A Lord For Haughmond - Part 37

Part 37

Impatient at the sight of the castle tower, needing to see her husband and be a.s.sured he enjoyed good health, Katherine kicked her horse into a gallop. Dafydd Rhys de la Motte remained the center of her life and she was loath to have so much as a hair on his head harmed. Gilbert's younger son whooped his delight and kicked his mount likewise, coming abreast to her and grinning with youthful exuberance. She grinned back and urged her horse faster, wrapping the reins carefully around her left hand.

No one could claim she possessed a withered hand. But with the last two fingers of her right hand nearly useless, she had learned to live with Sir Geoffrey's mark upon her. The wound from his knife had healed, but his grievous brand would be upon her for the rest of her days. Had he not all but destroyed her family?

Once upon a time she had been victim to his unholy villainy. But by her husband's n.o.ble deeds she had risen above the pain and loss. Praise be to G.o.d, she had come to discover the most virtuous and loving of helpmates.

If the weary travelers were aware of Caernarvon, the castle was duly aware of their approach. The trumpet blast from the tower sent a ripple of relief down her spine. Gilbert bore Haughmond's banner at their vanguard, but with half of her garrison as escort, she feared the king would think himself under siege.

A moment later, Dafydd and Sir William came tearing toward her, their mounts churning up a cloud of dust in their wake. Her heart pounded with joy. Yet, fearing a collision, she pulled rein. An instant later Dafydd's destrier came to a halt at her side. Leaning from his saddle, so far he looked as though he would topple to the ground, her husband bestowed a lengthy kiss upon her laughing lips. She returned it with all her ardor and did not care that she nigh lost her balance, so secure was she with his st.u.r.dy arm about her waist.

Gilbert's two sons, healthy but stripling lads, were not far from the days when the same pleasure would be their greatest desire. But for the nonce, they grimaced in distaste and averted their eyes. Behind them, Haughmond's horde of men-at-arms came to a halt.

Sir William, feeling no similar compunction, winked at Katherine and grinned wickedly. She pulled away with a blithesome laugh. Unexpectedly, the knight sobered and attempted to arrange a chastened expression upon his face, for Sister Mary Margaret drew rein beside him, wearing a disapproving frown. But suddenly, a chuckle did spring from her lips. Her shoulders shook with mirth. She and the knight shared a look of mutual understanding.

Katherine tried not to blush, knowing the direction of their thoughts.

Sir William's eyes sparked in merriment once again. Turning his mount, he motioned Gilbert toward Caernarvon. With his sharp command, Haughmond's troops moved out.

Katherine and Dafydd were left alone.

As though they possessed all the time in the world, they rode leisurely, their gazes locked on each other. Katherine's throat constricted at the love emanating from her husband's bright blue eyes. He had never looked so handsome in his armor. Clean-shaven these days, he was the knight she had fallen in love with. She marveled anew at her good fortune, that he was in truth her husband-beloved, respected and cherished. Tears of happiness filled her eyes.

Oh, that Anne and Simon could have had a life such as hers.

Dafydd's delighted grin vanished. "What is amiss?" he asked in alarm.

"I was thinking of Simon. I would speak to him."

"I doubt me 'twould be wise. He does not antic.i.p.ate your arrival with pleasure."

She threw him a questioning glance.

"He fears he shall burst into tears at the sight of you. We must needs indulge him this once."

A tear fell upon her cheek at the sad thought of Simon, so wounded by his grief he would set himself apart. Yet she nodded in understanding. With time, he would heal, as she herself had. Raw memories would diminish beneath the business of daily living. Mayhap one day hence, he would find another maiden and new joy.

"Tell me of our children." Dafydd spoke hurriedly, apparently seeking a change of topic. "They are well?"

Wiping at her eyes, she smiled. "Both were in good health the day of my departure, though Robert was fretting over a new tooth."

Dafydd nodded with a delighted smile. "And tell me, what is happening with our little miss?"

At the thought of her younger offspring, Katherine's eyes were awash with tears once more. How she adored her children. 'Twas the first time she was parted from Constance Anne. Already six months of age, the precious babe had helped her to survive this arduous year. Both children, named for her slain family, had brought her untold happiness. Constance had inherited Sister Mary Margaret's eyes and fair complexion. Her hair was as bright and blazing as her father's golden locks. The child would possess great beauty and would, doubtless, break many a heart before she found her own true love.

Katherine gazed lovingly at her husband, knowing their daughter, young as she was, held his heart. The little miss could do no wrong. He cherished his family beyond aught else. Whenever he was home, he showered the children with attention. They, in turn, would not allow him out of their sight.

Dafydd lifted a questing brow and she hurried to appease his worry. "Constance displays your eagerness and Sister Mary Margaret's beauty."

"Does she have naught of her mother's grace?"

"A willful spirit, mayhap."

"Forsooth!" He chuckled. "That reminds me of the king and his new babe. The other day the Welsh complained at having to submit to an English monarch."

"Ah, they do not accept their yoke of servitude in silence." Slapping her mare's reins, she urged her lagging mount abreast to catch up with her husband's larger destrier. She could sympathize with the unfortunate Welsh. Had she not chafed beneath a yoke that once was heavy?

"You will appreciate this," Dafydd exclaimed, his eyes shining with antic.i.p.ation. "The king presented his son to them and claimed him to be a native of Wales-which he is-and if it pleased them, his first words would be of their language."

"A most judicious maneuver." She laughed, seeing a picture of indignant Welshmen in her mind. "And what transpired?"

Dafydd pursed his lips, fighting to control his mirth. "The chieftains had no choice but to swear fealty to the royal infant." When Katherine held her breath in amazement, he added, "I could not have faith of it had I not seen it with my own eyes. Edward hires a local woman for the nurse, ensuring the royal babe speaks Welsh before he speaks his father's tongue. Brilliant tactician."

They reached Caernarvon's Upper Ward, where Haughmond's troops were dismounting. Nearby, Sir William and Sister Mary Margaret chatted amiably.

Dafydd swept Katherine from her saddle. Amid spirited explanations of the building site, he pointed out the progress of the city wall with pride, as though he were in charge instead of Master James. Knowing 'twould please him, she bestowed solicitous consideration upon the progress of the town wall.

'Twas no hardship to please her husband. Joyed to be in his company, she laid her hand on his arm and drew a happy grin from him.

"Look there," he demanded, requiring her attention where a group of masons labored on the inner curtain wall. Unable to keep a proper distance, Katherine stepped closer and pressed his hand. She could not help but savor his touch.

Approaching them, Sir William cleared his throat. "If it pleases you, I would be honored to escort your mother to the sisters of St. Werburgh. I understand she is to be the Abbess's guest?"

Sister Mary Margaret expelled a loud sigh of relief, far too keen for Katherine's comfort. "Not a moment too soon do you champion me, sir, do you not agree?" She bestowed an arched gaze upon their clasped hands.

Biting her lip, Katherine released her husband's hand. They would think her l.u.s.tful, a wife who could not keep away from her husband.

Sir William guffawed and winked at the nun, causing Sister Mary Margaret to start in surprise. Tucking her hands within the long black sleeves of her habit, she hastened toward the hall. Deferential to the nun's place in society, he did not offer his arm, yet he hurried after her.

The knight's attentions might be considered hovering, if one pondered the matter. But Katherine, finding herself alone with her husband, could think of naught but Dafydd. She touched his arm once again, drawing from him a grin so like a callow youth about to embark on his first romantic encounter. Charmed by his delighted expression, her peal of laughter caught on the wind drifting in from the sea.

Dafydd's chuckle joined hers. Grabbing her hand, he whisked her off to the Eagle tower. Up the circular staircase they went, floor after floor. Everywhere, the pungent scent of freshly cut lumber permeated the air, including within the chamber prepared for her use. Struggling for breath, Katherine nigh collapsed upon the bedstead. And though spa.r.s.ely decorated, the small chamber was warm and cozy, with a beautiful red and gold tapestry adorning the far wall. Amazed, she stepped close to examine it.

"The queen thought a touch of cheer would be pleasing. She honors you," Dafydd commented catching his own breath.

She nodded with a smile. Frugal by necessity, Eleanor was a gracious hostess when it did not cost her greatly.

"Come hither, woman!"

At her husband's enticing voice, she turned and stared into his shining eyes. Unconcealed desire and palpable joy shone on his face. p.r.i.c.kles of pleasure tripped down her spine and another joyful laugh spilled from her lips. Unable to resist him she ran to him, melting against his st.u.r.dy frame. He swept her into his arms and whirled her about, kissing her until she begged for breath.

"Dearling, I have missed you," he murmured against her lips.

In the open doorway, someone dispensed a noisy cough.

Katherine's eyes flew open. A servant stood with one of her traveling chests within his meaty grip. Chagrined by the interruption, she tapped Dafydd on the shoulder.

He never turned, nor bothered to see who interrupted their tryst.

"Out!" His impatient bellow nigh shook the walls of the chamber.

Nonplussed, the man dropped the chest where he stood. As he backed into the corridor, he smiled, but at no one in particular.

Dafydd leaned across the chest and slammed the door shut, then leveled a bold look at her.

Patiently she shook her head. "What will people think of your impertinence?" she scolded, yet a laugh escaped her.

"The ladies will be jealous and the knights envious." Dafydd nodded his head sagely. "Come, my lady wife, be my squire once more. This armor grows heavy."

Stepping to him, gladly doing as he bid, Katherine untied each section and laid the pieces carefully upon a nearby table. She turned back to her husband, her eyes widening in surprise, for he had begun to remove his hauberk.

He waggled his brows at her. "What will people think, you wish to know? They will know you are well loved." He flung aside the leather garment.

Her smile fled as she realized his intent. "'Tis midday!"

He advanced on her wearing naught but a devilish smile and his chausses. Her twitter of pleasure filled the tiny room. He unclasped her cloak, letting it fall to the floor. He pulled the wimple from her head and sent it sailing across the room. Then he lifted her bliaud up over her frame.

"The whole court will snicker behind my back," she complained, yet she shrugged eagerly out of her chemise and let it fall past her naked hips while she entwined her fingers behind his neck. "I shall never be able to hold my head high."

Her husband peered down at her with a bemused frown. "Because I desire you?"

"Because I do not protest your attentions."

A wide grin split his features. "Why should you?" He lifted her to the bed. "Are the ladies of Edward's court as content?"

Happiness bubbled within her and she made no answer but savored her good fortune.

He stretched out beside her. Pressing his naked body to hers, he nuzzled her neck. "The new babe of the queen's is the eighth she's given the king. Do you realize already we have two children? My lady wife, you are a very accommodating woman."

She leveled an apologetic look upon him. "'Twas not always so."

With a tilt of his head, he pondered her reply. "I dare say, you mean when you thought yourself married to another?"

She brushed a lock of hair from his forehead and nodded. "I could not help loving you. But I feared eternal d.a.m.nation."

He tweaked her nose. "You decried your wifely duty most strenuously."

Katherine sighed. "Mon Dieu, 'twas but to delay the matter, not to outright deny your rights."

"My rights be d.a.m.ned." He reared up on an elbow and held her by the shoulders, pressing her into the mattress. "You kept me in torment from the want of you."

"I loved Rhys, not Dafydd."

His blue eyes bore into her. "And now?"

"I love everything about you, Dafydd Rhys de la Motte."

His breath caught behind clamped lips white with tension.

Shaken by his emotion, she took his face in her hands. Her trembling palms covered his lean cheeks while she searched his eyes. "Do not remind us of unpleasantries." She blinked back tears.

"I do not deserve you, Dearling."

She had never heard him so humbled. It wrenched her heart. But before she could rea.s.sure him, he continued in a rush.

"My lady wife, 'twas many a lie I told in pursuit of a vengeful scheme. I live each day, anon, with the intent of being a better man. Do I succeed?"

She stroked his cheek, so precious and dear. "Let no more untruths come betwixt us and no more mercy shall be needful."

"Aye, 'tis a worthy agreement. And while we design agreements, I must have your word." Dafydd gazed earnestly into her eyes. "Nevermore will you hold yourself away from me."

His voice, so stern while he brandished a purposeful finger beneath her nose, caused her mouth to go dry in sudden alarm. Yet her heart lurched at the uncensored vulnerability creasing his face. Realizing fear motivated his pa.s.sion, an overwhelming love burst within her. Reaching up, she drew his head to her and, kissing him soundly, pressed her naked thighs to his.

His sharp intake of breath s.n.a.t.c.hed the air from her mouth and his throbbing body strained along her length, yet he pulled back with a frown.

"What say you?"

She arched against his aroused body, burned for his touch, for his flesh. But Dafydd seemed more concerned in settling this matter within his mind. He stared into her eyes with an earnest intensity. From experience, she knew she must needs indulge him or she would not capture his complete attention.

She hungered for his complete attention.

"Nevermore," she all but panted against his neck. "I am a very accommodating woman, do you recall."

Her husband's eyes grew soft. "Oblige me once again. I would plant another child in your womb. Another daughter with your beauty would be a lasting joy."

She shook her head, her hair brushing against the linen sheet. "I fear I cannot meet your request."

The bright sparkle in his eyes dimmed noticeably.

His discomfort p.r.i.c.ked her conscience. 'Twas no time to tease. She leaned into him and whispered, "Do you recall what transpired on your last visit? The time we spent abed?" Her insinuation must have sent hot blood pulsing through his body, for his manhood moved against her hip, a stirring reminder of his weight upon hers, when, not so long agone he had leisurely made love to her. Thereto came the heady reminder of his delighted surprise when she had taken matters into her own hands and mounted him, pleasuring him in turn.

The scintillating memory proved irresistible. Flinging a leg overtop his hip, she repeated the maneuver, sliding atop him, her thick hair swishing betwixt them. With a growl of satisfaction, Dafydd brushed it from her face.

"I cannot oblige your request, my lord, for I suspect I already carry a new babe."

He laughed aloud then suddenly groaned, for she moved-just so. A downward shift of her hips and he slid into her aching core.

With another growl, he grasped her b.u.t.tocks. Holding her to him, he drove himself deep, bringing a moan of joy to her lips. Rolling, keeping her beneath him, he nuzzled a breast, giving the rosy nipple leisurely attention with his tongue. "How very much I cherish you," he murmured, leaving a trail of kisses up her neck. "How very much I cherish my beautiful and gracious lord of Haughmond."

Here is another wonderful story by KC Helms.

Secrets of a Seduction.

By KC Helms.

"You must seduce him, dearest."

The youngest daughter of old money and society's darling, Elizabeth's friend, Pauline Conrad, never minced words. Outrageous comments flowed from her without concern and without censure.

But for once, Elizabeth feared her friend had gone too far. Shocked by the suggestion, she sputtered into her teacup, barely managing to get the imported English brew down her throat and not all over the lace bodice of her blue visiting dress. The walls of Pauline's splendorous parlor wobbled out of focus. She thrust the cup back on its saucer with a sharp click and stared in astonishment at her friend.