A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 150

Chapter 150

It seems like youre always so suspicious of me, Ducal Lady, but this time, I mean it. Ill remember the birthday gifts youve given for a long time.

The stepping on your foot part?

No, the painting.

With these final words, the conversation came to an end. Rajaden, wearing his characteristic sun-like bright smile, gave a formal farewell.

Then, lets meet again next time.

With a whisper so faint that only Violet could hear, Rajaden exited.

Violet, who had dared to step on the imperial crown princes feet without any consequences, felt a sense of unease and quickly left the dance floor.

To her, it seemed like he wouldnt say anything right now, but he might use this as leverage to blackmail her in the future.

While Violet had grown comfortable and treated the crown prince like Roen in recent times, she swallowed her slight regret.

Well, no use crying over spilt milk. Instead of regretting the past, Violet decided to focus on the present. She fended off those who approached her and promptly made her way to the balconies.

Getting along with them might not be a bad thing, but dealing with those who hide their true intentions behind masks and try to achieve their desires discreetly can be tiresome.

As Violet stepped back onto the balcony, she was met with the cool breeze. A glass with rising bubbles was extended towards her.

It was a champagne glass with low alcohol content. Out of habit, Violet was about to decline but recognized the familiar face and accepted the glass with a sip.

Sir, youre always in a place like this.

Its just more comfortable here.

Do you find comfort in places with no people?

Silence was Aldins response. Violet chuckled softly.

Theres no one else here. She decided to ask something else.

What have you been doing all this time instead of enjoying the banquet?

I had some business.

What kind of business?

Its confidential.

Well, if its confidential, I wont pry further. Would you like another drink?

Uh, no Im good.

Aldin hesitated to answer and then abruptly stopped. Violet refrained from pressing for more information.

The sky had no clouds, and countless stars sparkled against the backdrop of the clear evening sky.

Violet looked up, and as a palace servant approached with a refilled glass, she accepted it and took a sip.

The champagne Aldin had offered earlier had low alcohol content, but the second glass Violet accepted had quite a high level of alcohol.

Violet smiled as she felt its warmth spreading inside her.

Aldins face, illuminated by the starlight and moonlight, seemed exceptionally pale with his neatly combed black hair, making his skin appear even whiter. Although Duke Everett also had jet-black hair, it had a different shine compared to Aldins.

As Violet leaned on the terrace railing, she casually spoke.

Wanna try crying?


Ah, slip of the tongue. Am I drunk?


Aldin asked with a puzzled expression, and Violet didnt provide an answer. Her gaze was fixed on the Milky Way flowing across the open sky, leaving the question unanswered.

A faint sense of intoxication washed over her, and simultaneously, Violet pulled a thought that had been deep within her heart.

It was something long past, yet it remained as a haunting memory.

It was such an easy thing. Why didnt I realize it all this time?

Im not sure what youre talking about, but if you say it like that, then it probably wasnt, Ducal Lady.

You can talk to me more casually. Really.

I, how could I

Im serious. You can call me by my nickname, too.

B-But, I couldnt possibly!

As Violet had become slightly tipsy, she blurted out whatever came to her mind.

Even if she was drunk, she wouldnt have spoken so freely if her companion hadnt been Aldin.

As she giggled softly, Aldin quickly swept a hand over his face to compose himself.

Its this easy, huh. I could have been liberated so easily Why did I hold onto it so tightly and linger on it, full of regrets, when I could have simply let go?

Because not everyone can let go so easily.

Do you understand what Im talking about, Sir?

At the very least, I think I understand you, Ducal Lady.

It wasnt an appropriate thing to say when ones been stigmatized as an illegitimate bastard.

Was the concept of family really that precious? Or was the desire for acknowledgment so intense? Did the recognition received after letting go taste sweeter?

Aldin knew what she meant by her words. They were thoughts that had been buried deep within her heart.

She had tried to carry them without ever letting them out, to live while embracing them, those words.

She had not confided these things in others, not even Mary. With an odd feeling, Violet laughed awkwardly.