A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 89

Chapter 89

Actually, Milady, I heard that theyre quite close to each other?

According to the information that Mary had gathered, the two duelists over there were close, given that theyre both in the academys swordsmanship division and were both children of dukes.

There was a big difference between an illegitimate and a legitimate child, but Cairn wasnt the kind of person who cared so much about lineages. It seemed like they had become quite close because they were at first and second place in terms of practical skills.

The Third Young Master was one-sidedly jealous of Sir Knights skills. Thats why they had gotten famous at the academy

It was never like that, you pumpkin!

Cairn had been focusing on the duel for a long time, but he suddenly shouted as he heard Marys words. He was a bit far away, but he had good ears.

Frightened, Mary hid behind Violet.

Milady, am I in trouble?

Violet shook her head and patted Marys hair a couple of times. Feeling relieved, Mary peeped out from behind Violet.

In Violets eyes, those two didnt seem close at all. In turn, it seemed like Cairn had one-sided enmity against the other man.

As Aldin remained indifferent to the hostility and anger right in front of him, Violet shook her head slowly.

Clang. Shiiik. Clash!

Their swords danced and met each other in the air over and over again. Escaping Cairns sword as it swept right next to his face, Aldin took a step back and twisted his wrist to meet Cairns sword once more.

Violet and the employees, who were not overly familiar with swordsmanship, simply watched in awe as the duel went on. The knights, on the other hand, who were knowledgeable about the matter, were all astonished as the fight progressed.

I was wondering what kind of monster hed be since hes in the First Imperial Order, but really, for him to have all that skill at that age.

As Violets escort knight, Zylo was right by her side. He nodded in admiration.

Mary asked innocently.

Is he that great?

Yes, he is. The Young Master isnt being pushed back as well, so hes also great to that degree. But the match is going to end soon.

Then, whos going to win?

I believe


The moment Zylo and Mary talked about it, the match was decided.

It was Aldins victory.

Ha. Youve improved more in the time we didnt see each other.

Youre the same. You havent just been playing at the academy.

Strangely enough, the atmosphere between the two duelists had become warm. The beginning of the match was terrible, but now that the conflict was over, it somehow felt like a strong bond had formed between them.

The maids rushed forward and handed water and towels. Violet, Mary and Zylo could do nothing but stare in disbelief as those two smiled at each other.

Everyone was bewildered.

A guest had come and he was supposed to be given a warm welcome. Instead, the third young master had barged right in and refused to abide by proper conduct. Because of this, the guest challenged the third young master to a duel, but the result of it all was this: the friendship between the two had become as strong as titanium.

Sighing, Violet tried to organize the series of events in her mind, but she still couldnt understand what just happened.

In any case, it was time for Violet to step up and do her part. Cairns head had finally cooled down.

* * *

And youre telling me to believe that?

I never told you to believe it. At the very least, Id like it if you dont show an appalling sight to the guest.

Why arent you insisting that I believe you! Does that mean youre just lying, huh?!

I dont understand how you connected the two notions.

Violet calmly explained things to Cairn, who had finally calmed down. Of course, Cairn still protested.

Violet tried to send Aldin back, but he said that something might come up again, so he was here for the entire duration of the brother and sisters conversation.

As much as possible, Violet didnt want to delve into such a personal story and admit her misfortune in front of others, so she tried again and again to dissuade Aldin from staying. However, he was politely adamant about staying. Im the only one who can stop that guy, he said.

Thus, Violet had no choice but to tell the truth in front of him.

Violets explanation was merely an abridged version of everything that happened, but Cairn doubted even that.

The other employees and knights who didnt know the full story remained expressionless, but Mary looked like she had a lot to say as Violet spoke.

Ha. So what youre saying now is that Aileen is a terrible person.

Youve been jumping to conclusions since earlier. I never said shes terrible.

But, yes. Shes a terrible person Ill never have to see again.

Violet said to herself, not voicing her thoughts.

Visibly irritated, Cairn muttered thoughtlessly.

Whats the difference between this and that? To summarize what youve just said, shes been pretending to be nice, but all this time shes been painting you out to be the bad person, and shes only been showing her true colors in front of you. If thats not terrible, then what is?

Listening to Cairns simple conclusion to everything, Violet stared at him, rendered speechless. After everything that he heard, she couldnt believe that this was just how its all summed up.

Still, as she had no intention of excusing her past malicious deeds, Violet only sighed.