A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 50

Chapter 50

If it was Violet who made such a mistake, would Mikhail side with her as he did with Aileen just now?

Would he have encouraged her to stay healthy? Would he have said that all she needed to do was not to get sick because she wasnt lacking at all? Would he have believed that she could do better?

Its safe to say that these were all meaningless questions. The answer to all of them would be a resounding no.

Self-deprecation festered into a spreading sense of guilt within Roen.

He had never been good to her. Roen swallowed a bitter smile.

No, Brother Mikhail. What Brother Roen said is right. Im not good enough compared to Sister. Shes so elegant, after all Im never going to be able to reach her standards, but I should I should try, shouldnt I?

What does that hateful wench have to do with anything! Youre fine just the way you are right now!

Mikhails spirited bellows filled the dining hall.

Until now, the duke had only been eating silently, and he remained as such.

What a farce.

All of the painful experiences that Violet had to go through were just like terribly written plays.

Mikhail was the blockhead that he was, and the duke whose favorite was Violet simply left the whole problem unchecked.

Once the silence was broken, the dining hall was quickly filled with chatter. Mikhail and Aileen continued their conversation.

The main topic of their drivel was Violet. Whenever Aileen would cautiously say, Sister is so great, while Im not, Mikhail did not hesitate to refute those words. Then, Aileen would say nothing to deny that refutation and would just innocently smile.

This was how Aileen made herself out to be the nicest child ever.

Truly. What a farce.

I just hope that Sisters confinement gets lifted soon. If I try Im sure my sincerity will reach her.

You. Youre just such a good kid that I dont know how youll survive in this harsh world

No, Brother. I can harden my heart, too! But Sister Why do you think she doesnt like me so much? Even though were family.

If Violet heard this, she surely would have said many things in return.

But really, what family was this.

Roen gave it a brief thought. In the meantime, the conversation between Aileen and Mikhail flowed as such.

Aileen consoled Mikhail, who might soon be stripped of his status as the dukes heir. But then Mikhail acted tough and said, Then who else would be the next head of the family?

It didnt just sound awkwardyou could even say that it felt contrived.

Roen smiled gently.

You dont have to force yourself to seek out someone you dislike, of course.

Hiic Brother, but how could I let Sister continue thinking of me that way? She might never know my sincere feelings.

Im saying this from my own experience, Aileen. If youre truly thinking of the other persons well-being, you cant just force yourself on them. Isnt that so?


Roen didnt quite have the right to say such a thing as he had been visiting Violet everyday recently, but still.

There was a strange expression on Mikhails face, looking as though theres something he wanted to say. However, the duke set down his silverware right then, and Mikhail closed his mouth.

Now, Roen had finished his meal and so he stood up from his seat. He could feel it alreadyif he wouldnt drink some digestive medicine any time soon, hed surely throw up everything he had just eaten.

Oh, back then

Roen grimaced slightly as he recalled one particular day in the past where he saw Violet letting out dry heaves after dinner.

Before Roen stepped away from the dinner table, he did not forget to leave the last word.

Brother, he said to Mikhail.

What is it this time.

Take good care of yourself.


The duke continued to say nothing even after Roen left the dining hall first.

In the silence that blanketed the air, Aileen cried as she lamented, Does Brother Roen hate me now?

Of course, Mikhail hurriedly consoled her.

The truth was a very strange thing.

* * *

So, thats what happened.

Why do you even have to come visit me and tell me something like that

Violets expression was completely sour.

Its only natural. Just one mention of those people was enough to make her nauseous, so listening to such news about them would certainly make her lose her appetite too.

Violet couldnt understand why Roen was bringing them up. She let out a frustrated sigh.

At the very least, Roen said. I believe you should know.

I do not need to know.

Information adds to ones strength. And knowledge is something you can wield with authority. Its better than being clueless, isnt it?

Violet said nothing in return.

Seeing the evident discomfort in her countenance, Roen tried to gauge Violets reaction. Was he wrong to do this?

Roen looked away. Violet continued to remain silent.

The higher the position a person had, the worse they were at interpersonal relationships. Mary shook her head.

I said I dont need it.


Roen still couldnt see what the problem was, but he at least knew that he should just stop talking about that. Surreptitiously, Roen then decided to shut his mouth about that topic.

So, he swiftly changed the subject.

Anyway, the Crown Prince has taken an interest in your art.

However, Roens words only served to further worsen Violets already displeased frown.