A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 25

Chapter 25

Regardless of whether this or that happened though, the annex was peaceful. Since it was physically far from the main mansion, so too was the annex far from the problem of successors and complicated political issues between households.

Its quite ironic, really. Everetts wicked woman, who was always at the center of each and every mishap, had found rest and tranquility while isolated all alone.

Im bored.

Milady? Despite everything, you do know that you mustnt do the laundry or the dishes, yes?

Mary put on a stern expression the moment she heard Violets languid murmur.

These days, Violet was feeling especially bored.

All the more so because her hand wouldnt follow what kind of image she had in her mind as she was painting.

Well, its right to say that shed been painting recently, though she had only ever used black paint on the canvas a few times. She began to look for other things to do besides working on the painting.

And those other things included doing the laundry and washing the dishes. Naturally, the employees of the annex became frantic when they saw her doing that.

I already said I wont do it, so dont worry. Eshika made so much fuss about it, and now youre doing it too.

You really cant.

I already said I wont.

After that, Violet snooped around the annex for a long time, looking for somethinganythingelse to do besides painting.

In the end, she couldnt overcome her boredom and thus dropped a bomb.

Shall we go out?


Outside. To the nearby town. You know, the town outside the gates.


For a moment, Mary doubted her ears completely, and so she asked back twice. Carrying out his escort knight duties in the background, Zylo and Ozenthe new escort knightwere also surprised.

Isnt it okay for me to just go for a little stroll? And the town near the ducal residence isnt a bad place for that.


Mary weakly tried to reason with Violet. Then, Zylo let out an outburst.

You cannot!

I cant?

Has Your Ladyship forgotten why you are here now?

Ah, right.

Even if you are allowed to go out for a while, its not possible for you to do so with just two accompanying knights!

What kind of fool would let a detained individual wander freely? These two guards here, who were sent to enforce the probation, still had to do as theyre ordered obediently.

Even if this was really just confinement in name only.

Growing a little sullen, Violet murmured to herself in a melancholy voice.

I really cant?

Never, no matter what, by no means at all. But if you truly wish it, Your Ladyship will directly have to ask His Grace the Duke for permission.

Dont wanna do that though.

On the other hand, Zylo sincerely answered inwardly.

If Your Ladyship personally tells His Grace about it, His Grace would go ahead and tell you to just come back to the main mansion altogether.

In any case, the outing that Violetor Yeon Ha-yoonwanted to go on was an ordinary outing. She didnt want to go around the streets being lauded as a ducal lady. Even if she was given permission, the places she could go to would still be limited.

She just wanted to go out freely, but shed be met with only sad news either or.


No matter the case, Your Ladyship cannot go out. For as long as I keep my eyes open, it will never happen.

I got it, I got it.

When Violet hinted at giving up, its only then that Zylo felt relieved.

He escorted her back to her room and didnt train for the day.

I cant, huh.

Of course, humans were such virulent creatures whose desires burned deeper when theyre told that theyre not allowed to do what they wanted to do.

* * *

Two days had passed ever since Violet mentioned that she wanted to go out.

In the meantime, the upright knights watched ever so vigilantly with dark shadows under his eyes.

As the annex had turned into a makeshift family, everyone there regarded Violet as a niece, and they all defended her in her wish to go on an outing.

The simple reason behind this was this: people turn strange if they just stay at home all the time.

Even so, Your Ladyship really cannot.

Your Ladyship does not even have to consider it.

In response to the knights, Violet merely shrugged.

Then, wouldnt it be alright to go around the forest thats surrounding the annex?

But Zylo dutifully replied that the forest was very wide, and so its more likely than not for her to encounter dangerous monsters in there.

If its so dangerous being close to those monsters, wasnt it also true that its dangerous to stay at the annex since its surrounded by the forest? So whats new?

Violet wanted to ask this, but she just pressed down the urge to do so. The knight in front of her was so fiercely opposed to letting her go out.

After four days of this war of nerves, Violet disappeared from the annex.

Where is Her Ladyship? Is she not awake yet? a knight asked.

Yes, of course, its, normal, the maid answered awkwardly.

Ah, Sir Knight, would it be alright if you chop some firewood since youre here? Itll be good to do it in advance, another maid suggested.

But isnt it strange that Marys nowhere to be seen even though Her Ladyship has overslept?

Oh, right! Where has my mind flown off to. I forgot to turn up the fire, so

Sir! Wait a second!

In short, Violet went out with the help of the employees of the annex.

She escaped right out of the gates while disguised as a maid. The coachman, Georges, was her accomplice.

Zylo interrogated the maids and soon found out how the lady escaped. His heart pounded heavily at the thought of what kind of admonishment hed be receiving once the duke would find out about this.

In this whole world, what kind of maid has silver hair, purple eyes and such smooth hands?

It couldnt be helped since she already escaped. He had to secretly bring her back as soon as possible.

If he couldnt find her, then he would have to confess the truth to the duke so that the chivalric order could lead a search party.

Did the lady even know what kind of trouble shes stirring up right now!

Well, regardless of all that, Violet was now wearing some borrowed clothes from the kitchen maid Rosie, and thus set off for a trip to town. She was just happy that she had something new to do today.