A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 200

Chapter 200

During this time, Violet didnt pick up a brush or pencil.

It seemed what she thought was fine was actually not, and she needed time to recover from the mental shock.

But her days werent all easy-going and full of good news.

I heard something, Milady. Its, um, about Miss Aileen. Shes making appearances at every party. Even though the Prince of Liran isnt officially attending those social events.

Mary, ever-informed, had gleaned some information from somewhere. It seemed she had learned a lot from her new friends after she had started to take cosmetology classes in earnest.

And as she was in such close proximity to high society, it was inevitable that she would hear such rumors.

People are saying all sorts of things. Some dislike her, others dont. Oh, and there were lots of comments about how shabby and pitiable she looks, even as an esteemed daughter of the Everett Duchy. Do you know what I thought when I heard that, Milady?

You must have felt conflicted.

Maries feelings were easy to guess.

The rumor that Violet, the Ducal Lady of Everett, was harassing Aileen was widespread.

The more pitiful Aileen appeared, the more blame Violet would receive, and this put Mary, who was Violets attendant and House Everetts employee, in an awkward position.

Violet patted Marys head while she applied oil to her ladys hair.

The lessons seemed to be paying off. Her touch was as skilled as a professionals.

Obviously, they know that I serve you, Milady, yet its annoying how they still say such things around me. Good grief. Lady Aileen must be doing it on purposeto tarnish Miladys reputation. Really, I cant understand her.

In any case, public opinion about Aileen was divided.

Half of them sympathized with her, while the other half criticized her.

Violet clicked her tongue. All that girl did was go around parties and made her presence known, yet here they were.

Still though. After having declared that she would not marry, Violet was unaffected by such matters.

Especially since she had received a proposal-like offer from the crown prince of the empire.

In fact, Violet would be amused to see Aileen try to woo the crown prince.

She was somewhat curious about how that insufferable crown prince would treat Aileen.

Fortunately, or unfortunately, there was no news of Aileen and the crown prince meeting.

Inwardly, Violet was somewhat disappointed.

Other than that, there continued to be some talk about Aileens background being circulated behind the scenes.

You cant get a handle on it, but you can feel that theres something unusual in the air. No matter how much gossip there is, after all, one cant just insult someone to their face. The Second Ducal Lady is slyly using that, isnt she?

Marys vivid narration caused Violet to click her tongue. Aileens acting skills were alarmingly improving.

Despite being the subject of so much gossip, Aileen gritted her teeth and attended every gathering where notable people were present.

The Aileen that Violet knew was not a person who would simply endure insults. She was cunning, always twisting situations to appear as the victim, making others look bad.

Her nature was to grate at ones nerves whenever she could while maintaining an angelic image, so the fact that she was enduring amidst continuous battles of wits was no joke.

Violet laughed, considering the atmosphere of the gatherings Aileen attended.

So she thought, maybe she should visit one sometime. As she played with the idea of doing so, Mary suddenly paused mid-sentence in her chatters and glanced at her.

Violet sensed that there were more insults about her that Mary had not mentioned.

The first ducal lady of Everett, who walked the social circles in dazzling clothes. And the second ducal lady, dressed poorly and drifting from banquet to banquet.

The stories of the two were naturally treated as a set. Both Violet and Aileen were well aware of this.

But to Violet, it held no great concern. There was nothing more trivial than pouring passion and emotion into something worthless.

Its better to just let it be for now.

Umm, okay! If Milady says so!

So, she decided to ignore it. It was the prevailing choice.

* * *

The only thing that bothered Violet now, with Aileen out of the picture, was about painting.

Specifically, about the preparations for an exhibition.

Truth be told, Violet was still skeptical about presenting her paintings.

She wanted her art to be seen yet, at the same time, she didnt. She wanted to be praised but not judged.

It was contradictory. So, while she hesitated, Roen actively pushed forward with the preparations.

Ive found a nice venue. Its under construction right now.

He recently purchased a prime location in a bustling area and promptly turned it into an exhibition hall.

Luckily, it wasnt too large a scale.

Seeing Violets lukewarm response, Roen asked.

You dont like it?

No, its fine.

You dont seem too pleased.

Im tired, thats all.

Truthfully, she wasnt happy about it. Violet considered herself quite vulnerable, really. She feared she might crumble under detailed criticism.

Thus, if she were to have an exhibition, she wanted it in a small, secluded place. Somewhere not well-known, where the event would just be small and quiet.