. You remember her, yes? Countess Blaise. She had already become a star before you were born, Lady, but she truly was such a beautiful person.

My maternal grandmother?

Yes, your maternal grandmother. And, Lilys mother! Whenever I went to Lilys house before, your grandmother welcomed me so kindly.


Goodness, look at me reminiscing. Its the nickname I had for your mother. You know, its an exclusive nickname of mine that not even Duke Everett is allowed to use.

With a smile, the marchioness winked. Understanding the meaning behind it, Violet quietly responded with a smile of her own.