A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 210

Chapter 210

The tea party saw a gathering of prestigious families, more distinguished than those invited to the crown princes birthday banquet.

Despite its sudden organization, the attendees were dressed impressively, all hoping to make a favorable impression on the empress.

The empress greeted them with a kind smile, urging them to relax. This gathering was an opportunity for everyone to vie for her attention, though she announced she would only stay briefly, disappointing many as she left the scene promptly.

The swift departure of the empress left many wondering why the tea party was organized in the first place.

Recalling her attire at the crown princes birthday party, Violet noticed a burgeoning trend towards mermaid or empire line dresses among the attendees, likely influenced by her past fashion choices.

This shift in the social circles dressing style, distinct from Aileens mimicry of Violet, was intriguing.

Violet observed the noble ladies, who, despite their shyness, couldnt help but steal glances at her.

From what I heard, I couldnt imagine

Whispers spread among close circles.

Among all the fluttering dresses, only three individuals chose trousers.

The first was Violet, for her comfort.

The second was Alesia, who couldnt refuse the empresss invitation despite her independent streak.

And the last one was Aileen, who had been eagerly following Violets style for many years now.

Long time no see, Sister. Ive wanted to meet you again since the hunting competition, and now I finally have the chance.

It was Aileen, mimicking Violet to the death.

Its been a while. I didnt expect you to be invited here as well.

Oh dear, are two sisters really going to act so coldly toward each other?

Aileen blushed shyly. Violet inwardly scoffed.

Aileen seemed to have made a plethora of friends at every social gathering she attended, judging by the group of girls giggling beside her, which only added to her smug demeanor.

Violet snorted in disdain.

Are you seriously thinking that all those friends youve made are truly on your side?

It was a disdainful thought Aileen was blissfully unaware of, as she just smiled shyly.

I wish we could meet more often, but its sad. Since I came as a diplomatic envoy, I cant see you unless I attend these kinds of gatherings

Aileen spoke with a voice feigning sorrow and regret. Violet swallowed her boredom with an indifferent gaze.

But the Ducal Lady isnt interested in these kinds of gatherings, is she? Shes got other hobbies to enjoy.

An unexpected person came to Aileens defense. It was the young lady of the Tolofia County.

The other young ladies gathered around, laughing at her words.

To Violet, they were nothing but two foxes.

It is rare for the Ducal Lady to attend such gatherings. I heard she has someone else she meets with

Still, wouldnt it be nice to have occasional gatherings? Conversations among women can be quite enjoyable.

More support chimed in.

The intentions of the two foxes were clear. They had found a common enemy and had temporarily formed an alliance for this occasion.

Especially since this was a small gathering hosted by the empress, they calculated that Violet wouldnt be able to act out as she did at the last banquet.

Violet found their schemes genuinely trivial.

Gossiping about others as if it were the pinnacle of diplomacy seemed utterly petty to her.

Right. If I knew it would be like this Even if you refused, I should have done my best to bring you back home. Aileen, to think you would dress like this

Violet spoke with uncharacteristic emotion, delivering a performance worthy of an actors envy. Aileens eyes widened in surprise.

Huh? Refuse? What do you mean

Aileens voice rose in confusion. Regardless, the smile that spread across Violets face was radiant.

Then, have you invited Lady Aileen before, Ducal Lady?

Ahh, of course. Those invited as envoys by the palace couldnt possibly be neglected. I did invite her a few times, but my dear younger sister, being too kind, refused. She said she was doing fine, but I didnt know she wasnt doing well

Violet casually spun a lie, causing Aileens face to flush with embarrassment as whispers spread around them.

Ah, so Lady Aileen

How thoughtful to consider both the ducal household and the imperial family.

Violet lifted her teacup with a smile and took a sip. Aileen quickly regained her composure and smiled like a bright young girl.

However, Im well taken care of at the palace

Please understand. My younger sister is just naturally frugal.

Violets smile deepened as the ladies around her looked on, enchanted.

Somehow, information had spread, and today Aileen was dressed similarly to Violet, but the quality was noticeably different.

Although she tried to cover it up with her inherent charm, the inferior quality of the fabric was apparent.

Thanks to Violet, Aileen was quickly labeled the frugal young lady, and she could do nothing but manage an awkward smile.

Watching Aileen like this, Lady Tolofia commented gracefully.