A King, And No King - A King, and No King Part 67

A King, and No King Part 67


Sir, _Tigranes_ is comming though he made it strange To see the Princesse any more.


The Queene,

_Enter Tig. and Spa_.

Thou meanest: O my Tigranes pardon me, Tread on my necke I freely offer it, And if thou beest so given; take revenge, For I have injur'd thee.


No, I forgive, And rejoice more that you have found repentance, Then I my libertie.


Maist thou be happie In thy faire choice; for thou art temperate: You owe no ransome to the state, know that; I have a thousand joyes to tell you of, Which yet I dare not utter, till I pay My thankes to Heaven for um: will you goe With me, and helpe me; pray you doe.


I will.


Take then your faire one with you and your Queene Of goodnesse, and of us; O give me leave To take your arme in mine: Come every one That takes delight in goodnesse, helpe to sing Loude thankes for me, that I am prov'd no King.