A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 17

Chapter 17

Violet stared at the uninvited guests, who were disrupting her comfortable daily life.

Nothing but awkward silence flowed between the three of them. And the air was even heavier because all three people had a tendency to conceal any and all emotion from their expressions.

Why were these people seeking her out again?

Violet glanced at Duke Everett and her second older brother, Roen. As much as she wanted to let out a long, drawn-our sigh, she had no choice but to keep it in.

I guess Ill need to drink some digestive medicine before dinner tonight.

A three-way encounter like this could be explained by going back a little in the past.

Still, Violet could do nothing but stare at the two men in front of her, holding back a sigh of irritation.

* * *

By no means could the relationship between Violet and the employees of the annex be called family, but at the same time, it wouldnt be right to say that they had no relationship at all.

Rosie, the maid who was asked to be a model for Violets croquis, quickly faltered from her pose because it was too awkward.

I would much prefer it if you just act naturally.

But hearing the ducal lady say this, the employees wept.

They couldnt act naturally. They were trying to work as they usually did, but the ducal lady was behind them, sketching.

But Rosie held back on uttering these words.

The maids did not protest, but they would freeze up the moment theyre in front of the lady. Violet didnt really point out their discomfort though.

This eraser can erase lines so smoothly. Who made this?

Violet only had these kinds of thoughts in her mind as she leisurely observed the maids as they worked. Basking underneath the warm sun, Violet stretched out and stood up from her seat.

She slept in a lot, ate when shes hungry, painted a little in her studio, and walked around the annex, sightseeing. Whenever she was bored, she would read a book or paint. She also took up the hobby of observing the employees because she needed them as her models.

For the first time in her life, Violets days flowed leisurely.

Incarceration was not simply about locking people upits about tying down ones use and worth as well. So thats why people who were exiled to remote places were so focused on creative activities.

Violet reached this epiphany as she was staring up at the sky, yawning languidly.

Its boring to have nothing to do, so she had no choice but to do something.

In any case, however, Violet didnt feel bitter about any of this. She was the one who chose to confine herself.

As she was enjoying her free time

M-Milady The, the second Young Master has come to visit you

her peace was broken just like that.

He wont leave even if you tell him to, huh?

He said he brought a present for you.

Why were none of these people taking the dukes order seriously?

No, to spin this in a positive manner, its a good thing that theyre not abiding by the dukes words. In this place, even basic manners were not being followed.

Violet pressed down on her temples, feeling the rising migraine.

Still, a private meeting with just Roen was tolerable enough. As long as hes not provoked first, then he wouldnt start anything either.

Bring him to the drawing room. Im busy, so if he wants to talk to me, he has to wait about three hours.


As it was, Violet entered her studio and immersed herself in her fourth painting.

Would he really wait three hours though? Roen was a busy man in his own right. Theres no way hed waste three hours just for the sake of humiliating his younger sister.




It was a few hours later that Violet laid down her brush, doubts still swirling in her mind. However, soon enough, Mary delivered the bleak news.

Roen was still waiting for Violet, drinking tea as leisurely as ever.

As soon as Violet heard this, she decided to quickly finish her work just to send Roen back.

Violet deliberately headed towards the drawing room. She was still in her paint-stained clothes.

Its been a while.

Roen greeted Violet with a smile. His demeanor was lax, conveying not a single hint of agitation despite having been forced to wait for a long time.

It hasnt been that long.

I heard that your face had gone gaunt, but now that weve met each other again, I can see that youre doing well enough. Im glad.

Whats your business here?

Cant an elder brother have a chat with his younger sister?

Roen smiled.

Really, that smile of his never failed to remind Violet of a snake.

It was impossible for these siblings to have a normal conversation face-to-face. All Violet wanted now was to sort out what Roen came here for quickly and make him leave, but this snake-like man continued to slither through the conversation with ease.

Father declared the annex to be off limits to you.

Only verbally though.

I had no idea that youd want to talk to me separately like this.

Come on now. I always worry about you, Violet.

He hadnt even taken a sip of tea yet, but look at him lie.

With her lips on the rim of her teacup, she clicked her tongue. The tea was bitter.

I heard that youve had a few inconveniences in your day-to-day life here. But here, I brought you a new dress and a new pair of shoes. Will you accept them?

Ill accept them with gratitude.

The new dress and shoes must have designs that were in vogue. In other words, clothes that were unnecessarily ostentatious and would only bring her discomfort whilst painting.

When Aileen returned after being humiliated like that, what exactly did she say to this crafty guy? And to the extent that he came all the way here?

Violet tried her hardest not to let her emotions show plainly.