A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 85

Chapter 85

Paying the seamstresss sobs no mind, Violet told one of the maids to bring a pen and some paper.

The young seamstress couldnt understand the situation she was in right now. Her mentor got commissioned today here at House Everett, but he had gotten kicked out and she was left all alone.

Meanwhile, after the ducal lady received the pen and paper she asked for from the maid, she began to draw something personally.

Then, she handed that drawing to the young seamstress.

Your Ladyship, this is!

Can you make it?

Then, its Your Ladyships personal desi

Trailing off, the seamstress still couldnt understand her situation. She could only stare blankly at the sketch that was in her hands.

The design was a simple one: lines hugging the wearers curves, all the way down until it would spread gracefully starting from the top of the knee.

It had no decorations other than the focal point at the center, which held the dress in a way that gently created pleats. Despite the designs simplicity, it did not look too modest due to the several layers of sheer fabric overlaid.

Perhaps because it was a dress that embraced the body, it looked like it was difficult to move in, but the sides of the dress were given a leeway and there was fabric underneath to make it easier for the wearer to move.

It was a design that even she had never imagined.

In the style of a bustier, ones arms and shoulders would be exposed through this dress. However, even with a shawl and the sheer fabric, the wearers subtle beauty would be emphasized.

It wasnt just that. It was a classy, flower-like design as its spread out at the bottom, and with the pleats beneath the chest, Violets rough designs all looked easy to move around in compared to the Empire-style dress while still naturally showing the wearers curves.

Now that corsets were in vogue, the young seamstress was completely astounded by the feast of groundbreaking designs being shown to her. She could now understand why Violet had deemed Laurents clothing as clownish in nature.

It was not required to highlight the bodys natural beautyone could be beautiful enough even without having to tighten ones waistline or emphasize ones chest and hips.

Umm, but Your Ladyship, if you wish to wear something like this, people might

People might notice the wearers excess weight.

However, without further speaking, the young seamstress closed her mouth.

Turning to Violet, who was sitting elegantly while dressed in a terribly outdated dress, the seamstress concluded that the ducal lady would definitely pull off these groundbreaking designs.

Then why dont we add some embellishments like so?

Hmm. Not bad.

I also think it would be prettier to add some lace on this part. And the color that would suit Your Ladyship would be

Finally understanding the situation she was in, the young assistant began to show her talent. After she had seen some of Violets sketches as well, she added her own ideas and started designing clothes that would suit the ducal lady.

This girl was brimming with talent.

Purple fabric will also suit Your Ladyship well, wont it? If we also use crushed pearls, it will give off a subtle sheen and it will make you look like a beautifully blooming flower!

Is that so?

And she was brimming with passion.

She added decorations like this, gave out valid points here and there, and also transformed things in a certain way

Violet showed several more sketches in an instant. The young assistant became a nodding machine.

I dont want to wear uncomfortable garb, so Id like to order some comfortable clothes as well.

Ah, then shall I reconstruct some of the designs that Your Ladyship has already provided and make something out of those?

Id like some pants, too.

Pants? Uh. Uhh?

Ill pay you as much as you want, so do it at your own discretion.

The order was made swiftly. Roen smiled with satisfaction as he watched Violet talking to the young seamstress, casually drawing out House Everetts finances.

Its a waste that youre an assistant. What do you think about being a recipient of a sponsorship?

P-Pardon? Sponsorship?

You wont be able to make all those clothes by yourself, so youll need a team. Tell me if you need any support.

I can do that?

The young seamstress then became sullen. It seemed like its sinking in that she was taking on a major commission.

But in the eyes of both Violet and Roen, her talents were sufficient.

Cant you?

No, I can! Ill do my best!

Though she felt fear, this didnt mean that she was scared enough that shed miss out on this opportunity.

Finally, it looked like they were done building her wardrobe. Violet rolled her neck, looking tired.

By the way, Violet. How did you come up with these designs?

I guess it suddenly popped up in my mind after that brush with death.

Violet answered straightforwardly. Its not like shes lying.

Remembering that Violet had plunged into the lake, Roen briefly fell silent. Though he was blind to fashion and design, Violets designs were unconventional to him, too.

Right. Then the matter of your clothes is done for now.

Id rather have coffee than tea.

Shall we get you fitted for your shoes?


Roen grinned.

The young seamstress was still inside the drawing room, and as she listened to the conversation between the brother and sister, she also inwardly questioned it.

At Roens beckon, some more people entered the drawing room. Here were the capitals best shoe craftsman, jeweler and merchant.

Its better to talk to them all at once rather than one at a time, right?