A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 21

Chapter 21

Anyway, since daily life in the annex truly was so peacefulto the point that their concerns and worries were overshadowedthe dispatched knights eventually decided to heed Violets suggestion of training leisurely.

And whenever they had the time, they also helped out the employees of the annex with their work. Regardless of the knights intentions, the employees were just happy that two strong men had come forward to work here at the annex.

Still, as he spent more time here, Zylos suspicions continued to deepen.

True enough, it was strange how the annex employees, including the ladys exclusive maid, were all favorable towards Violet.

Perhaps the lady was in shock after being abandoned by the family she once had faith in. Or perhaps her attitude changed after going through the crisis of a near death experience.

Zylo had many theories and speculations going on in his mind as he observed Violet, who was unbelievably staying calm. In any case, all his guesswork was for naught until hed personally get an explanation.

Violet was especially close to her exclusive maid. Unlike how indifferently she would interact with the others, her expression revealed a sign of sincerity whenever she was talking to the younger girl.

Milady, youre going to get sick if you keep starving yourself like this!

Ive had breakfast and lunch. I dont have an appetite for dinner.

Even just a simple meal would do Ill get some soup and a salad from the kitchen.

Do as you please.

She smiled normally, and she would get annoyed sometimes only at an ordinary level. Unlike the wicked woman from all the rumors.

No, in the first place, she was far from the very picture of a prestigious dukedoms esteemed ladylet alone a wicked woman, as her moniker would suggest.

Zylo seriously considered whether there had been a demon lurking from underneath the lake all this time, and it had been wearing the ducal ladys outward appearance as a mask while imitating her. Alec, too, was claiming that Violet had been possessed by the devil.

Thats how this contemplative time passed, of them debating whether she was a harmful person or not. And in the end, they bothno, Zylo was no longer wary of Violet.

Now at ease, the escort knights then trained hard so as not to lag behind the knights stationed at the main mansion.

And then

What are you doing, Your Ladyship?


Im not sure what

Ah, you must not know it, Sir Knight. It refers to a drawing practice where simple sketches of objects or people are made. Its to improve ones skill in drawing.

He became a model for Violet.

Yet again, Zylo was thrown into the waters of confusion. Has the ducal lady always been like this? Shes acting much too different compared to what he heard from the young duke

In agony over his thoughts, Zylo lowered his sword.

Rather than the devil that Zylo thought had possessed her, Violet had become influenced by her previous lifes memories. She moved her pencil with tranquil ease.

I came to protect Your Ladyship under His Graces command.

I know.

I am not here to be a model.

I suppose so, yes. Ah, if youre going to train, can you do it while wearing your inner garment? It would be easier to observe your form through your clothes that way.

This kind of brazen behavior fit her nickname of wicked woman in a way. There was also that particular arrogance in the way she brushed aside others refusal, just as how aristocrats typically did. He picked up on her arrogance, but could not win against her nevertheless.

Violets mild attitude was not limited to only the annex employees. For a second there, the young knight let his guard down, and he reproached himself inwardly. He pressed down on his simmering temper.

If he were to recklessly go wild in front of the ducal lady, his knighthood might get revoked.

Once again, Your Ladyship, I am here under the command of His Grace the Duke.

You dont have to repeat yourself. You and I both know well enough that you have absolutely no intention to serve or protect me.

You dont have to force yourself to serve someone you dislike just because you were ordered to do it. Ah, but I implore that you bear with me if only to be my model. As you may know, there arent many adult men with robust physiques here.

After she said this, Zylo could only stare at Violet blankly.

Feeling the extent of his gaze, Violet shrugged.

Why me?

Theres quite a prejudiced look in Sir Hans eyes. And I kind of have a feeling that hes going to protest against me no matter what for the sake of justice? Ah, but regardless of that, I dont think he has a good sense of judgment. Like a certain blockhead somewhere out there, Violet criticized.

Realizing that she was the object of comparison was Mikhail, Zylo gritted his teeth. He wondered if he had the same prejudiced gaze, and he wondered if hed be ordered to pull out his own eyes.

Most of all, what she said just now was not something that could just be taken lightly.

What would have happened if the knight stationed here right now was not him, but Alec? Perhaps he would have already turned on the ducal lady by now. Many scenarios took place in his mind.

She mentioned that as if it was nothing, but in fact, it was a significant matter. Beyond the matter of hierarchy, his loyalty must lie with the ducal household. And apart from that, he was to fulfill the role of vassal and knight to the ducal household. If these could not be done, then his value had collapsed.

And with such recklessness, the same was true for Zylo as well.

I shall be more mindful.

Personal feelings and work must remain separate. Even if his eyes were filled with prejudice, how fortunate it was that he could still see reason.

Seeing as how the knight made the right decision, Violet laughed.

After Zylo said that, he began to focus on his training again.

Violet propped her chin on one hand as she watched him do basic sword swings and forms repeatedly.

He didnt flatly refuse to be her model, so he might be fine with her drawing him. But then again,

Sir Knight, you

His Grace must have sent you here against your will. I heard that youre a well-renowned knight, but its a pity that you have to waste your time guarding me in a place like this.