A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 145

Chapter 145

Wouldnt forgetting that be more beneficial for Your Highness?

As expected, you still remember.

Between gently curving eyelids, golden irises shone. It was said that the eyes of the royal family held an enchanting power that captivated people from generation to generation. Violet couldnt help but think he was a truly beautiful, truly arrogant man.

I dont dare forget the first time that I met Your Highness.

But since you said that forgetting that moment would be beneficial, it means it was rather uncomfortable for you. Oh, of course, the words I just spoke were meant as a compliment.

I dont understand your intentions.

How could something no different from, How stubborn of you, be considered a compliment? Violet furrowed her brows in confusion, and Rajaden made a disappointed expression. However, his demeanor was quite distant from someone who seemed disappointed.

You make it so obvious, yet you claim not to know. Thats quite disappointing.

Rajaden leaned back in his chair comfortably and spoke as if he were in his own home. While Roen and Rajaden were similar in some ways, there were quite a few differences at their core. Violet sighed inwardly.

Im doing this as an attempt to gain Your Ladyships favor.

Is there anything you can even gain from winning my favor?

Rather, its about getting closer.

I dont think I hold a position that allows us to build personal relationships based on just wanting to get closer.

Thats why its ambiguous. Power and status You cant even have one close friend you can confide in.

If you seek friendship, there must be others who would be willing.

No, I want you.

People dont call his eyes enchanting for no reason. As Violet couldnt tear her gaze away from Rajadens irises, she hesitated with her words. Unanswered questions lingered within her.

Do you happen to know that, Ducal Lady?

Know what?

That unattainable things can become even more desirable.

From the moment I was born, I was allowed to have everything, so I easily get tired of things that come to me quickly. So, the things I cant have are the most valuable, wouldnt you agree?

I dont understand what you mean.

Violet responded curtly. This time, she truly didnt understand his intentions. Or rather, shes just pretending not to because in fact, she knew very well what he was implying.

One couldnt sum up a persons entire life in a few words, but with someone like him, it could be one of two things.

Either they become obsessively attached to what they desire and keep pursuing it, or they quickly lose interest once they obtain it.

Either way, neither outcome boded well for Violet.

You really dont?

How could I possibly discern Your Highnesss intentions?

With her eyes lowered, Violet sipped her tea as if nothing were amiss.

The possessiveness of wanting to own a person couldnt be called love. It was difficult even to consider it an emotion. Violet suddenly found herself wondering if Rajaden could genuinely become friends with someone. Perhaps not even Roen could be considered a true friend to him.

I genuinely want to get closer to you, Ducal Lady.

Your Highness and I

You said we dont hold a position that allows us to build personal relationships. I concur completely, but that doesnt mean it wont be lonely.

For some reason, Violet looked up at him when she sensed emotions in his voice.

Was that expression genuine or intentional?

Among the two possibilities, she pondered which one seemed more plausible. Then, Violet sighed again.

Come visit again. Ill be grateful for the gift youve brought today. With this, I have something to boast about to my father, so he can work in a rather cheerful mood for a while.

Rajaden stood up, perhaps noticing Violets innermost thoughts.

The series of actions that followed, with him extending his hand and kissing the back of Violets hand, felt almost theatrical. Violet blinked a couple of times as an unexpected sensation washed over her.

The spot on her hand where he kissed her felt oddly warm.

Then, Lady, I shall see you this evening.

The princes exit was as smooth as the rest of his actions. See her this evening? She had no intention of attending the banquet in the first place. Violets resolve only solidified further.

She turned to one of the attendants standing nearby.

Prepare a bath for me. I feel like washing up.

Of course, Milady.

With every dilemma piled upon another, the day seemed to pass solely with pondering. It was a moment when she understood why ancient philosophers complained about not having enough time for contemplation.

Violet absentmindedly looked out the window, but her thoughts extended beyond the drawing room.

* * *

Just as Violet had intended, she was absent for all but the last day of the banquet. Until then, Roen had to field questions about the Ladys whereabouts from various inquisitive attendees.

Rajaden was among them, and his amused demeanor hinted that he was thoroughly enjoying the teasing.

During this time, Violet tried to rest, but she couldnt truly relax. Her complex emotions kept sleep at bay, and she found herself pondering a few complicated thoughts in the middle of the night.

After exchanging a few letters with the marchioness and hearing about Alesias continuous activities, Violet couldnt help but smile. Ever since attending the banquet two days ago, the young lady had been wearing a blank expression and doing nothing else. She did nothing else except for her recent trip to the boutique to build a new wardrobe.

Other than that, Violets paintings were also a topic of discussion amongst many people.