A Painting of the Villainess as a Young Lady - Chapter 129

Chapter 129

Violet held out her hand. Because of her white gloves, it looked like her hand was glowing.

Do you not know how to dance?

Its not that I dont, but

Anyway, the music can still be heard over here, and its quite romantic, isnt it? Dancing in the moonlight.

Violet smiled again. Aldin took her hand reluctantly.

The first day of the ball, which seemed like an illusion, went by just like that.

* * *

On the second day of the crown princes birthday celebration, Violet overslept.

Even after she had slept in for a long time, Violet groaned and let out her grievances.

Can I not go out today?

No, you must. Get ready for the day.

For a moment, Violet calculated whether pushing her older brother off the position of dukes heir might warrant her enough authority to excuse herself from todays banquet. However, deciding to accept defeat, she just groaned.

Just what kind of stamina did people have that they could continue attending banquets day and night?

Though she was at the height of youthful health, Violet wasnt willing to act on it and needlessly expend energy. Once again, she sighed. To her, the people who could participate in these banquets all week long were admirable.

Your feet are swollen, Milady.

My shoes were custom-made, but new shoes are new shoes, I guess. And they had heels, too.

Ill give you a massage, but please dont overdo it today.

Dont worry, Mary.

The previous days banquet lasted until daybreak. It was the ubiquitous schedule for all banquets, but Violet truly abhorred it. So, she left early.

There was a bit of a commotion when we left last night.

As Violet recalled something unpleasant, she frowned slightly. Meanwhile, Mary applied some potion instead of oil while massaging her aching muscles. After doing so, she went out for a moment and soon came back.

Milady, lets get up and have breakfast.


Yes, breakfast.

But its lunchtime now.

Oh, it doesnt matter. Then please make your way to the dining hall for lunch now. Lunch.

Im allowed to eat?

Its certainly better than starving!

Thats true. Can you help me change into my clothes?

As you wish!

While changing into her light indoor dress, Violet chuckled. And soon, with weak steps, she arrived at the dining hall where there was already someone seated.

Good morning, Violet.

Its not a good morning. Why do you look so energetic today.

Ill take that as a compliment.

Its not a compliment.

Laughing, Roen looked especially brighter than usual. As Violet sat down, muttering under her breath, an attendant set down her meal in front of her.

They were soft foods that wouldnt be difficult to digest.

Why do you look brighter than usual today, Young Lord.

Why are you asking the same thing twice?

Im asking because you look fine even after having to go to a banquet.

Ah, thats what you mean.

Taking a spoonful of pudding thats served as dessert, Roen laughed. And just as much as she hated to see that tender smile, Violet scowled.

Nonchalantly accepting his younger sisters contempt, Roen replied.

You often look down on me because Im a scholar, but dont forget that Im the Everett Duchys successor.

Ah, so you lack physical strength, but you thrive in banquets.

Whats that supposed to mean?

Its a compliment.

Taking a spoonful of soup herself, Violet turned to Roen again. Even after he had already finished his dessert, Roen was still seated.

As for you though, you look particularly bad today. Are you feeling alright?

Im positively exhausted.

I didnt expect to see you getting so fatigued after just that.

Dont underestimate mental fatigue. So, is it alright if I skip todays banquet?

No can do.

I knew it.

Haa. A short sigh filled the dining hall.

You dont have to do anything special. Just show your face and go through the motions.

It was with these words that Roen consoled her, but it just sounded like he was pestering her.

Young Lord, can you not see the knife that I hold in my hand?

Amidst their back and forth, the joke thats expressing her displeasure fully popped out. Meanwhile, bam! The doors of the dining hall swung open with a bang as someone came in.

There was only one person who had enough gall to interrupt the young duke and ducal ladys meal.

Im hungry. Give me food.

The third son, Cairn, was different.

Somehow or another, Cairn looked like he was in a much worse mood than the previous day. As he pulled out his chair, a high-pitched screech broke out. From the way he acted, youd think that he had been starving for several days on end.

What have you been up to all night that youve come back only now?

Explanations later. Food now.

The attendants are already doing that. Answer me straight, Cairn.

Ugh, whats the use of you knowing, Brother!

It is my duty as your beloved older brother, dear baby brother.

Receiving one contemptuous glare after another, first from his younger sister and now from his younger brother, Roen tilted his head to the side. He meant what he said though. Why doesnt anyone believe him?

Untrustworthy to all, Roen reiterated.

Cairn, Im aware that you must have some of your own business outside, and thats why you were away. But you have to come to the banquet today, too.

Yeah, I know. If I didnt, I wouldnt be here.


Whyre you making that face?

Instead of an easy-to-digest meal, meat dishes sizzling in oil came out for Cairn. Even in that condition, he could still eat such a greasy steak.

While taking a scoop of pudding, which was served to her as dessert as well, Violet couldnt help but think of how only Cairn could eat well.