A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 45

Chapter 45

In other words, Violet had been safe so far not because she was lucky nor because everyone around her were good people.

It was for the express reason that someone was controlling the situation from the shadows. Thats the only reason she had been able to walk around outside without any problems thus far.

Ill think about it.

Dont just think about it.

Violets eyes turned to Roen.

Clearly enough, there was a blatant look of discontent behind those eyes of hers, but Roen just smirked nonchalantly.

Even if she were to feel frustrated with staying only at the annex, it was inevitable.

If you want to go out, get official permission. Youll be assigned more escort knights that way.

You speak as if you know everything, dont you, Young Lord.

I do though?

With all due respect, youre being obnoxious. Youre already detestable enough, so being obnoxious like this makes you even more so.

Ah, that is a problem, isnt it

The conversation ensued with jest from only one side. Violet glared at Roen. She was about to ask, Didnt you say you feel apologetic towards me? but she decided against it.

Roens attitude was much too brazen, considering that he was supposed to be someone whos apologizing to her.

What exactly was going on in that brain of his? Roens expression was as unreadable as it ever was, so its difficult to grasp his intentions.

As Violet continued to try guessing what Roen was thinking, the short meeting between them ended.

Seeing as his face looked quite tired, it didnt seem like a lie that hes very busy. He soon left the annex, leaving behind a pair of new shoes. It was todays gift from him to her.

It was yet another purchase by that crazy spender.

* * *

Relationships were fragile. How great it would be if its as easy to fix as it was to break. But, in the end, its difficult to fix a relationship once broken.

With a plate, even if its possible to reconnect all the pieces, the traces would still be quite obvious, wouldnt they?

This could apply not only to Violet and Roen.

So many things done, huh. Why didnt I know any of this.

While watching the documents burn, Roen let out a sigh.

Whether that person was brazen or just foolish, he didnt know.

If there was no lion, the fox would proclaim itself to be the king. And, as it was lording over the others as king yet simultaneously pretending to be a rabbit, it would take a lot of effort to catch such a fox.

There were quite a few people who entered House Everett along with Aileen when she had been adopted.

Since Aileens mother and father had passed away, there was no one left to manage their household, and many of their employees were on the brink of being left to waste in the streets without a job.

So, the duke generously wrote them letters of recommendations so that they could find jobs elsewhere, while all those who were close to Aileen were hired directly by the ducal household.

But at some point, those who were close to Violet were dismissed. This was because the authority to control the duchys internal affairs fell into the hands of the fox.

And that foxs trail was very subtle. Roen unknowingly let out a sound of admiration.

If this matter was of no concern to him, Roen would have praised the culprit for being so smart. Well, they had inefficaciously left behind evidence, but the manner in which they went about this scheme was undoubtedly crafty.

Moreover, if the foxs target wasnt Violet, he would have gladly released that fox and let it continue wreaking havoc in the ducal manor.

But Violet hated Roens slyness. She hated the fact that hed use anything to his advantage.

So, what he would do from here on shouldnt reach Violets ears.

Now then, what should I do about this.

The snake laughed.

* * *

Mikhail U. Everett was a man of integrity.

Rather, he was consistent about holding fast to his beliefs, even though theyre actually false convictions. Its difficult to say whether hes truly upright and incorruptible, or actually just plain ole stupid.

He inherited his righteousness from his fathera knightand grew up imbibing many expectations because he was the eldest son. He was particularly inflexible and obstinate.

Youve just been doing useless things these days, Mikhail snarled.

Theyre not useless though But Brother, dont you need to be more careful with your actions and words since your successorship is at stake?

Useless drivel.

This young man had been the heir to the duchy from the moment he was born.

Perhaps its because of that, but apparently, he never once thought that he was wrong.

The young duke scoffed.

Brother, you still think that Violet poisoned Aileen? Roen asked.

Youre still talking nonsense?

Im asking you sincerely.

Mikhail scowled at the widely smiling Roen.

Mikhail himself had been having a difficult time sleeping properly because of the rumors that were spreading inside the main mansion. Its all getting on his nerves.

He was like a ticking time bomb these days, but then here his younger brother was, seemingly pushing his buttons deliberately. How could he endure not exploding?

If you say one more useless thing, I wont let you get away with it.

What do you mean, useless? Youre not going to answer my question?

Wearing a calm faade, Mikhail strode straight towards Roen. As he had a huge physique and was over 190cm tall, he carried with him an oppressive atmosphere.

Despite that pressure though, Roen just smiled broadly.

Have you gone insane after blissfully hanging out with that damn villainess?

Shes still our younger sister.

Ha, being siblings with that thing. Absolutely disgusting.