A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 133

Chapter 133

So, you know about Lord Arten.

Oh my, my, my. So, how did that happen?

How could something like this happen?

They were talking about men.

After exchanging brief greetings with the others, Violet silently observed their conversation while various talks flowed back and forth.

Violet was a complete outsider in this place, and thats how she wanted it to stay.

Men, relationships, other peoples secrets, and even political discussions. Social circles were quite fond of rumors.

Listening briefly to their conversation, Violet pitied the young ladies.

Her pity was a silent, unspoken kind of pity that wasnt in consideration of the other persons circumstances. However, no one knew that Violet was pitying them.

Oh, by the way, I heard that the Ducal Lady also knew Lord Aldin Aesir before this. I wonder how they met?

Its because theyre both from ducal households, so perhaps it was during some sort of interaction, someone else answered.

I heard about Lady Aileen as well. They say she went to Liran on a study abroad program.

In this place, the moment you said something wrong, it would spread like wildfire. Hadnt Violet experienced that enough already? Its impossible to know how it would spread, how it would transform.

So, the best approach is to not give them any ammunition.

Violet smiled. It was the smile that Aileen detested.

My younger sibling would know.

Younger sibling?


Ah, um

The noble lady, who had just asked about her relationship with Aldin, trailed off as if she understood. As sensitive to rumors as they were, they knew what kind of person Cairn was.

Platinum blonde hair with vibrant green irises. With his fresh, youthful appearance, he looked more like a boy than a young man. But talking about his appearance was nothing compared to the rumors about his personality.

No, it went beyond rumors and even included comments about his character.

Indeed, I heard hes the darling of House Everett. Isnt it rare for two swordmasters to emerge in just one generation?

Everett isnt just Everett for no reason. Even though it takes polishing, the beauty of a gem will eventually shine through.

Ahem, ahem. Just because its a prestigious family doesnt mean everything is perfect.

The word selection was clearly chosen with Violets sensitivities in mind. She was briefly surprised by the naivety of these women compared to what she had anticipated.

Ducal Lady, if its not impolite May I ask if the rumor is true?

What rumor?

That His Lordship challenged a prince from another country to a duel.

Is there such a rumor going around?

Ah, if its not true, then

With his personality, I doubt hed engage in noble actions like a duel.


Violet laughed. This noble lady, likely from the countryside, who had shifted the conversation with the underlying question of, Did he beat up a prince from another country? Her eyes were wide with astonishment.

Violet hadnt really been keeping track of such rumors regarding her younger brother. She was just relieved that he hadnt gotten himself into trouble. Considering hed been living fine until now, it should be fine.

Though its true that Cairn is a bit of a scoundrel, theres no need to be concerned.


When the word scoundrel came out of the ducal ladys mouth, some of them were startled. The still-innocent lady timidly answered.

B-But hes a good person.


Oh, no, I mean Well, its just that

The bashful young ladys face turned red. Violet quickly diverted her attention and savored the champagne in her hand.

So, when I was in a difficult situation, he helped me once

Well, fundamentally, hes not a bad guy.

After taking a sip of champagne, Violet said this, and the atmosphere quickly subsided.

However, the mood soon shifted again, thanks to someone making a concerted effort to speak up and dispel the awkwardness.

I heard its a short gathering. If we dont have more to talk about, it might be best to leave.

Violet brought down the lightened atmosphere once more.

Lady Tolofia, who had been quieter than Violet, finally stepped in.

Taking our time to have a conversation is what true friendship between women is about. Lets chat more leisurely.

There isnt much to discuss. Besides, I thought it would be better to avoid this gathering, as I felt it wouldnt be enjoyable for any of you if I overstay my welcome.

But isnt it a bit more pleasant now? I would like to continue being friends with you in the future, Ducal Lady.


Lady Tolofia smiled, and Violet responded with an expression that conveyed her lack of interest.

A ducal lady parading around in pants at the crown princes birthday celebration. A woman rumored to be a wicked woman, stealing the crown princes first dance.

A proud ducal lady propped up like a mere folding screen. How long would she be able to stand?

As the esteemed daughter of the Tolofia County had not been able to achieve her original goal, there was a slight twitch at one corner of her lips.