A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 156

Chapter 156

Even after all the conversations had ended, Violet couldnt leave. She was detained by the princess, who appeared again as soon as the empress left the room.

Your Highness, are you giving this to me?

The princess nodded, having picked flowers from the garden during the time. Even though it was clear that it was a carefully cultivated breed, the princess didnt seem to mind and seemed to have roamed freely in the garden.

Violet looked at a maid as if asking for help, but the palace maids merely watched silently.

I appreciate your gesture, but theres no need to give it to me

Please accept it. Celi seems to like you, Ducal Lady.


Although Violet directed her question to someone else, the answer came from an unexpected source.

Unconsciously, Violet dared to have been gently stroking the head of the imperial princess. She quickly withdrew her hand. The one who had witnessed the entire scene simply smiled.

No need to worry. Shes lovely, isnt she? She turned sixteen this year, but shes still very much like a child. Its not just a simple concern.

Despite looking just a bit older than twelve, the princess seemed much older than Violet expected.

The child suddenly ran to her older brother and nestled into his embrace.

Right. What have you been doing today?

The princess didnt respond. She couldnt. Her repeated attempts to speak seemed to imply that she had something she wanted to say. Rajaden gently stroked his younger sisters head.

It was a rare sight of affection between brother and sister.

Violet couldnt help but ask,

Your Highness, why are you here?

Thats true. Its quite a busy time for state affairs I suppose there must be a reason for my visit.

With an affectionate expression, Rajaden looked at the princess and then playfully placed his finger on his lips.

Keep my presence here a secret. I snuck out to play.

His words sounded just like an innocent boy. Since the palace maids were already watching, there was no point in keeping it a secret.

Instead of responding, Violet adorned the princesss hair with the flowers she received.

Rajadens face was full of affection, just as the empress had mentioned about him being overprotective. His gaze was quite different from Roens whenever he looked at Violet.

Since weve met here, shall we have a short chat? We havent had a chance to meet often.

Well, Your Highness and I dont have the kind of relationship to regularly meet face to face

Well, from now on, we can have such a relationship. Oh, Celi. Feeling sleepy? Yes, its nap time.

When the crown prince gestured, the palace maids lifted the drowsy princess.

Celi takes a nap once a day.

With the crown princes additional explanation, the princess quickly exited the scene.

Mother invited you to this garden, huh. I didnt expect that. Shes quite mischievous, isnt she?

She was quite interesting, Your Highness.

Haha, your expression doesnt say the same.

Violet responded with a subtle smile. After all the talk about the need for young men and women to spend time together, the empress intentionally arranged for the two to have a private conversation.

Mother does worry a lot. Even when theres no need for such concern.

Whether or not he knew the empresss intentions, Rajaden spoke while his gaze lingered on the palace.

For a moment, Violet felt like she was seeing the crown princes true self for the first time.

Even without her excessive worries, I will protect my sister until the end. Because I have to.

As he said this with a smile, there was a hint of bitterness in his expression.

There might be various rumors about the imperial family, but they were still a family. Whether it was a political alliance or something else, they had each others backs.

The position of crown prince is indeed favorable, but sometimes it feels burdensome.

Rajaden looked up at the sky and let out a deep breath. Todays crown prince seemed a bit more human, unlike his usual confident self.

If its alright with you, would you consider drawing my portrait too?

Ive already declined earlier.

Youre harsh only towards me, Ducal Lady.

That is not the case.

Such casual conversations continued.

Just like when the empress talked about her son, Violet maintained her composure when it came to the crown prince. Rajaden seemed to accept it willingly.

Sometimes, moments like these when we can relax are truly precious.

Above all, it was a sincere statement. This meeting between a noble lady of a prominent family and the crown prince of the empire It wasnt often they could be so at ease.

Violet refrained from pointing out this fact.

Oh, I heard that you find men who cry attractive, Ducal Lady. But what about men who smile beautifully?

Hmm. I guess Ill have to make an effort to become a man who cries beautifully.

It was indeed a peaceful time.

* * *

The empresss request couldnt be handled carelessly.

Thanks to that, Violet had to visit the palace periodically from then on. More precisely, it was to get closer to the princess. Her initial actions to draw the princesss portrait were part of this effort.